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Posts posted by Gravedigger

  1. The point is...if there's a pilot shortage that the AF is paying out huge money to fix, WHY ARE WE RIFFING PILOTS FRESH FROM TRAINING?

    The promotion rate to Captain for pilots this year was over 97%, and many of those not selected had major QFIs. Navs were 92%, which was the promotion rate AF-wide. Almost 50% of APZ Lts were selected this year, comapred to less than 2% last year. The reason was likely that a lot of those passed over last year were good dudes that just didn't have any OPRs. The biggest discriminators the past two years have been UIFs, failed ASBC (seriously), and failed initial skills training.

    As a side note, Space has done horribly the last two years (~85%). Mostly due to the fact that training and casual take forever, so many folks had 2 OPRs at the most. The Air Force didn't spend much money on the training, so space officers aren't nearly as valuableas their rated peers. Meanwhile, the mission support career fields are well above 95% promotion due to their numerous OPRs when meeting the board.

  2. Can't find an exact date, does anyone know if 24 Sep is still the date for ACSC v6.0 launch? What a PITA, still have two tests to go before Joint section. Maybe the Nellis ed office will let me test tomorrow and fri.

    If it's anything like SOS, there is a minimum waiting period between tests. I took the SOS tests cold, but had to wait 3-4 days between tests to allow time for the previous test results to be input into the system at Maxwell.

  3. I know that people who have given up on credit cards will always seem a little cooky to those that swear by them and take advantage of all of their little bennies/promos, just like you guys seem crazy for playing with the snakes that are credit card companies every month. We will all probably wind up in similar financial situations when it is all said and done. The difference is that I will never have owed any body anything when I get there.

    I just simply can't comprehend that line of thinking. Some company is offering to pay me several hundred dollars a year for paying one easy automatic monthly payment (from my debit account), without charging me interest, and somehow that's a bad deal?

    I understand the people that have no ability to control their spending, but I stick to a strict budget, and the money is going to be spent either way each month. You are actually decreasing your wealth by using a debit card.

    This is not some sort of gimick, for every $7,500 I spend I get a check for $100. When you spend $7,500 you get jack. There is no argument that could ever prove that $100 check is worse than $0 for the same money spent.

    • Upvote 1
  4. I honestly signed up for AMU thinking it would be a pay the fee get the degree program. I don't know if it was the vector math during orbital mechanics or writing a paper on the affect of microgravity on the subcutaneous veno-arteriolar reflex in humans...but I actaully worked quite hard for the degree and learned a ton! Also, the 65-page thesis was the most miserable thing I've ever done during my schooling.

  5. What does a "knowledge operations manager" do?

    At my base they basically have all of the shitty additional duties that nobody else in the OG wants to do. (Records management, forms and pubs, GPC, SVRO etc). They are also responsible for the OG sharepoint and all comm-related issues for the OG staff, which is their primary job. There are 4 SSgts assigned, although 1 or 2 are deployed at any given time. They work 12-hour days and receive zero praise. After talking to them, their jobs pretty much suck wherever they are assigned, and most of them try to cross-train.

    As a career field, they work in offices for O-6 and above folks doing basically anything that needs to be done, but primarily focusing on comm. If you have a GO in your office, you have knowledge ops.

  6. The guy had on Kevlar and had an AR-15. I realize Kevlar doesn't make you invincible but I'm not sure how much someone CC a 9 mil could have actually helped

    That and it is hard to get a clean shot off when you are choking on tear gas and the theater is dark and hysterical.

  7. Yes it is out of control. With Lts being eligible earlier, the push from leadership is to get it done earlier. Now the new course will be gouge-free (for a while) and take significantly longer than Course 20 and to top it off, in-res is supposed to be 100% now. And when you go in-res, you'll now waste 2 months of your life instead of a month.

    You can tell Lts they don't need to worry about these things now, but the sad truth is that they do. With so few discriminators at such an early point in your career, you can bet Sq/CC's are using this as a metric.

  8. I'm guessing he has read that the new correspondence course is going to suck and he wants to knock this out while he has down time. With the Capt boards now, you could potentially be eligible for the course over a year before you pin on Capt.

    To answer your question, you must be a Capt select to enroll in SOS-C. That could be anywhere between 4 months to a year and 2 months before you pin on.

  9. When I was an exec I was told by a Lt Gen that SOS DG was particularly important because the demographics of your SOS class mimic the demographics of the Air Force fairly closely. If you can stand out amongst your peers there and be the "inspiring leader" of your flight, you can probably do the same thing in your Sq, OG, WG, NAF etc. He was not naive to the fact that many great officers don't give a shit about SOS and therefore self-eliminate from DG contention.

    As for non-flyers knowing about WIC. Keep in mind that not all patches are aircrew, and the majority of O-6s in the Air Force come from the Ops community, to include Space, Cyber, ICBM and Intel, all of which have WICs.

    The only thing I would add to Chuck's list is the sample size matters, but strats really need to be from your peer group to mean anything. For example, I have seen numerous OPRs for Captains that say #X of XX CGOs. It's better than nothing, but how many of those CGOs were 2d Lts? I saw a Lt Col OPR with the strat "My #3 of 70 officers". Seriously? In some cases, it comes down to the rater just not understanding how to strat. I looked at an OPR for a Capt that said #2 of 37 CGOs. I asked the rater how many of the CGOs were Captains, and it was 28. #2 of 28 Captains is MUCH stronger than #2 of 37 CGOs.

  10. For motorcyclists, particularly in states with short riding seasons, the warm weather and long days of the summer lend way to a massive flux in the number of bikes on the road. I think the rise in accidents/deaths directly correlates to that increased number of bikes. Additionally, I see a lot less PPE being worn during the summer because of the heat, and riding is more enjoyable in warm weather so people tend to "cruise" and drive less defensively than in the colder months when the goal is just getting from Point A to Point B.

    Bottom line is there are always going to be motorcycle deaths that cannot be prevented, but the majority of accidents could have been avoided. Ride safe.

    By the way, gearpig the KTM950 is a badass bike, I really want a KTM. I'm a fellow dual-sport rider (Suzuki DRZ400S).

  11. EDW is getting strict on backpacks. Anybody know a reflective, high-vis backpack other than the Icon Squad II with its ridiculous integrated vest?

    They don't allow a reflective belt wrapped around the backpack? Is it a new wing commander policy or a new interpretation of the regs?

  12. Very professional and humble guy, which is pretty much unheard of in the NBA. I wish him the best.


    "I know how to be a professional, I'm disciplined and I'm going to work hard," James added. "I know how to be part of a team. I fill my role for the greater good of the group. I see the big picture. A lot of guys don't really have a grasp on that. They're only thinking about themselves and their game, rather than thinking about the big picture and the team. A lot of people are bred and trained from childhood to make it to this level, but I've had an entire life before this. Basketball came later on for me."
  13. Cavalier AFS, ND. One year unaccompanied, two years accompanied. One of the three space bases that isn't awesome (Clear, Cavalier and Thule).


    As far as career fields go, space has some pretty great spots, in no particular order:


    England (Fylindales and Mildenhall)

    Cape Cod


    Hawaii (Maui and Hickam)









    Cape Canaveral






    Holloman (awesome mission makes up for mediocre locale)

    Oh yeah, and the relevance to this thread...we are supposed to be getting several SpaceLO billets to Cannon...

  14. The Braves have won 3 World Series

    The Atlanta Braves have won one world series...in fact it's the only championship win Atlanta has from any of the major sports teams (I don't count the Knights IHL win). Very surprising when you think about how good the Braves were in the 90's and the Falcons and Hawks having great teams at various times in history.

    And Henry Aaron will always be the king.

  15. I get to my first assignment and am promptly cut off from the entire space community at a geographically separated unit, like the vast majority of my and other wings. No Flags, no higher education unless you claw for it, and a four year tour doing something of questionable relevance to the last twenty years of war. If I stepped on Schriever for a little while and tried to shoot the shit with my 'peers' in Space, the disjunct between their ops world and mine would be difficult to bridge, what little information we could exchange for security or understanding reasons.

    Fuckin A, ain't that the truth. I take it you're a SWS or SPCS dude? And you won't be able to have children following this assignment?

    So, foul on the 13S guys for not being able to know ourselves enough to have that community. Without community, you can't build a heritage, for ourselves or as a part of the larger Air Force.

    Well said

    the only parts of our work that most people see, to include many of us "on the inside", are the parts we hate the most. It's epidemic of the AF as a whole, but seemingly all the worse in our little part of the force.

    One of the positives about the Springs...the CGOC is not frequented...by anyone. I've also never seen a person wearing a reflective belt at Schriever, Pete or the Mountain.

    Space has a future, both in mission and community.


    Don't mean to step on your toes, man, but we've got to work on ourselves before anything else gets better. Unappreciated? Maybe. Sometimes.

    You've said it all very well, and I wholeheartedly agree with working on ourselves. Personally, I think that cutting the last of the ties with missiles would be a big step in the right direction. Not sure what your experiences have been, but in the sat C2 world it's a pretty big issue. What do you do with a Captain that knows absolutely nothing about space? You either put them on crew sitting next to an A1C or you make them a mission commander. Meanwhile, the Lts that have been doing the mission for 3 years and are the system experts can't upgrade or take on leadership roles because of the constant influx of new missileers. Some of our units have tried to counter this problem, but that only ends up screwing the missile Capts who are then working for a senior Lt/junior Capt.

    Anyways, not to get on another rant...it's nice to know there's another space dude lurking around! :salut:

  16. Dudes, I don't believe my job is better or more worthwhile than anyone elses. I was just throwing some shit BQZip's way because he seems particularly emotional about this subject. I sincerely respect aircrew for what they do on a daily basis (pilot, nav, enlisted.....even ABMs), I also have tremendous respect for the maintainers that keep shit working, and most importantly the dudes on the ground that live with real fear and cheat death on a daily basis. I take pride in my job because I enjoy being able to contribute at least a little bit to making your jobs safer and easier.

    That said, space is much more than just SATCOM and navigation. Those two mission areas barely even scratch the surface (although the entire global economy depends on the timing signal provided by GPS). The dudes saying they don't need space only prove how little they know about what space provides. Go talk to the space guys in the AOC if you're in one, or talk to your space liaison if you're in an AFSOC unit. Go find out what space assets are tasked on the ATO. Talk to the space aggressors next time your at Red Flag, or to the space patches. There are tons of avenues out there to learn more about space, if you care, and it might change your perception. We aren't all trying to feel like we're pilots.

    EDIT: And just to comment on the crew flying construct. I had a vacuum system failure in IMC a few weeks after getting my instrument ticket. I was 18 and thought it would fun to putz around in a storm. The attitude indicator didn't tumble for quite a while. I noticed my turn and skid indicator showed a pretty steep bank when I thought I was level. When I finally got it leveled out, I had some very serious spatial d. I asked my friend who was in the right seat to hold the plane level for a minute while I tried to get my brain back in order. We had no GPS and it took a while for me to get the approach plates together and find an ILS and get us on the ground. Had I been alone, I probably would have augered in, I don't know.

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