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Posts posted by skybert

  1. 11 hours ago, Lord Ratner said:

    This is quite conveniently timed. Now that we have Hunter Biden, on tape, admitting that the Russian Mafia stole a laptop full of incriminating evidence, with the potential to blackmail him, while he makes "gajillions," I'd say the laptop story has some legs.


  2. 11 hours ago, Prozac said:

    Perhaps. Or perhaps the Russians will be surprised by the bloody nose they receive from Ukrainian resistance. Perhaps the despot Putin will be taken aback when his people revolt as the ruble craters. Perhaps the Russian people will grow increasingly impatient as the security situation on Russia’s western borders becomes more tense, which is the opposite of what Putin has promised. Perhaps the Russian bear will be surprised by the swift and unanimous condemnation of virtually every developed nation in the world. Yes, Russian oligarchs may be drooling over potential new Black Sea dachas, but nobody wants to go to their little party. them. Putin. 

    God, I hope so

  3. 10 hours ago, lloyd christmas said:

    This administration is in real trouble.  Rightly so and very predictable.  Biden was a terrible politician, known for dishonesty and unpopular prior to the election.  But, he wasn’t Trump.  That’s why he won.  Harris is absolutely awful on every level.  

    My question is, how does this play out if Biden doesn’t survive this Afghanistan debacle?   I would argue that this is one of the worst, self inflicted, embarrassing and unforgivable situations that our country has ever been through.  It’s been handled with complete dishonesty and lies.  There has been zero empathy and ownership.  And it’s going to get worse.  Much much worse.  

    I’ve never seen anything like this.  My community has been heavily involved in Afghanistan.  We’ve got multiple guys in the squadron who have done the air advisor thing.  They were embedded with the Afghans for 6 months at a time.   I’ve never received as many late night calls from guys in my squadron as I have over this.  We’ve had emails from the VA, counselors in the squadron, talks with commanders etc.  And today, for the first time, I legitimately asked a buddy if he thought he was going to hurt himself.  This stress is cumulative and we all have unique stories.  It started in February 2020 with COVID and it’s culminated in this Afghanistan disaster.  

    So, again, how does this play out?  Do we see a resignation like Nixon?  Do we watch this come and eventually go with Americans and their short memories?  What are your thoughts and how do we handle it?  

    The American voter:


    “ just got my welfare increased, and the government says I don’t have to pay my rent” . In my state (MIchigan) the governor says if you get a DUI, don’t worry about it, we’ll make it go away.

    buying those votes over giving a shit about anyone who gets off their ass and contributes anything.

     The ones who voted these people into office could care less about the sacrifices the military has made.

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