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Everything posted by capt4fans

  1. Hey, anyone who wants to try and take away a perfectly legitimate/legal uniform to follow specific guidance in order to make the AF more to their liking, should be kicked on a daily basis. And since I"m flying tomorrow, I'll use my boots and forgo the shoe clerk footwear.
  2. I still want to know what base this is....and let's see some of the email chain on this one.
  3. That's great, because that's exactly what the reg states.
  4. They can try all they like, but again, "Remember, the ultimate authority in determining a tattoo size (>25%) is the Sq CC and not the individual." And I can't wait to find a REMF trying to get me for tattoos. But again, that's why all mine are on my back where they don't get seen unless I'm in the shower, and I don't share one of those with anyone but my wife, and she doesn't care. REMF....seriously....this service is going downhill fast. I can't wait to get out. We need to find a way to reign in the CC's on this BS. Someone has a perfectly legal way to hid their tattoos, and use a perfectly legal uniform authorized by the USAF to be worn during duty periods, and you're going to make them wear something that makes them violate an AFI.....sounds like a case for and ADC to me.
  5. Is the WG/CC making this a mandatory policy, or did I miss something while on leave for the entire month of March. AFI 36-2903 states "Figure 2.4. Men's Short-Sleeved Shirt. 6. Necktie is optional. Center optional tie tack or tie clasp (Air Force symbol, grade insignia, or wing and star) between bottom edge of knot and bottom tip of tie. Tip of tie must cover a portion of the belt buckle but cannot extend below the bottom of belt buckle. Did the Stars have a meeting at Corona and decide to find out who could come up with the most ridiculous policy when it comes to uniforms? This has gotten out of hand.....and I wish I could laugh at it like I used to.
  6. The laughing stock of the Armed Forces. :bohica: See this thread ... http://www.flyingsquadron.com/forums/index...mp;#entry200948 ... if you have any further questions about that.
  7. Go to the IG with this one, and maybe we can stop the nonsense of mandating which blues to wear by WG/CC's who have nothing else on their radar to take care of.
  8. So I guess the 552 is going to hell in a hand basket? I'd love to hear more. PM me if you have the chance, or post here.
  9. Left Tinker in 2004 to head off to UPT and the dealings I had with her when she was the OG/CC were great. Can't believe that she's had that much of the Kool-Aid that she decided to implement that policy. But then again, she did ban our patches that said USAF Orbit School Graduate (and replaced the middle with a E-3 Dome). Man I loved that patch, :thumbsup:
  10. Yeah, we had the "mandatory" Wing CC call for all of those that were rotating home. However, the email said those that are leaving in January had to attend one of the briefings and get their orders stamped in order to process PERSCO. So since I was leaving in Feb, I decided that mandatory policy didn't apply to me. That and I just got back at the end of February, and never even once took out my reflective belt and wore it around CC. F@#$ the WG/CC's policy on looking gayer than possible by wearing that thing with REFLECTIVE PT gear.
  11. My thought on that is it's punishment for trying to make Baghram a C-17 graveyard.......... :thumbsup: Too Soon????
  12. Any chance we can work on the host nation banning World of Warcraft from the servers out at the BRA and the BPC? I just love how both areas have been taken over by 25-30 year olds that have yet to have had sex a first time, and feel the need to bog down all the WI-FI by sitting around playing World of Warcraft with the other three people at their table. I hate to b!tch, but I'm just trying to say hello to my wife and kids, and it's been getting worse every day when it comes to the number of morons taking up space at the BPC and BRA wasting their lives away with this dumbass game. Rant off. Mod, thanks for the Move. Missed this thread. Obviously my search skills are a Q3 right now.
  13. It's not the delivery running late, it's the customs agents not letting the trucks with the alcohol on base. And it's official as of gym time today, the CAC is out of beer.
  14. Cooter, It's bad now. Not only do crews get deported for playing with a nerf football in the PERSCO yard (yep it happened). We're now all required to I/Emmigrate every friggin time we fly out here. Doesn't matter where you go, or what you do, it you're aircrew and head out of here every other day to fly, welcome to processing through customs twice a day. Have I said how much I hate this place!!!!!
  15. Figured all you headed out to the 'Deid would like to know that the host nation has decided that we no longer need alcohol to keep this place running. Went to the BRA tonight and all that was left was half a bottle of Cuervo, Hennesey, and something they're calling the beer of the month (read leftover that no one wanted) Just when I thought this place couldn't get any worse.
  16. capt4fans


    Sacarsm doesn't work on message boards very well. I transitioned out of the ACC large Jet Community along with another Scope Dope, and occassionally, she gets called "Goat" because she's acting that way. Just like we'd call a "REMF" a "REMF", a "Goat" is a "Goat", and it's all in the attitude.
  17. capt4fans


    Please tell me the last time you called an AC a "bus driver" to his face and I'm not in that community.
  18. Well, you know how to solve that one....tell the Goats in the back of the Wacker's that are out there to quit eating everything they see. LMAO
  19. Cooter, The shitters have had all the work stopped on them. Apparently the contractor went $500,000 over budget and they simply shut down operations about Christmas (which was when the General told us they would be done at our Oct Right Start breifing) Supposedly, Red Horse is going to take over the construction, but as of now, they've pulled down all the fence and simply boarded them all up......oh yeah, and they got 1 of them done.
  20. Yes you wear them on your service dress before and after you earn your pilots wings. I transitioned from Nav to Pilot and still wear two sets of wings on blues, service and mess dress.
  21. capt4fans


    We got room, but you have to start and end each sentence with "Baaahhhhh" And when you use the term "aircrew" we understand that you mean backenders, and not actual flyers. LMAO
  22. Just a heads up to anyone headed out to the Deid for a rotation any time in the next few months. Make sure your PT score is updated. Appartenly it will be needed when you get submitted for an EOG monthly award. Frankly, I'm about to just ask that my name be withdrawn simply on the principle that if the deciding factor in a monthly award package is how high your PT score is, then go f*** youself.
  23. Yep, you really have to read in order to keep up here. There's a reason that the threads go beyond the one post above and below yours. LOL
  24. Yep, the commen sense on Blues Mondays says, if it's cold, wear long sleeves. If it's not, wear short sleeves. If it's cold out, wear a jacket, if it's warm, don't wear one. Pretty sure I learned that one about the time I could dress myself. The more common sense on Blues Monday says "GET RID OF BLUES MONDAY!!!!" I can't wait until my WG/CC decides to get the bonehead idea to try and push long sleeves for an entire 4 month long period like Offutt did.
  25. Yep, tell the moron to read a little before he tries to start quoting regs he obviously knows nothing about.
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