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Posts posted by Lawman

  1. The Hawk is and should be the last pure medium lift (medium being generous) that we operate. The driving force behind hat design was to carry an 11 man infantry squad within the confines of the combined arms model.... An Army model based on linear warfare. That means the thing is only designed to work within 30K of the FLOT.

    That's where these constant make it do more ideas are fucking us, and you guys specifically. Even the SOAR guys have realized the 60 is really just a short range platform. The ranges you can expect an OCA/DCA mission to go down its just insane that all we have to go with is a heavier, fatter, heavily armed 60. Jump FARPs and Air refuel theoretically extend that range but we haven't really don't anything different with the model of what your bringing to the fight. Either you need a huge package of aircraft to put any effective ground force on the dirt or you need a shit load of escort to keep those handful of super medic/snake eaters from being over run trying to defend the isolated personnel.

    FVL is coming... But it's at least a decade out if we start today. The Army isn't even defining the requirement till 2019 with an expected implementation around 2025 (not holding my breath). Hell we aren't even going to be done buying E model Apaches and M model Hawks until something like 2022 according to the current plan.

  2. I'll put that on the board as the objective the next time we go to war. Be just good enough for the ground commander. I'm sure they'll dig it.

    The ground force commander doesn't understand anything aviation that the BAE cell doesn't feed him through AGI power point and the occasional steaming shit laid in a briefing by what is typically a CW5 with nothing to lose and enough experience nobody questions it.

    Seriously I'm saying that as an Army Aviator. Nobody is going to care what is dropping bombs. We care that bombs are being dropped. Just like it was never a question of whether they had 58s or 64s assigned as their time blocked teams despite the shortcomings in sensors, ordnance, and station time with the 58. Nobody is gonna stop the show because the CAS came back as F-16 assigned even though your Assistant S3 specifically put in 30mm forward firing on the CAS request to game the system and get Hawgs. The mission will go on. We did CAS (real no shit non OEF CAS) Before the Hawg, during the Hawg with other airplanes, and will someday do it after the Hawg has been put out to pasture.

    Honestly you guys should be jumping at getting into a new airplane like the F-35 before all the "other guys." Build that culture from the ground up day 1 with your experience so that CAS doesn't become problem number 53 to solve later ... Someday... On short notice because we put it off so long learning X, Y, & Z.

    • Upvote 9
  3. I still want to hear about the rest (most) of the war when stealth has done its job, most IADs are down and troops need CAS, who will operate in that niche where AAA/MP are the threat? Tell me the aircraft designed to operate in a high AAA/MP threat environment. I wonder how the F-35 does against barrage fire?

    So we get rid of the programs like F-35... And get nothing in return because canceling the program won't net any quantifiable amount after all the fees and everything else are paid out.

    And then we can spend hours talking about how great it will be to have Hawgs fighting the Armor in some rough and nasty brawl ala desert storm.... just as soon as we launch another billion dollars worth of TLAMs and lose another dozen legacy platforms trying to kick down that first 3 day IADS.

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  4. Yeah not so much. If you think all Sandy 1 provides is Rescort you're wrong. As much as I'd like to see a new CSAR helo, I sure as shit don't want to execute in a contested environment without Sandys.

    Again, you can teach other planes to fly as Sandy. Build a syllabus to train to and do it. The only reason for the commitment to the Hawg doing it is it's the only aircraft that has been doing it.

    You can't teach/make a Hawk to fly higher and hotter or further, or stick any more mission equipment on it without making it even more of a pig. Even the whole Mike model buy your getting into is a half way measure.

  5. Exactly! You will crack the code when you stop thinking mil strategy and start thinking politics.

    And you think the forceful fighting in congress over keeping he A-10 around has anything to with combat effectiveness, OR/sortie rates, CEP, or any other metric we would use?

    This is about votes and jobs. Congress doesn't care what the airplane does. If we could force them to chose between a hypocritical A-10 vs Light Grey Eagles retirement the first question wouldn't be "how many planes can do the Eagles job." It would be how many bases and jobs will close if we divest the 15 mission to Multirole Vipers and the Raptor.

  6. Agreed.

    The most effective argument for mothballing the A-10, IMO, would be "Our strategic threat assessment and a war-weary political environment do not foresee the US participating in any major, protracted ground wars in the next decade. Considering the fiscal environment and capabilities of other platforms, at this time we are willing to accept a CAS and CSAR capability gap and recommend retiring the A-10. Additionally, we request funds to explore a dedicated CAS replacement" (or something along those lines).

    Up front, honest, and most importantly, an argument that's marketable to Congress and Big Green. The Air Force's biggest hurdle in retiring the Hog has been getting anyone to buy their pitch. People understand that we're approaching significant fiscal austerity. The way the Air Force is going about it projects that they're poo-pooing CAS, which upsets a lot of powerful folks and makes the fight personal.

    Isn't there anyone with a marketing degree or MBA up at HAF?!

    Your CSAR argument is kinda moot though. CSAR is far more limited by he fact you are still using old worn out G model Hawks than what's running the RESCOURT package.

    The problem is the Air Force is trying to divest a heavily guard integrated Airplane. Same problem is happening in the Army with Apache. Nobody cares we are retiring the Kiowa what matters is we are taking away guard jobs moving Apache and there for voters are mad. I think that's why you didn't see anywhere near the screaming on the hill when the Navy retired Intruder or Tomcat or the AF retired the F-111. There wasn't a large angry population of Guard guys and all the other jobs attached that vote for their respective districts.

    • Upvote 2
  7. TIB may be a total waste, but what the hell does a "Protocol Officer" do? My OTS commander was one and when he tried to explain the importance of his job to the flight, I smirked. He hated me the rest of the time I was there.

    Wasn't that the Political bureau guy the Russians used to put in military units to make sure nobody said anything mean about Stalin. That's sure as hell what it sounds like.

  8. I went to Flight School with a few Utah/Arizona guard guys at do Border Patrol as their civ job. From what hey describe talking about being on an island.

    Think two dudes in a blazer or Tahoe driving around with just enough Ammo to start a fight and being sometimes hours from anyone that could be considered friendly. Dudes talked about rolling across groups of armed individuals at night and just letting it go because starting that fight was a guaranteed lose for them.

  9. I know it varies by base, but many have www.gmail.com blocked, but mail.google.com is not.

    You know, because I'm sure Google is less secure than our cracker jack assembly of 1990s-era websites.

    Remembers in the 90s when people were making awful websites on Geocities and Tripod....

    Those people work for the DOD now. Which is why it takes 9 months to get a SIPR token in he Army.

  10. My unit had a rash of Loads who went through all of the Load training then couldn't make it past SERE so they started sending them all to SERE first. I guess it all depends on the unit. I've seen it happen both ways and it mainly depended on the availability of the school and the member's availability/job situation, etc.

    Weird, the Army is working on the opposite idea. They got tired of people cheese dicking it through the C course after spending money on basic and advanced aircraft training and having to either boot them or give them a pass.

    But our SERE course is also at Ft Rucker so no TDY just 3 weeks in a sequestered barracks with no phone and occasional trips to the "woods."

  11. I don't think you've got to much to worry about being the only service sitting in front of congress looking foolish when it comes to acquisitions.

    Everybody has their big pile of fail to fall on. Navy has the LCS debacle. Army has ######ed up Comanche and the future ground combat vehicle not to mention Crusader. Marines have the expeditionary fighting vehicle and it's gonna take 30 years to pay off the Osprey Karma no matter how well the thing performs now.

    We as a military are ######ed when it comes to getting new stuff, just uniforms are a bridge too far now days. Billion dollar development programs are just a bigger circus of fail.

  12. I legitimately enjoyed Pacific Rim. Not necessarily for the in depth plot but it was a great action movie

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Ron Pearlman and Charlie Day made that movie for me.

    • Upvote 1
  13. One more going I was thinking about, watch your bill vigilantly.

    Every so often some scam will come around and they've been known to go dipping into weird fees and scams on Servicemen with contracts.

    The big one that went through a couple years ago they were selling your info to 3rd parties outside of Germany and those parties were sending you adds via text... Telekom was then fining you for whatever didn't count as free in their contract. It took JAG action to get the notification to knock that shit off for a few of our guys.

  14. Hello all. Now my turn to ask a question. For those around Ramstein, what are some of the best options for cell phone plans. We have iPhone 4s and will get unblocked before moving. Will those work?

    Don't have an issue with getting new phones provided the service is good and priced right.

    And while I'm at it, what are the best options for high speed internet?



    There are literally 2 phone company's to get a cell phone through in German, T mobile.... And whoever the hell else the other one was because nobody had it. Euro cell phone policies are stuck in e early 90s states phase where somehow the whole of Europe is one big batch of roaming zones by country borders. Sucks ass when you take leave and go to say Italy because you either shit off your phone and do it old school with a map and a guidebook, or pay ridiculous fees. Know some guys who forgot to turn off before crossing borders or making drunk calls... Cost serious cash like hundreds of dollars.

    I wouldn't worry on unlocking your old phones, whatever TKS store on post is selling phones hey will have a contract special on either the new hotness iPhone or droid for as cheap as buying the SIM card to work on the euro grid. You can do internet through TKS as well, makes bills easier. One thing you will need to do is set up with the on post bank because Germans want an in country bank to set up payments from.

    Internet is interesting dependent on village. A lot of smaller villages have limited port numbers for their population so it's not nearly as fast as it should be in the 21st century. Then again you'll also find lots of dead spots for cell service the same way. 4g is non existent and lots of areas just drop out especially on the train to either low 3G or Edge which is butt ass slow.

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