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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/21/2010 in Posts

  1. Saw a F-15E dude wearing a "100 Missions Afghanistan" patch (drawn up just like the Vietnam one) in the chow hall today. Maybe someone "in the know" can set me straight--is this a joke or is this dude really THAT proud of his 100 OEF missions--I didn't even know when I hit 100. Granted, it's not the easiest place to fly (especially during the winter) but seems like this dude holds himself in the same light as F-105 guys flying to route pack V. Maybe I'm missing something.
    2 points
  2. Ya know, for as much noise as we make about valuing heritage and history, there always seems to be some serious soul crushing whenever some dude tries to display a little respect for it. I'm sure if you asked the dude with the patch, he would tell you he's not trying to compare himself to the Thud drivers of old, just trying to honor their heritage a bit. That's real heritage, not the made-up crap that leadership spews out every year. Lighten up, Francis.
    0 points
  3. You're missing something. Worry more about what Murph does and less about what F-15E pilot does.
    -2 points
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