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BFM this

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Posts posted by BFM this

  1. 2 hours ago, Duck said:

    I am wondering why the promotion rate for Majors has slowed to 191 per month when we are supposedly jettisoning Majors for the Airlines at record pace. Could it be that Big Blue is expecting a backlog of O-4s due to an impending Stop-Loss?

    That’s actually a quicker pace than average.  My year group was something like 113 per month till the last two months of the year, when the last 900 or so numbers were pickled off in mass chunks.

    • Upvote 1
  2. 5 hours ago, ViperMan said:

    Sortofish. What I am saying (which deserves its own post), is that the Air Force (as is true with  any very large enterprise) needs a bureaucratic means (which it currently has) of selecting from a group of highly qualified and highly motivated individuals to select for their most difficult training pipeline. This ensures a higher probability of success which is vital with extraordinarily expensive training. 

    Training attrition is nowhere near the top of our current list of woes or even a remotely causal factor.

    ...but given the current ideas being floated it may become just that.

  3. 3 hours ago, polcat said:

    Word on the street is that the Aircrew Task Force colluded with the Russians to hack Baseops.net.

    FBI is investigating, but they won’t find anything, so someone will get charged with lying in hopes that they can flush a quail or two.

    • Like 1
  4. You are right.  There is a choice involved.

    A) you're a mil dude, so maybe you have to do a t&g at a regional, then off to a major.  3-6 months, if you took their bonus, they want it back.  Hourly rate at year-1 for you.

    B) You think the regionals have awesome bonuses, and you're hell bent on keeping the money.  You have to stay typically between 13 months and 3 years, because fuck seniority at a major.

    The BL is that yes, the regionals are flashing better money than historical averages, but just like the AF's bonuses, they are retention bonuses.  Don't want to be retained?  Then you don't get to keep the $.  It's good for the .civ guys just reaching their R-ATP mins who are going to be there for 3-5yrs, but .mil guys should be prepared for some honest accounting if that's the route they end up on temporarily.  It's not free money with no strings attached.

  5. There it is: winner of the the dumbest fuckin rule of November, 2017.

    So there I was, finishing up my go-to workout set of warm-up, weights, pool, sauna.  Like I've done a hundred times at this and other bases.  Gettin my sweat on, a 1ea kakis and polo pops her nugget in the sauna, looks over at me, "Excuse me, could you please put a shirt on?"   ...in the sauna?  Time for this but no time to have towels available?

    Time to join the Y I guess.

  6. 30 minutes ago, HuggyU2 said:

    After reading this, I had to go back and make sure this post wasn't in the "WTF" section of BO.net.  


    Probably cost $50k+ ($120k+ in gub'mint dollars) a copy to give a useable display, which would probably end up less useful than the garmin slapped into the light bracket.  Unless it's going to include a poor man's datalink via the ADS-B interaction with the rest of the Red side, then why bother?  It fulfills the fed's requirement and keeps the trains running on time.

    Not to mention, any talk of an upgrade could increase the threat of a "PMP upgrade".  Yeah, nah.

  7. 4 hours ago, Duck said:

    Another rumor to add to the pile, I’m hearing 11Fs will no long be going to T-38 PIT. T-38 White Jet tours will be open to anyone, with or without 38 experience in UPT. Obviously doesn’t apply to IFF... yet lol.

    So an 11F will PCS straight to a white jet base and go into IQT/MQT?  Meh...probably more doable than skipping Phase III

  8. Throwing your people and their families under the bus as a symbolic genuflection/trying to save face with the Japanese doesn’t solve the square root of fuck-all. Do some math.  We’ve got 100k people and their families over there.  Statistically, we are outperforming our national demographic in terms of crime and accidental death.  Whe that’s not the public reply that should be given to our hosts, this is NOT leadership, it’s reactive CYA chickenshit.

    • Upvote 2
  9. 1 hour ago, herkbum said:

    I heard they are facing an FEB this coming Monday. Sounds like the USN means business. 

    Should be front page Navy times with an update on pilot manning crisis below the fold.

  10. 58 minutes ago, Hacker said:

    The Lautenberg Amedment is grade-A bullshit.

    Anyone who has sworn an oath to protect and defend the Constitution should have a problem with the government having the ability to completely remove a Constitutionally-protected right to people who have not been convicted of anything

    It should make your skin crawl every time you even see these forms and it reminds you of the mere existence of this law.

    As written, sure.

    Completely unnecessary?  It depends...

    Speaking from a very personal perspective.

  11. 6 hours ago, ClearedHot said:

    So it was just reported he was denied a Texas CCW (presumably because he was dishonorably discharged from the USAF) and he had a domestic violence conviction.

    Yep.  Really wondering if/how he got around the Lautenburg rule.

  12. 10 hours ago, Jaded said:

    From a good source: "First blush from A1 is this just let's us open VRRAAD from 25 pilots for 12 months to up to 1000 pilots for 3 years...but still VOLUNTARY!!! I'll get you more info on Monday.”

    Yeah, I read the same source.  Not to poop on his efforts, but that forum, like this one, has has a signal-noise ratio more suited to spirited (and useful) discussion than hard truth data.

    Hopefully there will be more actionable data on Mon, but as even Roto admitted, the he was not fully read into the news story before it went to press.

    Bottom line: I’m not expecting a TX date if I get voluntold, and that’s the problem with this, from my selfish perspective.

  13. 4 minutes ago, Jaded said:

    There already exists a program to allow to voluntarily recall 25 people. 0 have signed up so far. This program increases that number to 1000. It makes no sense to increase the number of slots if there is no interest anyway, unless the plan is to start involuntary recalling people. 

    This is not VRRAD, if I'm reading correctly.  I did not catch the word "voluntary" anywhere in the article.  This is a "recall", with specific omission of the word "voluntary".  

    Still think it's noise and posturing.  I think this would be a bigger grenade to throw than stop-loss, and we haven't heard that bandied about.  ...too much.  ...yet.

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