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Posts posted by brewskis

  1. The wife recently drug me to go see Black Swan. I would rank it somewhere between chick flick and 'WTF?!'. However, the intense lesbian scene involving Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis was worth it.

    Don't bring it up on date night, but if the frau must..at least you have this to look forward to.


  2. You must not be from The Holy Land (aka The Great State of Texas), son: anyone that finds it odd to be wearing cowboy hats should move back north.Gig 'em,... whatever that means.

    After re-possessing a Longhorn Band "cowboy" hat for display in my unit's barracks years ago, I can tell you, sir, that those hats look like they'd go fine in Boy George's cowboy hat collection.

    A real Texan wouldn't be caught within 69 feet of somebody wearing one of those "cowboy" hats.

  3. She had flown more than 100 hours in her A-10, affectionately known as the Warthog

    I didn't know 100 hours in an airframe was notable. Although with all the White House Fellow-ing and Harvard Master-ing going on, thats all she could fit in...

  4. Oh, come on! You can't tell a story like that and not give the important details...WAS SHE HOT? Because really, that makes all the difference in how the IP responds to her question

    She was somewheres in between, but not good looking enough to keep everyone in the room from laughing their asses off at her. Also, more back story..

    Graduated from the Academy moved to Europe to get her masters, goes to UPT, then tries to get a 1 year permissive TDY..

    Someone must really not want to contribute to the mission..

  5. I saw this thread pop back up again and it reminded me that when I in processed a few weeks ago for UPT, one of the 2dLTs that inprocessed with me asked if she could get her UPT start date pushed back if she made TIB...

    The IP inprocessing us almost shit his pants.

  6. I do think that most guys even at my newbie level are aware that its what you do outside the cockpit that gets you promoted, weapons school, etc. Getting DG at ASBC can't hurt, no doubt about that. Most 2lts that show up here want to do a good job and get something out of it, and if you don't, why are you even here anyways?

    I guess the reason why I think it is hard to take stratification here super seriously is the following:

    70% of the people (all ROTC accessions) here are TDY en route to their respective training bases. So, that means that for this group of LTs (myself included), it is their first time functioning in the AD environment. While doing the curriculum, etc, we are still trying to track down our pay stuff, get BAH for our families (if we have them), etc. In addition, we are still walking around looking like dip shits because TD-1 is our 1st day of active duty.

    The next 15% are USAFA and most ROTC guys who have most likely been on active duty and been on casual status since the August time frame, and generally know whats going on, but still haven't had time to figure everything out.

    The final 15% are 1st LTs that have completed their respective training, and have been at their active duty locations for a period of time.

    I guess to bring it all together, I'll give a personal example:

    My team leader is a 1st LT intel guy that has been active duty for 3 years. He works in an intel shop, gives intel briefings, etc. Most of us (especially the TDY en route LTs)obviously can't necessarily compete with someone that has that much more (relatively speaking) experience than we do. Of course he is going to ace the papers, briefings and other evals, because he's really taking a step backwards as far as his training goes. It's not that everyone else sucks a fat one, we just don't have the time/background that he does. I'm not trying to make excuses for myself and my peers, it's just kind of a fact.

    There are a lot of guys that just blow this whole thing off like the reasons stated above, and that obviously is a bad approach. I just think it's hard to compare us apples-to-apples with each other when the gaps in experience are so big.

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  7. They just implemented the DG a couple classes before me.

    I do understand how that stuff keeps you on top, and it is definitely no bueno to just blow it all off, but they aren't even really specific on how they stratify that. They have said 'based on your GPR', but we only have 2 graded assignments here. I have a hard time believing they are stratifying people based on one paper and a briefing. My guess is that you're over all peer/instructor ranking within the flight based on your leadership evals, etc.

    All in all, I don't necessarily believe that the Air Force takes ASBC seriously as a PME. It won't hurt to get DG, but it's like trying to judge who is going to be your starting line up in a football game based on one half-assed practice. I'm not going to lose a whole lot of sleep over not getting it.

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