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  1. Incredible you got DQed in ROTC? How did you managed to get it back?
  2. What would be considered normal for exophoria?
  3. Ok that makes sense I had other doctors say that I have no amblyopia or exotropia so this is why they are checking again. I must also ask is there any grounds for DQ for exophoria?
  4. Ok thank you, I know for a fact that they could potentially give it to me as long I have a good outcome of this surgery. The doctor has stated that I could be having up to 3.00 D of astigmatism. They eye doc has also stated that I have amblyopia and exotropia although this is barely noticeable and insignificant to affect vision and is correctable. They most likely will have to look at it again. I looked through the waiver and there are mentions of both of these but they didn't state anymore about this according to me, but maybe I'm not reading enough. Are both of these grounds for disqualification or does this depend on their evaluation with them?
  5. Oh ok this makes sense so would lets say for example -3.75 is my astigmatism in both eyes would this be considered disqualifying but waiver eligible? Or is this not enough information to tell?
  6. Hello there, I had a question regarding with the Pre-RS Cycloplegic requirements for astigmatism under page 631 in table 3 of the AF waiver guide. It says that you must have less than or equal to 3.00 diopters for astigmatism however there is no + or - to indicate the limit unlike the other requirements for Myopia and Hyperopia. Is no sign indicating both, -, or +? Thanks. https://www.afrl.af.mil/Portals/90/Documents/711/USAFSAM/USAF-waiver-guide-201202.pdf?ver=CfL6CVKyrAbqyXS7A-OX_A%3D%3D
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