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The Lefty

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Posts posted by The Lefty

  1. Gentlemen,

    As some of you know, the guard slung out some rapid fire $20k cash bonuses for DSG pilots this year, and are now trying to recoup them based on “erroneous NGB/A1 guidance” about eligibility. The paragraph referenced implies that this is about some sort of service commitment to the guard post UPT. I’ve heard this “10-year commitment” mentioned before, but have never seen any sort of formal guidance or signed anything related to a service commitment. Can anyone point me to more info? Thanks.


  2. I always understood that the whole military justice / court-martial system operates at the behest of a commanding officer. There simply is no independent judiciary in the military. Courts-martial are convened because the commander does not have enough time to arbitrate each case. It's interesting that people are incensed over a commander's authority to overturn a verdict, yet have no problem with the President's authority to pardon known criminals.

    As for the case itself, when the investigating officer's decision to recommend a court-martial was based on the fact that the woman had no motivation to invent the story, I find that pretty weak. Couple that with the current state of fighter pilot hating ginned up by Tsgt Smith and co. and you have a very accuser-friendly environment.

  3. Interesting timeline. I'm waiting on the official word right now. I did Brooks July 26th, and was told that I should expect 11-03 AMS class (Jan). Do you know when you're package was submitted to the NGB? Did you have any waivers at Brooks?

    No waivers at Brooks. As for submitting my package, I had my stuff turned around to MPF by the first week in February, but I'm pretty sure they didn't get it off until April-ish (not that I'm surprised).

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