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Everything posted by ForTheBoys

  1. Hey everyone, I'm a Navy guy making the short trek over here from AirWarriors, thanks for having me! I recently found out I'll be headed to Vance to be a T-6 IP. Vance is usually pretty rare on our options list, and since none of us go through training there anymore and we have a small IP footprint there, no one really has much gouge. I used the search function a decent amount, but haven't found much regarding what life is like as an IP. I've chatted a bit with a navy guy who's currently there, but just wanted to get some more data points. Just trying to get a general feel for overall job satisfaction, how the flying is, how the squadron culture is, and what the day-to-day might be like with balancing flying and the ground job (I've heard days go pretty long due to this), and any other helpful gouge. Also, is there somewhere I can access the pubs I'd need? We have a very different convention for how our flight manuals/instructions are organized, and I'd love to get ahold of a recent dash 1 and all the other pubs I'd need so there's less of a culture shock once I show up for PIT. Thanks!
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