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Posts posted by FishBowl

  1. I'm talking about MKS pattern. They will dedonflict IFR traffic but do not monitor 123.05 UNICOM unless that's changed.

    Gotcha. I believe the Cessna was well out of MKS's pattern and in class E airspace at that time. Checking up with CHS approach only takes a minute, but I know a lot of people that don't do that. Flight following is so easy to get and, at the very least, increases SA.

  2. If the C-150 only one radio, then switching to CHS approach at 1400ft and only monitoring is absolutely the worst thing to do. Then you miss out on the majority of the traffic making their 10min out and traffic pattern calls, but don't get the help of Flight Following.

    CHS tower handles the 10nm call and traffic pattern. CHS approach's airspace is approximately 30nm in every direction.

  3. does the word "immediately" absolve the pilot of performing a standard rate turn?

    The word "immediately" doesn't specify the rate of turn; only that expeditious compliance is required to avoid an "imminent" situation. Perhaps a second, updated radar traffic advisory or foregoing the conditional phrase "if you don't have traffic in sight" would have helped avoid this collision. To further play Monday morning QB, perhaps taking aircraft characteristics into consideration, have the pointy-nose climb to avoid and re-vector for the approach. Looking at the illustration, perhaps a turn in the opposite would have been best. We weren't there and we can hindsight it all day. I don't put any party solely at blame, but I believe it was a combination of unfavorable variables.

    Edit for online college spelling skills.

  4. I'm a controller at a fighter base and I fly recreationally. I wish every GA pilot could spend a day watching the scopes. It would be a really eye-opening experience and further justification to study your frequented airspace beyond just a glance at a sectional. x2 on the not needin further regulation, but perhaps a shift in culture. We have light a/c skirt the edges of our Delta through the FAF at g/s intercept altitude multiple times daily without flight following.

    • Upvote 3
  5. I don't know if this is too off target for this thread, but they recently announced a dedicated OTS board for RPA dudes (16OTRPA). Projection for FY16 is approximately 265 RPA pilots from OTS.

    Was there recently a change to the pipeline to allow this sort of number of trainees? Or are we going to be looking at a huge bottleneck at the schoolhouses?

  6. Drop into the drills of the unit you're applying to. Hand-carry applications and maybe bring some social lubricant to thank them for their time. Also, just be a good dude. A/D hiring tends to be more objective, but ANG/AFRES is pretty subjective (because they can be). Having the scores and ratings help, but you as a person and a "dude/dudette" is measured by the hiring board.

  7. I've applied to the upcoming A/D rated board and am fairly confident I'll come away with a pilot slot. I'm currently enlisted and I have dependents. If selected, my family will PCS to my UPT base and I will attend OTS en route. Will I have a chance to meet the ENJJPT board since they would have to move my family again to Witchita Falls? Seems like a hassle the AF would rather not deal with.

  8. This thread is a flipping train wreck. Nut up, bro. Fix your sh*t... It's not your instructors' fault, it's not "the system's" fault, it's your's. If you can't deal with your personal issues well enough to at least swing a 3.0 in college how do you expect to make it through OTS, UPT and, even more, operational Big Blue?

    Learn some personal accountability, rectify your situation and then come back.

    (edited for language)

  9. I'm an AD enlisted dude applying to various Guard/Reserve units and I understand the importance of face time with the respective squadrons. I've sent out a few applications and have rushed a couple units already and plan on more. I've always worn business casual while dropping-in during UTAs, but never really thought of it as a negative. In my head, ABUs are utility uniforms and don't look too sharp. Blues, on the other hand, seem over-the-top and, frankly, dorky for a drop-in. Still, for formal interviews/boards I would 100% wear service dress.

    My question is: Do you think wearing a nice business casual outfit, as opposed to a uniform, is hurting my chances?

  10. If you have anything you feel might be questionable about your own package, the board will definitely notice. Address problem areas like Sanka said and be honest. It's kind of like that interview question about your weaknesses; try to find a way to address the issues, but with a positive spin. It takes finesse and a bit of "wordsmithery", but it's is doable as long as the problem isn't a major cause for concern.

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