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Posts posted by contraildash

  1. I love how I am required to carry all my pubs on a USB memory stick that is absolutely useless to me in the A/C. Most guys have already put our pubs on smart phones or iPads.

    I can see the benefit to having plates/charts on these things, but to me it'd only be useful if I can have all the volumes preloaded. They'd have to allow us access to the network with them to update/download/ect. I don't see that happening yet.

    The way of the future...sure. Now? Not quite yet.

  2. Keep those contacts, kick ass in UPT, get a fighter, go to Weapons School, hope Denver survives any BRACs between now and then, and maybe you'll have a chance.

    I've interviewed with them, that's one of the hardest units to get into if you aren't the son of somebody or prior enlisted with them.

    "Who want's to fly Vipers in Colorado and be a ski bum????"

    You, me, and like 10,000 other people.

    Good luck.

  3. I've been a member since I started driving - thanks pops!

    USAA has had an awesome and very intimate relationship with my car.

    -They gave me a great loan (one more payment!!)

    -Transmission cooling line failed (was damaged when I had the timing belt replaced) when about 50 miles north of Dallas: USAA towed it over 40 miles.

    -Headgasket failed: USAA towed car to the nearest qualified repair shop. It was in Norman, I was in Enid: 120 miles.

    -I've gotten a few jumps, one rental car (hit a curb in the snow), and they have been johnny on the spot with their customer service.

    The only time they haven't hooked me up was when the mechanics here broke my steering knuckle while doing my brakes. They said the shop was responsible for covering the rental, and then proceeded to talk to the shop for me. So while they didn't cover the rental, they still helped me out.

  4. I don't know if I should put this on history Friday or here, but looking at the picture on this link of a RAF Lightning final moments before impact in a present tense and if I was there it would have been WTF. Also the pictures on this flickr link are quite interesting if you like aviation history.

    (admitted airplane dork here)

    I recently picked up an issue of Aviation Classics recently that was all about the English Electric Lightning. Awesome read, and it has the story of the image you posted. Fortunately they publish their magazines digitally as well:

    Issue 5 - English Electric Lightning: Eject! Eject!

    "...Jim lived next door to de Havilland test pilot Bob Sowray in Hatfield, Hertfordshire, and on this day both of their wives had gone clothes shopping in London. Bob had mentioned that he was due to fly a Lightning that day, and later Jim’s children asked if they could go to watch the flight. Although Jim was a photographer, he wouldn’t usually take his camera on an outing like this. However, on this occasion he decided he would get a picture of his neighbour flying. The camera he took had just two exposures on it."

  5. Best entrance ever. Watching a marathon now and they just cracked on the Italians and Germans in the span of a few minutes.

    I think all of the seasons are on Netflix instant watch. Been hitting them up. Haven't seen the US version, don't really care to.

  6. Never mind the many other nationalities they crack on...the Germans, the French, the Belgians, and did I mention the Germans?

    Love that show. Especially loved how they showed up when they challenged the Germans.

  7. Shit, it's bad enough that for the first time in Super Bowl history there will be no cheerleaders.

    The only good part...they perform before the kickoff.

    "Super Bowl XLV will be televised on FOX Feb. 6, with kickoff scheduled for 6:25 p.m. ET. Tops In Blue will perform shortly after 6 p.m."

    I think I'll tune in at 6:24.

  8. Just finished my test this morning. There were 8 of us, with 4 AD counters, and 3 FACers to supervise. All in all it was much better than the first time I tested under the new standards back in Sept. The FACers were rather fair in their supervision of the test, long gone were the PT gestapo types. I was corrected a few times, but it was for small stuff, and I only had two pushups not counted.

    The new 'target points' were a joke. Everyone was cracking up about them, as we all still had to jump around the chart to figure out our required scores as we went along. I just used them as a baseline: if I'm doing better than these, then I don't have to worry.

    My only realy complaint: running indoors. 23 laps, 96 turns. I ran two practice PFTs outside in the past week, and even in sub freezing temps and snow I was running in the 10:30-10:45 range. Today my run time was 13:07. Painful, you just couldn't keep speed around the corners even if you were doing it race car style hitting the apex. I don't see how they think you can run a 1.5 around a basketball court and not loose time.

    In the fall I had a component failure, but still scored an 85. Today I increased my situps, pushups, and waist, but scored in the 70's because of my run. Had I run my usual time, I would have had a score in the mid-to-high 80's.

    Per the new memo, we had to run inside. Temps were below freezing and it was "snaining" outside. Not that I would have run outside, snow isn't a big deal to me. Freezing rain/whatever is.

    Out of the 8 of us, I was the third to finish. I'm pretty sure only one or two other guys made the 14:00 cut (I think that's the limit). So your point about people being on the verge is spot on. I already started to spread the word around my SQ.

  9. Found the memo: HERE

    I found my answer on the points: nothing has changed. All they did was 'highlight" one possible combination to get 75 points. You still need to meet the minimum AND score a 75. If you don't get the min, then you still fail and now get zero points.

    Seems like they got tired of hearing "yeah I failed but still scored a 88."

    26. Overall, scoring did not change, but several changes were made to the FA scoring charts for clarity: This guidance supersedes guidelines/charts established in AFI 36-2905 (dated 1 July 10), Attachment 14.

    a. Scores below the required minimum component values now read zero.

    b. "Targets" in each component are now provided. These targets are designed to illustrate a combination of component scores which would equal an overall 75 composite score. These targets are highlighted via a “#” symbol and dotted underline. The overall passing score of 75 may be obtained in many component score variations.

    c. Airmen failing to meet a Target Component Value, but still scoring at or above the Minimum Component Value (lowest "fitness/health risk" limit), can still pass the assessment by exceeding targets in other components.

  10. So the article mentions how the minimums all add up to 75 points now. Did they adjust the points or adjust the minimum number to match this?

    Also, if the new min temp is 20 I better not get bitched at for wearing my UA thermals, gloves, and beanie. That's balls cold and we all know that our PT tracksuits (which are made from recycled coleman tents) don't do anything but add extra drag and noise. That's if you can even find one at the uniform shop that's not an extra small.

  11. So does that mean if your reflective belt is in your pocket, you're good?

    My take on this: who exactly is "their person"? Can I have one dude carry all our reflective belts?

    Chief: "hey were is your RB?"

    us: "on my person....he (point at dude with all the RBs) is my person"

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