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Posts posted by Vetter

  1. During one formation brief, I tried to use every cliche possible while my buddy tried to mark them off the list keeping a straight face. I got more than 3/4 of them. It thoroughly pissed off our homo Eagle driver IPs when I would start laughing each time after I said one on the list. During the debrief, they launched into how unprofessional it was to insert humor into a briefing...wow, how did this change into a "most Eagle drivers are huge fags" post...I apologize, back on topic.

  2. At PIT, a buddy and I compiled a list of every gay cliches that the instructors used on a regular basis. We carried the list on us at all times so we could add to it. At the end, I think we had upward of 100 cliches that we prohibited ourselves from using. Some of them are...

    Go ugly early

    Bigger than Dallas

    Good to go

    Push it up

    Sounds like a plan

    Standard (I know there is a time to use standard)

    Alone, unarmed, and unafraid

    These are the only ones I can remember in my sleep deprived state right now. I go try to find the list...in the meantime, feel free to add.

  3. Since I didn't get anything for my graduation from the Academy or Pilot Training, I went out last week and bought me a new F-150, as a gift to myself. I had a buddy whos parents bought him a Harley...another guy I know got a cruise for him and his fiance. Another guy I know knocked up his girlfriend the week of graduation from the zoo...so I guess that's kind of a graduation gift.

    [ 27. July 2005, 15:02: Message edited by: Vetter ]

  4. They go through a modified PIT down at Randolph in the C-model I believe. Then I think they transition back to the A Model at Whiteman and teach in the companion trainer program there. Doesn't sound like too bad of a deal.

  5. I just got done with PIT. Can I take a copy of my initial instructor qual form 8 in the T-38 and have the FAA add an instructor rating to my FAA license or do I need to have a check ride in order to do that? Thanks!

  6. I think my best experience in the jet so far was my night solo in T-38s. The status was "unrestricted" with the bases at about 1000' and CBs in the area (it was the last opportunity to night fly before graduation). I was the last solo jet to take off in a string of 6 and I broke out of the weather at 7000'. I leveled off at 8000' and intercepted the radial outbound to the 70 DME arc. Well, off to my right about 10 miles away was a large thunderstorm. Off to my left about 10 miles was another thunderstorm. In from of me way off in the distance was a huge t-storm. Well, needless to say, the sight was amazing. I was totally surrounded by t-storms, I could see the flashing lightning off in the distance everywhere I looked...yet I could see the outlines of the giant thunderheads by moonlight. I was very much over my head, but it was still awesome. About 8 miles ahead of me, I could see my classmate going in and out of burner to burn down gas. Anyway, the ride lasted about 15 minutes on the radial and arc before the CBM SOF recalled all of us back to land because of approaching rain showers. Well, I was the last one to return and got to shoot a night ILS. I broke out at 400 and the viz was right around 1.5 miles. Needless to say, it was a confidence builder and from that night on, even though I didn't get the plane I wanted...I knew I had picked the right profession.

    [ 15. March 2005, 21:31: Message edited by: Vetter ]

  7. You land the T-38 in a crab...there is actually no last second aligning with the runway. Once you have landed, you use aileron into the wind and opposite rudder the maintain centerline. From the backseat in the -38, I love having crosswinds because I can actually see the runway I'm landing on, especially during a no-flapper.

  8. AFI 36-2205 says that the DG is taken from the top 10% of each track. Therefore, it doesn't take into account Phase 2. I personally think it hurts the T-38 dudes when the top guys out of Phase 2 usually go -38s and only one of them will get DG.

  9. I was one of the guys who finished 2nd in my class and got FAIPed. I am still pissed and here's why. Our class was not the best of classes and we ended up washing back a few dudes who got behind the timeline for one reason or another (not weather). What didn't get washed back with those dudes were the FAIP slots. So, we get to assignment night and have 4 active duty assignments and 2 FAIP slots to fill. Hmmm, I knew I wasn't first and I knew I wasn't last, so what was I going to get? Plus, the week before I went in and had a 30 minute conversation with my flight commander how I wanted to go to TPS. I have the grades from college and the engineering degree...he just looked at me and nodded, knowing that I already had my FAIP assignment. He didn't even try to change it. Who knows how many fighters are going to be left in 3 years for the FAIPs. With the budget drawdowns and UAVs, I can see the "FAIP Other" drop coming our way full of heavies. Sure, being disgruntled isn't a reason to not do my job...but it is a reason to get out when the 10 year point comes around. As it has been said, "I love the f^cking Air Force, and the Ar Force loves f^cking me!"

  10. Chuck, you're wrong. If a guy doesn't have the maturity, SA, or skills enough to be a freakin co-pilot, the last place you want him is teaching others those same basics in AETC.

    I got FAIPed...sure. But who else can say they led a 4-ship full of 05s and above as a 2LT. Also, it was pretty cool telling a certain Ops group commander he owed everyone in the flight a beer because his cell phone went off in this lowly 2LTs brief. That said...I'd give my right testicle to be at IFF right now.

  11. Response #6 from the MAFIA here...

    Cheating is memorizing only the letter answers to the questions in sequential order. Using gouge is looking at the question and being able to pick out the answer if the test is given in a different order. We had the "gouge" (ie, every test question to every EPQ in order) during Phase 2 and 3, but usually there were 3 or 4 wrong answers in the gouge. Each Sunday night, we'd go through and look up every answer to the questions we had in front of us. The IPs knew we did this and even expected it, but to make sure we weren't just memorizing the questions and answers, they would make us point out where some of the answers were in the regs.

    When the facts come out about this incident at CBM, I suspect that a hell of a lot more was going on than just people "cheating".

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