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  1. Hello everyone, I'm new to the site and new to the concept of rushing a unit. I'm not sure if this is the appropriate place to ask questions on how that works, if it is then great if not I apologize in advance. I'm currently debating whether to go AD or Reserve with the end goal of flying (haven't been able to decide between fighters or heavies) I've been working with a line officer recruiter on the AD side of things so I have a decent amount of knowledge on that process however recently I was told about this reserve option of rushing a unit and filling an opening. A bit of background on myself: 20 years old about to complete my Bachelors degree in December 2016 graduating with a 3.0-3.1 GPA About 6 flight hours....(I know that is nothing significant) however I do hope (funds permitting) to get my PPL before attempting to join I have already taken the AFOQT although the scores were low in the quantitative and I will be studying up a lot before I attempt it again no TBAS or PCSM scores right now clean medical record (DODMERB and FAA Class 3 medical compliant) clean judicial record as well Nearest reserve base is Homestead AFB in FL Some of the questions I can think up at this time: How do I go about being selected by a unit. What does it actually mean to be selected by a unit? Does this mean I bypass the boards for OTS and jump straight to IFS and UPT or do I still need to land a spot in an OTS board as well? (If anyone has knowledge on this) What are the differences in culture,lifestyle, and quality of life between fighters and heavies? Is pay reduced when you are a reservist? Can I treat my reservist position as a full time job. I appreciate any help at all and any guidance since like I said I'm pretty new to the whole process thanks!
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