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Posts posted by zrooster99

  1. Did you fly your weapons system through some "bad weather". Moderate to severe turbulence? How many drips per minute?

    Just make sure that if her "weapon system" is dripping "hydraulic fluid" out of her "receptical" you abort the mission. I'm pretty sure the MEL states that if THAT system is "red" home station "launch" is prohibited.

  2. some dudes have literally never met each other after more than 1 year in the sq because of rapid growth and/or opposite deployment cycles, the boss isn't exactly out there leading a roll call to make it mandatory

    Well, I haven't figured out who you are yet, but I think I know which SQ you're in now. Looks like we'll get the chance to have that beer after all...

  3. I can say that we raise some serious hell at the Barkatraz every friday

    I don't know about your SQs, but I can vouch for that at Hanger 2 (or whatever it's called). Hell, I was a maintainer at the time, and still went every Friday and got fucked-up, sang, cussed, and (at a minimum) got the Vice's attention...he even pulled me off the stage a few times.

    I'm pretty disappointed in my current SQ bar. I tried a few times to get people to have a drink on Friday (there's always a Keg on tap) and it was like pulling teeth. I think most of the ones that would have a drink were kicking it up in Seattle or on missions... Might be different now, I haven't been back there in a while.

    By the way, this is the best thread we've had in a while. I'd much rather bullshit about the state of the SQ bar then see yet another thread where people are having a pissing contest about politics. Lets have more threads about flying, fighting, drinking, fucking and maybe guns...cars and bikes are good too...

  4. the personnel at finance were entirely disinterested in solving the problem. Some even had the gall to suggest that you go without a portion of your pay for the entire tour because it was easier to do this than correct the records.

    That sounds familiar...I guess some things never change.

  5. Sure it's nice getting to jump to the front of the line, getting some hook-ups on food/drinks at times, and getting thanked for your service--but there's something to be said for being comfortable on a flight. On the rotator no one really cares when people take their boots and ACU/ABU blouses off, but I don't think that would portray the best image on a civilian flight.

    I'll take being anonymous and comfortable any day. I changed in BWI last year when I got off the rotator and I'll do it this time too...in about 3 weeks, in fact!

  6. I see what you're saying. I didn't mean to imply that I straight up break AFIs when I feel like it.

    I just meant that - to me - meeting the intent of the AFI is sometimes more important than the letter of the AFI. There's a reason why Officers are paid so much money and given so much responsibility. Occasionally we're expected to use our judgment and decide what is ultimately the best course of action to follow.

    Shack. We, as officers, need to be able to exercise judgment and not just blindly follow the regs. That's one difference between an officer and an NCO, supposedly. The problem is that some NCO's don't understand that there's a difference. It is an NCO's place to ADVISE an officer on a COA. If the officer chooses to ignore the NCO's ADVICE then it's his ass.

    Napoleon, I'm not trying to take a shot at you or start a flame war, but just illustrate a point: Have you ever walked up to an intersection late a night, with no traffic, and crossed against the signal? Was it against the law? Yes. Was it good judgment? I would argue, also, yes. You could have stood there for 10 minutes waiting for the light to change, obeyed the law, and been safe. But, to what end. We as officers are paid to THINK.

    I'm not saying we should ignore AFIs, but there's a difference between not wearing your reflective belt and not following -1 guidance that could be dangerous. This bullshit of "if you can't follow the simple regs. how can I trust you to do the important stuff" is the same as a bullshit moral equivalency argument.

    Then you have the people that say, "well, you're setting a bad example for the troops". Sorry, I've got to throw the bullshit flag on that one too. A good NCO can explain to the troops that an officer is paid to exercise judgment. An A1C is not paid to do so, or is to a lesser degree. That's why the consequences for failure are higher for officers. Furthermore, I learned from my maintenance days, that a lot of the troops recognize and appreciate it when you take a stand against bullshit queep. The inability to think critically on the part of SOME NCOs is not a good reason to relieve me of my ability to exercise judgment as an officer.

  7. There must be, because they have posted on every door "Please remove all headgear and sungless in accordance with blah blah blah". Never paused long enough to actually read what they cite, but I imagine it's one more addition to the AUAB uniform reg. I'm probably repeating myself, but I completely fail to see how having a supplemental regulation for a deployed location that is thicker than the damned parent reg is in any way, shape, or form helping to generate sorties, improve morale, or have any kind of positive effect whatsoever on the mission.

    OK. Might be an OTBH specific thing, then. I've been doing it for years (for short distances) when I have my hands full. Fortunately, I've only had a couple 1 or 2 night RONs at the Deid so far.

  8. Does the OTBH Sup prohibit wearing sunglasses indoors? I took a quick look at the parent AFI and it doesn't seem to mention this.

    If you're asking if it's prohibited to wear them over your eyes like you normally would outside in the sun, I don't think there's any prohibition.

  9. I see them more as a guideline where my job is to meet the intent. As long as I'm meeting the intent, we can take methods to make everyone's life a little easier.

    Short story: Back at my previous base, I worked Log Plans and frequently worked with the IDO (from the host unit). By our regs, pax had to be held in a sterile environment to ensure personal accountability. Because of this, the IDO would never let people leave the processing line to get food. Despite the fact that we had a processing line at least once a month cause we always went TDY (on our own planes, mind you). The intent of the AFI is to ensure personal accountability...since we own the planes, they aren't going anywhere w/o the pax!!! My take on it was that if you're late cause you got food, you can explain to the O5 msn/cc why you made him and his own plane take off late. But the host unit LTs never saw it that way and we constantly argued about it. Ugh....so glad I don't work with tool bags like that anymore. They would rather inconvenience several chalks of pax and make them sit in a warehouse with no food than slightly bend the AFI while still meeting intent.

    I was fortunate in that several ops guys got to me early on and I always did w/e I could to make their lives easier, as well as the lives of the troops easier. Shockingly enough, I got along well with the ops guys and everyone wanted to punch the hard ass LTs in the face...

    Funny how an assignment in AFSOC will do that. I was a maintainer in AFSOC and it definitely had a positive influence on my attitude toward mission accomplishment. That's one big reason why I have little patience for this reflective belt and shirt tucking silliness and why I've been trying to get back to the command since I became a flier.

  10. Carry on" is ridiculous; hell, I don't ever recall ever muttering that anytime in my 25 years in uniform. It is too Army/Marine Corps...

    I only say it when I'm deliberately trying to piss someone off. That is, I'm being dismissive because they're being an ass...

  11. it's not just supersonic aircraft-- it's pretty much all LARGE aircraft. AFIK, all airliners use the entire horizontal stab for trim, as do most private jets. It's a matter that it simply takes too much force to trim a big airplane using the elevator surface alone.

    I think zos is talking about a stabilator vs. stab trim which is what you're talking about.

  12. I was reading on Wikipedia that "In some aircraft models (mostly jets), the entire horizontal stabilizer rotates and functions as an elevator". Having flown nothing but C172s, I wasn't aware of that. So in larger aircraft there are no elevators per say, just the entire horizontal stabilizer acting as an elevator?

    You ever flown a Cherokee?

    The buff and the tanker have the marks. I'm pretty sure the 17 doesn't...you wouldn't be able to see them if it did. Many large jets have a trimable stab and an elevater. The 17 has stab trim, elevator trim and (obviously) elevators. Pitch changes are made via the elevators. Our stab trim is just that, trim.

  13. Jarhead's right, the RB issue (along with all the other queepy issues like tucking shirts, types of socks, etc) has nothing to do with safety or even with real discipline. It has everything to do with egos and trying to prove who's in charge. One phrase that consistently pisses me off: etc...

    Others have already said it, but this is a great post and hits the nail squarely on the head. Sometimes I second guess myself because I don't think like "them", then I realize that's exactly what I want.

  14. Acquisition officers typically don't deploy...especially at her level. Some Lts are going down range, but AFMC is actually somewhat smart about arguing that these people, for the most part, serve no usefull purpose down-range. That's alot more than can be said for most of the dudes stuck at the CAOC. There is a fate worse than combat for an Acq Officer...that fate is Defense Acquisition University classes and continually required Career Learning Points on top of all the other crap that everyone else in the AF has to do. The grass isn't neccessarily greener for Acq Officers....

    You ever upgrade to AC, IP or EP and then work to maintain that knowledge base... You ever read a 1700 page dash 1? That takes a lot of continuous study "on top of all the other crap that everyone else in the AF has to do" AND you still get to deploy.

    I'm not trying to start a pissing contest here, it's just that having to go back to school is not that bad of a fate and it's definitely not worse than having to deploy all the time.

    There are plenty of positions that any AFSC could fill in the AOR and acquisitions could help take some of the load off the rest of us by helping to fill them.

    Edit: for clarity

  15. What, if anything, will be left of Britain when they are done?

    There was once a great and glorious country called Britain. None could destroy it from without. Then, they tried to destroy it from within: They taxed the people relentlessly, destroyed the justice system, flooded the country with immigrants, stifled criticism and dissent, created a surveillance state, depleted the nation's defense capabilities, enacted Mickey Mouse laws that sapped the Nation's morale, made life intolerable for the British natives so that they migrated in droves, placed Britain under European domination....I remember Britain when it was Britain.

    Do you remember Britain?

    As bfargin said, all this sounds familiar...it could be our fate too.

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