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Posts posted by PropWash

  1. FWIW, there are several former FAIPS/IPs in the squadron I'm casual at and universally their advice has been this:

    Probably a good idea to know Boldface / Ops Limits, other than that don't worry about it. Relax and have a :beer: you'll have plenty of time to know that stuff once you get there.

    My good friend who is finishing up the C17 B-course told me the same.

  2. Anybody catch The Daily Show last night? They ran a piece mocking these lunatics. [Video Link] Best line from the clip:

    Crazy Code Pink skank: "It's very important to protect free speech, so clearly we have the right to be here."

    Daily Show correspondent: "If only there were an organization that was sworn to defend that free speech!"

    Crazy Code Pink skank: "Wouldn't that be great?"

    Here's another gem:

    Numb nuts Berkely hippie: "Wars and violence on our streets would stop if we didn't have weapons"

    Daily Show correspondent: "So if we got rid of police we wouldn't have crime?"

    Numb nuts Berkely hippie: "Potentially"

    I love the look on Riggle's face when that woman interrupts at the end of the video... He really looks like he could crown her with the mic.

    Coincidentally there was a write-up about Rob Riggle on the back of the most recent USAA magazine I got. Apparently he wasn't just a Marine but a Helo pilot, he does a lot of USO stuff now, seems like a pretty solid guy.

    He is also a United States Marine Corps officer. He served in Liberia, Kosovo and Afghanistan. He has over 19 medals and ribbons as a result of his service, to include the Combat Action Ribbon. He is currently a Major in the Marine Corps Reserves.

    Full Bio here

  3. To touch on this same type subject, I just had some knee surgery and am scheduled to go to Brooks this Nov. While I don't have any hardware in my knee except a small metal... loop for lack of a better word, holding my new ACL in place (very common) I am going to be fresh off recovery come Nov. Should I probably get a letter from the surgeon before going?

  4. So, about a month ago I hurt my left knee at PT. I went to a local urgent care center, they x-rayed it and said no worries its a bad sprain.

    I just got back from an orhopeodist. Apparently I have what they call an osteochodral defect, which is basically a big (roughly marble sized?) piece of bone has chipped away from the end of my femur at the knee. I'm getting an MRI this Friday which will most likely be followed by surgery (not the orthoscopic variety) to screw said chip back in.

    I just got picked up for a pilot slot 2 weeks ago... give me good news doc.

  5. I always saw people trying to visualize where to put their flight so that they had the MAXIMUM possible room to maneuver. I would say that about 50% of the time, they didnt think something through and ended up stuck in a corner.

    I ALWAYS put my flight dead center in the pad. You should have room to maneuver efficiently from the center of the pad no matter which card you get. And don't rely on memorizing anything, bad advice IMO.

    IDE's may be dumb and pointless and yadda yadda yadda, but its one of the few oppurtunities where you and your flightmates are all given the exact same oppurtunity to excel or fail. I would get as good at drill as possible before you go.

    I got a 98 on my IDE (-2 pts for flight dress) and my FTO looked at me differently from there on out (in a good way, plus it got me an outstanding on my report).

  6. OK. I'm something of a noob when it comes to this so forgive my ignorance. Is there any way to accumulate flight hours without having a PPL (or any other special license/experience)? I don't think I'm going to be getting a PPL due to cost, but if I could somehow get some hours under my belt to suppliment my PCSM score, that would be great. I've not taken the BAT test yet but I did, what my ROTC CC says, is well on the AFOQT (P-84, N-87, A-85, V-87, Q-76). Anyways, any information you fellas have will be greatly appreciated.

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