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Posts posted by MountainHerc

  1. Today I was fortunate enough to be selected by my base, the 114th Fighter Wing, to go to UPT. I will be posting a recap in the interview section that I hope will give you all some good pointers when you go into your interview...good luck to you all, hope you hear from the boards that are coming up!

    Congrats on getting selected

  2. MountainHerc,

    Are you keeping up with queep at home while you are downrange....if so, stop it!

    Here's my plan that has worked for the last 16.9 years:

    1) when getting ready for leave, TDY, deployment, etc, put the ol out of office reply to work.

    2) enjoy your time away from the squadron...it will not burn down and the wheels will keep on turning while you are gone...trust me. You are not as important as you think you are. However, you are a unique snowflake---just like everyone else!

    3) when you return, open up outlook and delete every email you got while gone....don't spend even a second reading them. If it was that important, that person already found the info they needed or they will write/email/call back at a later date.

    BLOB (that's the lesser used Bottom Line On Bottom): concentrate on the mish downrange and stop giving a shit about the squadron running's back home...it will be there when you RTB safety!

    Check 6!



    I couldn't agree more about the squadron still being there when I get back, but I'm trying to get out of there. I needed some of the emails in my inbox to help put together packages for guard unit applications and get my second attempt at Palace Chase together.

  3. Also, in my opinion, why would you kick out instructor/evaluator navs who you've dropped hundreds of thousands of dollars training them to this point and they want to make a career of it(after all were cutting retirements so let's be realistic). Why not kick out a simple mission nav that's been passed over for captain and hasn't gone to Instructor school yet? Then again, that's just my opinion.

  4. FF,

    I had my ADO call AFPC after I sent about 4 emails. He said my application had gotten lost in the pile of ~400 palace chase packages. That might help to call his direct line or drop the AFPC PC super a line.

    And yes, my Application just now made it to the functional after 4 months of bouncing around the system.

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