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T38 or T1 ?!?!

Sierra Hotel

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"How you react after your pride and courage and bravado get b1tch slapped, hard, is what matters."

This statement is much more valuable than being successul in the fighter world, or the heavy world...it has alot to do with being successful in the world, and I'm not talking about your MBA here.

Good thread here, Bendy learn many things. Bendy has learned many things this month & few of them have to do with flying.

"Who I am isn't dependent on WHAT I DO/DID."

OL' Patch, mucho respects, but I toss my BS flag on that one. I think who you are is extrememly dependant on what you do. I agree that you aren't intrinsically tied to what you did, but what you do means much more to me than what you say.

I try as best I can not to toot my own horn, making an honest effort to be humble. However, what I say can easily pull the wool over someone's eyes with as was recently called my "pretty mouth." I know this fact well, it's quite true. I can bullshit my way out of just about anything if I really want to. It's probably why I've gotten as far as I have being the douchebag that I am.

In any case, consider my BS flag laying in front of you.

To Froggy, if your family and your MBA are your priorities, then finish your MBA before you reach your MWS and talk to your family about how much time your getting ready to give away. Airframe means nothing to anyone except you, the impact on your family will be the same regardless of your choice. Do the right thing and do a little reflection on what it is that will make you happy and just go with that. Maybe your right, maybe your wrong...It'll be alright.

"If you have to think about it, don't take the T-38, Please" (Perhaps slightly misquoted, from BOZZ I think...sorry, man)

I'll have to go and pick up my BS flag and throw it again. I understand your point is about motavation, but flying a C-130 isn't no pic-o-nic basket either. If motavation is your point, then I would suggest you advise one not to fly at all. At the bare minimum, put yourself in an airframe where your flying by yourself. I don't want someone watching my 12 to 3 o'clock looking for the SA whatever that doesn't want to be there.

I wanted a fighter on track select night. I got a T-44. I was bummed. I even showed it to my FLT/CC, a gunship guy, my IP, the guy that pushed me the hardest, the guy that probably wanted the best for me out of everyone involved, including myself. When I think about that night, and how I felt and how I answered when he asked he if I was happy...It's pathetic. I was pathetic. I didn't understand.

Very, very few of you that don't yet have a MWS understand. It's not that it's complicated; It's not that your an idiot (perhaps.) It has to do with something else. I don't know what it is, maybe because it's different for everyone or that the cause is, I wish I could show you guys the light, but I can't.

No one but you truely gives two shits that you a fighter pilot. Few people truely give two shits that your a pilot at all. They will tell you that they do, and those that really believe that aren't people that have things figured out yet.

There is alot more to life than being a pilot, being a military aviator or even being a fighter pilot. None of those things mean shit. It is something that you have done, or do, or are going to do. It's worth what its worth, and one day it will be gone. You'll have stories, alot of memories...but, you'll still be there, hopefully...

Who are you now? Did you get where you wanted to go? Did you do the things you wanted to do? Did you do the right things? Are you proud of who you are and the things you've done?

Filling out your dreamsheet is a big deal. It's far from a tough decision. You don't have a clue what the f_ck your talking about one way or the other, regardless of wether you ask questions or not. Do what you think is the right thing for you and see where you go...Good luck.

"People come to this site because they care knuckleheads."

Well said. I believe that 100%.


EDIT: Is Bergman really a chick? That would totaly blow my mind. (Sorry, no STS Berg... :D )

[ 14. September 2006, 20:06: Message edited by: Bender ]

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I re-read your post several times...and still couldn't really understand it. It has some of the characteristics of a "diatribe," yet lacks a coherent, unifying theme.

I was especially thrown off, by the part about how flying a C-130, "isn't no pic-o-nic." Does that mean that it is indeed a "pic-o-nic."

Anyway...you appeared to have poured your heart and soul into the post, and, I feel bad, like I may somehow be letting you down, by not being able figure out what what the hell your point is.

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Hey BOZZ...

Sorry that you couldn't understand it. The "unifying theme" does not apply to you...perhaps that is part of the disconnect.

As far as the "pic-o-nic," I trust you get the yogi bear reference, so I won't explain.

The point is that motavation and a large amount of decication and effort is required regardless of the choice this young man is about to make.

Don't feel anything negative becuase you didn't pick up on my intentions...nice to know you care. But, like OL' PATCH mentioned, it's no surprise that you do otherwise you wouldn't take the time to even be here.

Besides, BOZZ...I don't need a "unifying theme." those are for people that know what the f_ck their talking about.

Sometimes I do, must of the time...yeah, not so much.


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Originally posted by Bender:

EDIT: Is Bergman really a chick? That would totaly blow my mind. (Sorry, no STS Berg... :D )

NO, I am not a chick. I have way too much common sense for that. :D Samsdog was busting my balls. I would have quoted his post here but he must have deleted it.
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You know, I must have seen this at least a dozen times where some guy with a wife and a kid wants to know what airframe to pick that will allow him to take his weekly pottery and couples gardening class, spend time with his kids, and get a degree -- and then there's the inevitable outcry that happens from the old guys.

I think that in 2006, as compared with 1986, the line between military life and civilian life is really really blurred. It's almost as if we're just "civilians with really interesting jobs", compared to how it was in the thick of the Cold War. Add the fact that "military" atmosphere is being slowly replaced with a "corporate" atmosphere, and you start attracting people whose priorities don't lie primarily with winning a war, it's inevitable.

I guess a better way to put what I'm thinking is...compare the officer's clubs today to the ones back in the day. That's kind of what's happening to the Air Force as a whole.

Honestly, the best way I can think of to fix it is proactive mentorship. It sucks to hear old guys talk about working hard and playing hard, when we have to work hard and play nice.

Just one man's opinion.

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Guest OL' Patch


What I quote from you below was my point. BS Flag returned.

OL' Patch--KIO "3"

Originally posted by Bender:

There is alot more to life than being a pilot, being a military aviator or even being a fighter pilot. None of those things mean shit. It is something that you have done, or do, or are going to do. It's worth what its worth, and one day it will be gone. You'll have stories, alot of memories...but, you'll still be there, hopefully...

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Originally posted by joe1234:

Add the fact that "military" atmosphere is being slowly replaced with a "corporate" atmosphere, and you start attracting people whose priorities don't lie primarily with winning a war, it's inevitable.

Good point. It all stems from two things:

1) The Vietnam generation has long since retired

2) Making shoe clerks generals


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