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Need Advice

Guest longshot

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Guest longshot

I know i am a longshot at getting in but I think I still have a chance of getting into the AF Reserves. I am 29 years old, and am graduating in Dec. I talked with a recruiter and he has given me the run a round, and won't give me a straight answer. I thought someone out there could give me a straight answer some good advice. I took the AFOQT, not the best of scores (pilot 60) but am planning on taking it again. Upon finishing school I will have a commercial pilot ticket with a multi-engine intrusment rating and 300 plus hours. Do I have a realistic shot at a pilot slot in the reserves? I am willing to move anywhere and fly anything they will let me. Thanks to anyone who responds.

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If you have no ROTC and no enlisted time in the Guard/Reserves...I'd say your chances are slim. You've just let too much time pass before getting your degree and getting serious about it.

If your dad is a Guard or Reserve squadron/group/wing commander, that would help. That's the best way into some of these backwater Guard units out there.

Good Luck.

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Originally posted by longshot:

I know i am a longshot at getting in but I think I still have a chance of getting into the AF Reserves. I am 29 years old, and am graduating in Dec. I talked with a recruiter and he has given me the run a round, and won't give me a straight answer. I thought someone out there could give me a straight answer some good advice. I took the AFOQT, not the best of scores (pilot 60) but am planning on taking it again. Upon finishing school I will have a commercial pilot ticket with a multi-engine intrusment rating and 300 plus hours. Do I have a realistic shot at a pilot slot in the reserves? I am willing to move anywhere and fly anything they will let me. Thanks to anyone who responds.

Hate to say it, but you might want to post this in the 'What are my Chances?' section.
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Guest Wxpunk
If your dad is a Guard or Reserve squadron/group/wing commander, that would help. That's the best way into some of these backwater Guard units out there.
Since you are already 29 plus you don't graduate until December (6 months)...then you need to go to AMS/OTS (1 ½ - 3 more months)...then get a UPT date...red tape... Dude, you will surely be 30 which will make the above quote a pretty long shot too. You will need General Jumper's signature to waive your age. This usually only occurs for prior enlisted that have had some circumstance (militarily) outside of their control (this doesn't include deployments as I found out first hand).

Good Luck Anyway!



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Read my signature block below. For every one that applies there are probably a thousand that eliminate themselves. Not one of the latter is in the cockpit today. Don't ask your recruiter if you should apply, give him a completed package and tell him to hurry up. Do the BAT tommorow and worry about the AFOQT when you have extra time.

Good luck, but a little work on your part should take some of the luck out of it.


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Guest rumblefish_2

On paper your chances are slim, but go for it anyway, bro. The age thing can be waivered if someone wants you. Don't worry about recruiters, find a unit you want to join and talk to their ops squadron. Your flying experience will help you and if you're a pretty sharp dude then a Guard/Reserve unit would still take a look at you. I'm finding age to be not so important in the Guard. The Wing CC here is well into his 50s and still flying the Viper...

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