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ET phone home

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Everything posted by ET phone home

  1. I am 35 and pursuing an airguard or reserve pilot slot, no previous military. I understand to not self eliminate and let them tell me no. But a majority of the job postings state in the requirements that I must be no older than 30 to 34 to apply (depending on the attachment), while some others state no older than 34 by start of upt. Furthermore, the units I call ask me the age question right away, then say no thanks. So do I only apply to the VERY few that don’t state age requirements, or still send my application package to every unit and hope I don’t piss off a wing because I can’t follow directions. Take bogidope for example. Only one out of 15 posts does not say anything about age in the hiring attachments. I believe I have read every post and haven’t come across this specific question, forgive me if I missed it. I will also continue trying, just looking for some insight. This forum has been very informative and everyone is extremely helpful with your knowledge. I am very thankful, keep it going!
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