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Phil Ken Sebben

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Posts posted by Phil Ken Sebben

  1. Apparently "please don't call my wife" means "it's cool to describe this to the news". Nice of the guy to try and help, but WTF? It lookded like he "had parachuted into the plane’s “fireball” and appeared to be severely burned". GEEZE Thanksfully both guys survived, hope the IP recovers.

  2. Wow, a seperated double post... that's gotta be new. But ditto on what Bone Co said. A buddy of mine was enlisted Army and is now an LT in AFSOC. He loves it and AFSOC is about as far away from Big Blue as you can get stateside, from what I've been told anyway.

  3. Since the main driving factor from the powers that be seems to revolve around "more economical, and distinctive", wrap your minds around this. Every other service is changing from the woodland style... everyone in the Air Force has at least 1 or 2 sets of the current style... anybody else pursing this line of thought? I know it all goes back to OPR bullets and such, but give me a break. Shouldn't we spend our money on upgrading our aircraft rather than our uniforms? (My first post as an LT )

  4. 4 days. Day 1 you get to San Antonio airport and chill in the USO lounge waiting for the rest of your group if you're like me. Then you check into your room that night and roam around base. Day 2 and 3 are very busy with your physical. At the end of day 2 your group will usually venture downtown to the river walk. Be sure to check out the Mad Dog Pub and say hello to the girls for me. Day 4 is either medical re-checks and/or chest x-ray and then going home. Be sure to take sweats with you as the waiting room is very chilly. Any more questions, PM me and I'll be glad to fill you in.

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