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Posts posted by Ram

  1. If you were living in on-base housing at UPT, you should start receiving BAH the day you vacated gov't quarters. That is the BAH rate you get until "signing-in" at your new duty station. Because you're allowed some days for house hunting (permissive TDY), you should be able to sign-in early for the PCS.

    At any rate, you won't receive your new BAH until you have signed-in, but you should still be earning BAH otherwise. Also, don't forget TLA (temporary lodging allowance or some shit like that), which should be up to 10 days of housing and per diem to help cover PCS lodging expenses. You'll need to file a voucher for that shit.

    Talk to a finance NCO who knows their shit, or just use teh googles.

  2. What RAM really meant to say was #13...he can thank me later.

    No thanks. With that number on the back, the watch will always be at least minute behind the hack and will decide to stop functioning when the weather is bad. You can have it, bud.


    • Upvote 1
  3. Usually I think Karl is way too negative, but I think I agree with him on this point. I think you were a sucker to take the bonus. I know you, and you are intelligent, competent, and in an organization that will waste your talents. You have colleagues at Standford Business School, with full time gigs in the guard and reserves, and starting what will someday be extremely cush jobs in the airlines. Because you are not a patch wearer, you will spend the next 10 years wallowing while doing things like:

    -wing jobs (Yes sir, I'd love to be the chief of IGI!)

    -getting passed over for O-6 because of your lack of staff experience (thanks 11F)

    -a 365s as the OSS/CC to Djubouti (the Died... etc)

    You will be 43 years old at 20 years in looking at the exact same decision about whether or not to fly for Delta with a pension check that will barely feed and house your family (assuming you don't get fired at 18 based on trumped up bullshit your WG/CC decides is unacceptable). You will fly less, see your family less, and be more vulnerable to deploy to shitty assignments. You had the potential to do anything you wanted, but chose not to for an extra $18k a year after taxes. The bonus, as I see it, is an awesome deal only for those who have no potential to succeed outside the military.

    Since your assessment of me and my career track is wrong on multiple counts (like when you said I'm "intelligent" . . . HA!), I question if you really do know me. Maybe you're just being super serious over the interwebs.

    In any event, I doubt anyone with a name like "Jaded" and a post history like yours can give an unbiased opinion of the second half of a 20+ year military career.

    ...but PM me if you want to talk offline. I'm game.

  4. I certainly understand the takers for the Aerospace because of the digital windows and all...

    ...however, I am not buying this watch to fly with it. I have a $200 auto-time-hacking G-shock that suits me fine and does everything I need in the cockpit. No way in hell would I risk destroying a Breitling during a DBFM set as I swing my left wrist around (sts) trying to grab the opposite side towel rack. That's why I wear a watch in the jet that I can break without breaking the bank to replace.

    Now, that Chronospace is a work of art. That's the kind of watch you put back on after taking the g-suit off and before pouring a couple fingers of 21 year old Scotch.

    Just my opinion, fellas.

  5. LOL at the handful of people to take the FY15 bonus a year early. There's a sucker born every minute.

    Well, re-read my comments a page or two ago about dudes whose ADSC expires EARLY in FY15. Before this year, guys with those circumstances who wanted to take the bonus and were eligible for 9 years of cash money got screwed out of ~$12K because AFPC would wait until halfway through the FY to offer the bonus.

    My ENJJPT ADSC expires in December of this year, so I'll get my bonus well before I would have if I had to wait until summer of next year.

    With a training ADSC that takes me to January of 2020, I'll gladly take the $225k for something I was planning on doing anyway.

    I don't feel like a sucka, bro. But if you think I am, well...that's just your opinion, man...

    • Upvote 3
  6. Rumor has it that the select/candidate ratio last year was a sequestration-induced "panic," in which HAF worried that school budgets would fall-off and make the USAF unable to get all selects to school in 3 looks.

    Perhaps the pendulum will swing the other way just a bit. Good news.

  7. Feel free to make douchey and witty comments about asshattery to your bros in the bar on a Friday night over a scotch. When out in the real world, be the professional officer you're expected to be.

    Losing your cool and/or acting like an asshat is never the best solution. I don't know why this isn't a universal concept, but it's good to see most of us agree.

    • Upvote 2
  8. Some interpreted this as a pass to chaff off the regs. Some rolled their eyes and continued on promoting institutionalized missprioritization of queep-before-mission. Some took this as an opportunity to be a thinking Officer and make decisions on what could be knocked-off when faced with limited resources. What camp are you in?

    1. Proven legacy aircraft? I want what you're smoking. Proven against an enemy with the same counter-air weaponry as the Triple Entente.

    2. I love to sh1t on AFPC, especially when they give me the shaft. But to say the only thing preventing this latest debacle from turning into the abortion that the '11 RIF was ONLY due to the sheer number of VSPs is a stretch, and lacking factual substance. I have no idea what goes on behind the AFPC curtain, but I have a hunch that they extended their eight hour duty day and shortened their two hour lunches with the amount of work that's been piled on their desks in the last year. In fact, I'm happy I'm not doing their thankless job and I make no claim that I could do better without some firsthand experience in what's happening right now.

    3. Agree with this line except the quote at the end - "no ethic problem". This is how rumors are started. Here's what he actually said:

    "Do we have incidents? Absolutely," Welsh, the Air Force chief of staff, said in an interview. "Any organization with almost 700,000 people is going to have incidents. But we do not have an epidemic of bad ethical behavior by people across the Air Force. If you look at the numbers, that's simply not the case."


    "There's a big difference between an endemic or systemic problem and bad behavior by individuals. There's a big difference."


    Should I be diapered for the actions of a few? What would you tell congress? Would you agree with Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand that there's a systemic ethical problem and undermine the vast majority of Airmen that serve with distinction on a daily basis? Or would support your subordinate's hard work and dedication despite the actions of some individuals?

    Fvckin'a we have morale shirts, bullet proof mustaches, BBQ cook-offs and the like. The General tries to promote esprit de corps, and you tools use it against him.

    I get it, there are issues. To blame them on the best CSAF we've had in the last ten years is retarded.

    Slow clap, Thork. Well said.

  9. I'm a little confused, how would you have lost $12-$25K had you not been offered the early eligible deal? My understanding is that initial (vs early) eligible gets the same amount of cash, but the first payment would be later (basically when signing the bonus instead of expiration of UPT ADSC). Asking as I am in the exact same boat as you (11F w/ UPT grad in Dec 04).

    If you're doing the 9 years @ $25k, you can't max-out past 20 YAS. So, if you take the bonus for 9 years and only have 8.36 years before you hit 20 YAS, your last year of $25k is prorated to whatever time you have left.

    So, let's hypothetically say the FY15 bonus wasn't offered early. Like FY12 and FY13, if it were announced on 1 Jul 15, any 11F wanting the 20 year option who had their original ADSC end before the bonus announcement date would lose a month for each day after 1 Oct 14 the FY15 bonus was announced.

    For example, if you graduated UPT on 1 Oct 04 (first day eligible for the FY15 bonus) and singed for the bonus in Jul 15, you'd be signing a deal for the next 8.17 years. AFPC calculates that last year of the bonus as 0.17 x $25k (since you can't get a bonus past 20 YAS), and you get $4.17k instead of the full $25k.

  10. Nope, but they found a way for you to not have to wait until Jun or Jul for a PSDM that should come out 1 Oct each year. Yet somehow it always takes 6 months or more for the message to be released. We'll see how it works in implementation.

    Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!


    I finished UPT early in the FY (Dec 04), and I was just counting on losing almost $12-25k over AFPC publishing the PSDM in July/August of next year. This is a good deal for me, and I get the bonus "on time."

    Of course, I was going to stay in anyway (school ADSC takes me to 16+ years TIS), so don't tell AFPC. Shhhh....

  11. Hey, I know I'm just a stupid single seat guy and all, and I bet you could accuse me of doing that weird "hand flying" thing more than what's "normal" in a big airplane...


    At what fucking point do you just tell the AP to fuck off and hand fly your airplane? I'm serious.

    • Upvote 4
  12. The link is working now in AMS. I'm confused, though: When I click the "TYPE" drop-down to select which plan I'd like (I'm an 11F who wants to take the 25k x 9 years), all it displays for choices are "B" and "C."

    WTF, AFPC?

    My only guess is that the letters correspond to the paragraphs in Part IV, paragraph 3 ("agreement values") as my options. I can't find anything that declares that outright, however, so how am I to know?

  13. I am confused. I entered active duty in May 2004, Started pilot training in June. My grad date was July of 2005. I will not have 11 years of aviation service as a pilot by the end of FY 14 nor will I have the end of my commitment.

    This language would seem to indicate that they want to offer the bonus again to those that didn't take????? I'm confused as all get out.

    Then again I've been up since 3am Clovis time.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Your aviation service date is tied to when your flight pay started, I think. That should be coincident w/your UPT start date.

  14. If you're a UPT student, work your ass off and don't worry about how the sausage is made.

    Lawyer balling the mass scores or check ride grading won't get you far in life.

    Work hard and the details will sort themselves out

    I taught at SPS for 3 years in the 38. You could ALWAYS tell which stud had a secret white board at home to keep track of the scores, and there was always at least one of 'em in every class.

    Strange...things never worked out the way they thought it would.

    • Upvote 2
  15. The media has always been there for the military in our time of need.attachicon.gifImageUploadedByTapatalk1403397438.867754.jpg

    Marching in formation is a skill I hope to never have to refresh, especially for someone else's fvckup and poor policy. That said (I'm just throwing a wild-ass guess out there), I think you'll be surprised that the WSJ or any other media outlet doesn't give a sh1t about stories headlined with "military officer thinks he's marching too much".

    Never talk to the media.

    Shit yes, dude - this. So much this.

    Now, by NO MEANS do I think that marching an entire squadron due to one man's DUI is the best way to handle something like this, so don't get me wrong. However, what I'm about to say might piss some of you off:

    People on the internet discussing if marching to the gate due to a SQ DUI is an IG or "talk to the press" kind of matter make us sound like a bunch of dumb-fuck, no-good, booger-eating SNAPs. ("HOLY SHIT - HE MADE ME MARCH. IN MY ACTUAL UNIFORM!")

    The IG and the press will only answer with something like this:


    When you (and most of us here) perceive something as a bad leadership decision, do anything BUT start up with the stupid comments and whining. Instead, how about we discuss some ways to reduce ARIs that actually make sense? You never know...someone in charge might read it.

    • Upvote 7
  16. This attitude is just as bad as the "get it done or else" attitude. Maybe he wants to do the master's to further himself and his knowledge, not to check the box? I hate to burst everyone's bubble, but being an aviator is NOT that hard. I worked on a no-shit engineering master's while in Nav school, finished my PPL, and still managed to be #2 in my class. I know, I know, I'm not a pilot and being a pilot is soo much more demanding I just don't understand. No, you just don't know how to manage your time. BTW, I didn't do that master's to check the box, I did it because I wanted to.


    • Upvote 4
  17. My last trip had the usual goings on, but this time they had a little battery powered disco ball going next to them.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    You could beam an IR pointer at that ball. Turn the freaky donkey party into a rave and they wouldn't even know it.

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