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  1. Yeah it does specify that, but I wouldn’t need an age waiver for another 4 years! It’s really determining if I will enjoy CSO as a backup or Acquitions (which is limited at the only base my wife can go to). Fun stuff lol
  2. Was this the last time you were allowed to apply, or are you just deciding not to?
  3. Does that mean this was your last time applying?
  4. Yeah that’s what sucks lol. I thought my “well rounded airmen concept” would be my saving grace because I figured my numbers were mid average. Only downside was not finishing the ppl which made me 2 of 2 for applying. My wife is a CSO so things are limited. Might just take CSO and hope the age waiver stays around for the next time I apply. Would hate to apply next year and not get cso or pilot lol. Congrats on getting selected!!!! CSO was the only option I was on the fence about so of course that’s the one I get to ensure my stress levels are up 😂
  5. I did not get my first choice, so I am trying to determine if I want to accept CSO. My scores were 92p/83pcsm. I just retook the TBAS and have a 92p/94pcsm. I would like to think those numbers would guarantee me a slot next year, but looking at the wide range of selects I am not so sure. If I accept CSO I would be able to apply one more time without an age waiver. I am trying to determine if I should go for it next year or take CSO since being a CSO helps with the package and offers a great backup position!
  6. I guess that is the good thing about applying as rated because they won’t offer you another rated spot unless it’s what you want, so you don’t have to deny one and can apply as many times as you want to get your first pick! Congratulations on pilot!!
  7. I got MPF on the phone and they pulled it up and said that It states we have to contact our senior eaters 😒 I was so excited but then I wasn’t lol
  8. I called earlier but didn’t talk to someone in charge. Now they are closed until tomorrow 😒😂
  9. It’s available to MPFs, FSSs, and commanders, so it’s probably easier to call your MPF lol
  10. Yeah they posted an update on the portal that it is posted in myPers Secure
  11. If you have a 3 star senior eater I feel like your package is on point lol
  12. Exactly how I feel! Do you think you have a strong shot at getting UCT since most people put pilot as number one?
  13. It is supposed to be briefed to the commander this week with the document being released next week unless it is delayed.
  14. Is the ENJJPT numbers included within the pilot selects when they post the results of the board, or do they not include those numbers into the results?
  15. I really hope they have more slots than ever after seeing other peoples scores from this year and last year!
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