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Posts posted by Winchester

  1. Don't sell yourself short - our expectations are just as low for CE as they are for Comm.

    CE has lost more people during GWOT than anyone else in the AF. 17 last I remember and that was a year ago. But I'm sure they still have the time and manning to answer your demands.
    • Upvote 2
  2. I've been there over four years and finally drew a tag this year. I would definitely say it is not easier for military. Being a resident is where you gain an advantage since NM has changed its non resident policies recently. Also, if you do put in for the draw do not expect NM to refund your money like they are supposed to post draw. The best I have received since moving here was roughly half of what I was supposed to get refunded.

  3. Clovis is less than ideal by most peoples' standards, but it's not horrible and you'll get used to it if you PCS here.

    If you're used to having easy access to all the big retail stores and chain restaurants, as well as a nice city with lots of things to do and nice, well-cared-for parks, roads, and buildings and a good school system, you most likely will not find those things in or near Clovis, NM. If you're moving here and expect certain amenities and conveniences that you've grown accustomed to from living in a bigger city, you probably need to change your expectations. You might go through the stages of disbelief, anger, despair, regret, resignation, acceptance, and hope, and depending on your degree of cynicism you might find those stages recycling at different times with certain things, but you'll generally get through all of them as you realize things like Cannon itself isn't bad and it's getting better, you're not here forever, there are some cool things to be found around here, and the stories you hear about this place are usually worse than things actually are. On top of all that, you're here to do a job and you're not going to make anything better by bitching. There are plenty of positives to living here and in my opinion, the mission outweighs most of the negatives.

    . Oh. So just like Kabul. Roger job to do, family is tertiary. I grew up in small towns and this is not one. It is a third world village with a walmart. Get real bra and call a shit sandwich what it is. FOB Cannon is nothing like the sleepy Midwest towns you are poorly attempting to compare it to. Btw how long have you lived there?
  4. EC130.jpg

    Historic bird facing a sad ending. EC-130E 62-1818 "Republic 6" In Operation EAGLE CLAW faces being scrapped. This aircraft was one of three EC-130's (62-1809, 62-1818, & 62-1857) borrowed from the 7th ACCS at Keesler AFB, MS in 1980 for use in Operation Eagle Claw, the attempted rescue of American hostages being held in the embassy in Iran. The role of the EC-130's was to carry fuel to a remote landing spot in the Iranian Desert code named Desert One. Large fuel bladders would be loaded into the back of the EC-130's along with fuel pumps and hoses.

    Talked to a gent that flew one of them, said they took off at 198,000 lbs took them 20 nm over the water before they got to 1000'. Crazy.

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