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Posts posted by Scooter14

  1. Understood...that is what I think will be some unresolved legal ground.

    I agree and this is where I have the issue as well.

    Simply stated…What does the vaccine do? The vaccine makes your body produce antibodies that will help you fight the virus if you are exposed.

    What happens when you get COVID and recover? The virus makes your body produce antibodies that will help you fight the virus if you are exposed.

    If you have never had Covid, I would encourage you to consider getting vaccinated for all the reasons Pawnman stated.

    If you have had Covid I believe there should be some sort of antibody test you can take to opt out if you desire.

    It’s a simple concept, I don’t know why it’s not a provision. My buddy at an airline recently flew with a guy who will likely lose his job because he will not get vaccinated.

    However, this individual has already had Covid. If his antibody levels (or whatever they measure) are the same or better as someone who’s had the vaccine…then they are going to lose a pilot for no reason other than an arbitrary mandate that lacks any common sense or critical thought.

    That’s all, i have to go back to tending livestock in my backyard farm. Stupid FDA…

  2. Allow me to translate:

    Airlifting Americans out of Afghanistan is not important enough to get TRANSCOM priority over other ongoing military transportation requirements.

    The only reasons I could see using the CRAF is if we are going to help our NATO allies evacuate their citizens as well and we're surging airlift ops already, or there's a lot more Americans stuck in Kabul than initially reported.

    Allow me to help you translate since you’re struggling a bit here with the mastery of the mobility language…

    Refugees ≠ Americans. Reread his original post. HeyEng said “refugees”. You keep saying “Americans”.

    At any rate the Moose crews are going full tilt, timing out will be a thing especially if we have to use those jets more than we need to. How many mil resources do you want to tie up when you could activate part of the CRAF and keep the mil mobility machine going and increase capacity?

    Activating the CRAF means that TRANSCOM sees this mission as so important that they can use more gray tails to get people out of Afghanistan and keep moving people out of the AOR on civilian aircraft by trans loading at lower threat (intermediary as HeyEng said) airfields.
  3. “Hi Afghanistan, great to hear from you! Yeah! Those long range SAMs? Remember? That was part of the deal. They’re for your protection. You won’t even notice them as they drive through on your nice new highways to help “protect” you from aggressors in the Arabian Gulf. Oh… Having trouble paying for the road? Don’t worry. You can keep it, just let us periodically plop some J-20s and H-20s at those nice long airfields you’ve got. We’ll even fix them up for you at almost no charge. Mineral extraction and export rights in perpetuity should do the trick. Good, good. Well, nice talking to you… Just give us a call on the 5G network we’ve installed if there’s anything else you need.  We’ll probably have something in mind for you already; funny how that works. Oh, by the way, have you heard about how great Beidou is? No. Sorry, we’ve got dinner plans in South America tonight, but maybe tennis in Malaysia next week?”

    Who? The Uighurs...yeah don’t worry about them...TTYL!
  4. No. Despite how tempting it is.

    This is the catch 22 right here.

    You can’t stifle free speech or freedom of the “press” but the more misinformation and misleading clickbait headlines that come through the handheld devices that every idiot is glued to, the worse things get.

    You know the Chinese and Russians are laughing their asses off.
    • Like 2
  5. That makes it even more impressive if true. Dude got the shot but willing to jump on his sword on behalf of the troops he leads.

    Except it’s from a bullshit fake news site so there’s that.

    The sad thing is that people will read that website and believe every word. It almost trapped Tank.

    • Upvote 3
  6. Ah, yes, the argument from anecdote. 
    I don't know anyone who's been killed in a car accident. That's why I don't wear my seatbelt. It's just a lie pushed by the NHTSA to control our lives.  Probably in bed with Big Fabric to make the seatbelts.  We actually have more traffic fatalities a year now than before seatbelts were mandatory.

    Big Fabric is the devil.
  7. It’s also prudent to consider how the average person is affected by COVID, an that is certainly not it. 

    It’s a roll of the dice either way right?

    The average person has no ill effects from the vaccine as well.

    But how do you know you’re not gonna get the ventilator or the kidney failure? Same way you really don’t know if you’ll get blood clots from the jab.

    So you research, use critical thinking, numbers and data. Which risk do you consider to be higher.

    I personally think there will likely be long term health problems (lung, heart, neurological, circulatory issues) for those who have been hospitalized with COVID. We are already seeing “long haulers” and folks who survive and are strapped to an O2 tank. I think that the vaccine (as it should) shows your immune system what to expect so you can fight COVID without the potential of being overrun. A sneak preview if you will.

    That’s how I ran my ORM sheet. YMMV.

    This whole thread reminds me of a time where I was in Moron. We had a -135 and a spare -135 with engines running to meet up with a Coronet moving west. Thunderstorms were moving in, they were outside of 5 miles but all around the field.

    The primary taxied out (new AC at the helm) checked the radar, didn’t feel comfortable, called in and said he was a Wx cnx.

    The spare (a more seasoned crew) took a sweep with the radar, saw a hole, called and said I think we can go, we see a way to get it done. So they went.

    Each crew called upon their knowledge, research of the situation, comfort level and made a decision.

    Is there a wrong answer?

    Maybe if the jet that went got struck by lightning then yeah. Maybe if it was an OIR mission with troops in contact and they cancelled with no GAR, sure.

    Nobody questioned either crew and their decisions were exactly 180 out from each other.

    So is there a wrong answer here? Maybe if you throw a blood clot or have some reaction to the jab. Maybe if you are belly up with 80% o2 or on dialysis for the rest of your days or you lose your Class 1 because you have brain fog. Maybe you get the shot and you’re fine. Maybe you get COVID and you’re fine and now you have better antibodies than the shot can provide.

    To each their own I guess.
    • Upvote 2
  8. Not "visits".  Hospitalizations.  As in, admitted to a bed.  The delta variant seems to kill less people, but it also seems to discriminate less in who gets severe symptoms.

    I don’t know why this is so difficult for some to comprehend.

    People are really stuck on “it only kills old people” and 0.000069% death rates.

    I think it’s prudent to consider what having a pipe jammed down your throat whilst being in a medically induced coma for 2+ weeks or multiple organ failure due to a lack of O2 would be like.
    • Upvote 3
  9. One thing I love about my current spot in this gig (which I scoffed when I was flying international) is the ability to bid consistent (early) wakeup times and go to the same destinations. 
    But that's what is great about this gig, there is a little bit of something for everyone. 


    I actually hate early wake ups. I live in base and I hate morning traffic. I’d much rather get up, work out, pack up and head out.

    So, instead of trying to upgrade to different equipment, I stayed on the one that got me better seniority albeit with lower pay.

    The destinations aren’t flashy, but since I’m fairly new at it, the novelty hasn’t worn off. I’m senior enough to hold weekends off, get the showtimes I want, get the layovers I want. My expectations are low so when I do get what I put in for I’m happy.

    Like SocialD said, if you don’t get caught up in the rat race, you actually kind of feel better since your sleep is not all over the map. But, if you want that new boat there’s plenty of flying to be had around the clock.
  10. I agree that masks slow the spread, but comparing death rates across these countries is fraught with difficulty. For starters, Japan's obesity rate is ~4%. In the US, not one state has less than 20% obesity. Stated differently, our skinniest folks are 5x fatter than Japan - some states approach or exceed 10x! So what amount of the difference is due to their mask adherence vs. them just being much, much healthier in general? I don't know, but I think I'd rather have a BMI https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/prevalence-maps.html

    Valid point, I appreciate the numbers associated with your point as well.

    It’s definitely not black and white.
    • Upvote 1
  11. Oh really? Lol ok dude then why are Japan and Korea getting smashed w COVID? I’ve been all over both countries this summer multiple times and can count on one hand the number of Koreans or Japanese I’ve seen sans mask. 
    try again. Their mask rate is around 98%
    masks don’t “stop the spread”. 

    Let’s see if actual reported numbers support your claim.




    ROK has 51M people. According to this, there have been 200k cases and 2100 have died.

    Japan has 126M people and according to this, there have been 972k cases and 15,246 have died.

    The good ol USofA has 328M people, 35.2 Million cases and 615k have died.

    Now, do they wear masks? Yes.

    Do the masks slow the spread? Possibly. The data seems to support it.

    Have they been exposed to other coronaviruses that may have helped their immune system...kind of like how smallpox just lived amongst the Europeans but annihilated the indigenous North American people? Also a possibility.

    Do they count COVID deaths differently? Again, also a possibility. We’ve all heard the anecdotes of the guy in the US who fell off a ladder and died of COVID because they tested positive. Maybe the ROK has a different criteria. That number does seem low but even if you triple their death rate it pales in comparison to ours.

    Does the RoK government make non-SOFA personnel install a tracking app on their phone to make sure you quarantine on arrival? Yes...yes they do.

    I’m not saying masks are the end all be all answer. I can’t stand wearing mine and we all just went back to it in my little corner of the ANG.

    But, if you look at these easily accessible data points it helps.

    People should look at numbers more and headlines less. It may take the emotion out of it. That and maybe one of these...

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  12. This is the fundamental disconnect.  Some agree with you.  Some think the primary purpose of government is protect its citizens rights.

    ...and others think the government’s purpose is to protect its interests.

    Which is why I think it’s interesting that people think that a government that’s looking out for its own best interests would knowingly risk the readiness of their standing army if they knew the vaccine was flawed or harmful in some way.

    But...we did put people on boats to stare at nuclear explosions 70 years ago so what do I know.

    BTW, I got both shots, I feel fine.
  13. I know this doesn’t count, but I also got covid recently after vaccine. Doctor told me that “60% of the people getting it coming in here are vaccinated”. Not scientific but that’s what the doctor told me.

    How severe was your case of Covid?

    How severe are the cases that the doctor is seeing in vaccinated people?

    if all of the people that got the vaccine and then got Covid or able to fight it off without ending up in the hospital I think that is a win for the vaccinated crowd.
    • Like 1
  14. One of the reasons I love coming here is the different perspectives I get to see that I don’t otherwise get to experience.

    For example, from SocialD’s post...PR grounded for wx.

    As a tanker guy I don’t think anyone would even think to ask that question. If the wx sucks in country, they just launch the tankers “just in case”. Plenty of times I’ve flown above hard IMC below me for literally hours, no receivers, just turning gas into noise. We have a problem, we head home on most of our four engines. If it’s catastrophic, there isn’t a PR force in the world that can help us.

    Looking at Danger’s situation through my lens is somewhat different than SocialD’s lens.

    It’s interesting to see what goes into everyone’s calculus.

    • Like 1
  15. So on the topic of “toxic leadership” and command pressure to fly, I’d love to get opinions on this scenario.

    Debrief? Is that toxic? Where’s the line between toxic and upholding the standard? Is this in the same ballpark as the Tinker OG?

    No way, not toxic.

    There’s a big difference between launching three crews in their circadian nadir “just because” on an exercise line due to poor staff planning and supporting combat ops with what I will assume is a good jet and a rested crew carrying enough gas to get to your alternate.

    Shoot the approach, land or go around, divert if you have to, come back tomorrow. I’ve come back from training lines here on the coast and dealt with that type of wx. Wx happens, forecasts are wrong, etc. Sometimes you come home and it’s not what you expected.

    Ask my kid about his second solo when Mother Nature decided to kick it up a notch and throw a 15 kt crosswind at him right after takeoff. It happens.

    That’s just one pilot’s opinion though. It is a slippery slope. Clearly the SEFE who didn’t feel comfortable flying in 300 and 3/4 didn’t feel that way.

  16. I said, "in my community, our Squadron Commander generally is the lead pilot of the first formation to cross into badguy territory on the first night of the war. How are you going to inspire your warriors if on the first night of the war you're sending them into the IADS while you're going to watch them all take off into the night, then stay behind in the office and watch it on CNN?"

    His only response was, "that's not a fair question."

    That is a very valid point. That’s not “MAF standard” but there is a lot to be said for that.
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