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Everything posted by RunningMan

  1. Is there anything prohibiting having LASIK after FC1 but before UPT? This is assuming you have enough time for recovery before training begins.
  2. Fit tri guy......what's your Ironman or triathlon PR? Off topic I know.
  3. Thank you for the clarification! I assume that would still apply if you had an acuity of 20/225 but a refraction of -2.25?
  4. I have read through several threads now. So to clarify, the 20/### acuity does not DQ you. The -3.00 standard is what matters? My prescription is -2.25 in both. I was told at my last exam that I was about 20/125 uncorrected. But I have printed Snellen charts at home and 20/200 is blurry when I test myself that way.
  5. Well....just received notification that I was selected for C17's for the 183rd in Jackson,MS. I appreciate all of the insight I've read on this board.
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