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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/30/2010 in all areas

  1. So for the guys about to graduate in 6 to 9 weeks, and enter active duty 6 to 9 months after that? You should be fine for the foreseeable future. That said if you are a pilot you should be golden for those 10 years, the only deal is like some guys previously mentioned they are being cheap with the bonus in comparison to the guys that didn't have the 10 year commitment, because they figure us hanging around for the retirement is enough of a carrot to keep us in. For non-rated officers in that year group who knows where the Air Force will be manning wise in 4-6 years when everyone's commitments are up. That said every single one of us is here at the convenience of the Air Force, and don't ever forget that they can tell us all, "Thanks for playing and where would you like your household goods shipped to?" tomorrow.
    1 point
  2. I have a question regarding final out processing. If I final out on a Friday, but I don't leave until the next Monday(because that is when my house hold goods are being picked up) will I be charged travel days for that weekend since I haven't left my duty station even though I have completed my final out processing? I am planning on using this time table regardless, but I just wanna know if I am going to be charged a couple days of leave before I do it.
    1 point
  3. Is it just me or does this post speak to grunts complaining about how soft the Air Force is? I've seen where HeloDude and HueyPilot had to spend their CAFTT tours...shared rooms, shared cars or lots of walking in the heat/with gear, no access to alcohol, a trip to the nearest USAF base considered a treat and a riskier threat environment for their aircraft. I bet they both volunteered too.
    0 points
  4. Well they certainly do joke about us at least - “The Marines’ sense of toughness permeates the Corps’ lore as well as its reality. “To recall an illustrative story, a soldier is trudging through the muck in the midst of a downpour with a 60-pound rucksack on his back. ‘This is tough,’ he thinks to himself. “Just ahead of him trudges an Army Ranger with an 80-pound pack on his back: ‘This is really tough,’ he thinks. “And ahead of him is a Marine with a 90-pound pack on. And he thinks to himself, ‘I love how tough this is!’ “Then, of course, 30,000 feet above them, an Air Force pilot flips aside his ponytail — I’m sorry, I don’t know how that got in there, they haven’t had ponytails in a year or two — and looks down at them through his cockpit as he flies over. ‘Boy,’ he radios his wingman, ‘It must be tough down there.’ ” - David Patraeus My point wasn’t that CAFTT has been the worst deployment ever, or that you can’t complain about it. My point was I wouldn’t want to be in a bar with a bunch of grunts and hear an AF guy say “I’ll go if they give me a car and an apartment.” Plus I think HueyPilot had it right when he said the Iraqis “really liked the idea of having iron on the ramp so they could shake their fist in the air and spew a lot of bravado and talk smack”. In the original article posted, you can see the Iraqis are hell bent on getting fighter jets from someone, even if it isn’t Vipers. I don’t think the IqAF leadership would be interested in basing them in the Kurdish part of their country, which might not even be part of Iraq if the locals get their way. They will want them closer to the old Mig guys in Baghdad, so they can get rides and brag more easily.
    -2 points
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