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Everything posted by Rodion

  1. I seem to recall someone saying he had good depth perception at one time. Maybe it was something else. I thought he would be eligible if he had Lasik surgery, but might be with PRK? Not sure of the exact difference... Thx....
  2. StuckinDayton, thanks for the information. I'm not sure exactly how to interpret all of it, but I do know to see about getting him the cycloplegic exam. We are a military family and probably would have the base do it since he's still a dependent. Do you recommend doing this now so he know where he stands? I'm not sure when ROTC does it. He's a sophomore right now. He plaid Varsity football without any problems, so hopefully everything will be fine. Thanks again for your time and explanation! Regards...
  3. Hello, I'm new to this excellent looking board. Can't believe all the great information you guys/gals have. I'll do my best not to color outside the lines. I have a boy in Air Force ROTC who is interested in becoming an Air Force pilot. He's a hard charger, great GPA, and a well balance kid. So much so, I wonder if he's more closely related to the mailman than me. In any event, he's concerned he won't be qualified because of his vision. We know there are various types of surgery available, such as LASIK and PRK, but aren't sure exactly which one's are allowed, if any. We thought we had someone "in the know" who was going to get back to us with an answer, but haven't heard anything yet. I really don't have any idea as to what questions I should ask, or what information I should provide. His contact prescription is as follows. B.C. 8.6 DIA 14.0, under the SPH heading OD +2.25 OS -0.75 These are for 30 day disposable contacts. Does this information tell anybody anything? He's not color blind at all. Is he qualified (vision wise) to be a pilot, and if not, is there anything he can legally have done? He doesn't want to go through years of prep, including getting his private pilots license, only to find out he's disqualified from the get go. He wants to be an Air Force Officer no matter what happens, but he'd like to know if he should be concentrating his efforts elsewhere. Thank you in advance for any and all help. From reading past posts, you all seem to have the most knowledgeable board on the net. Thanks!
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