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Everything posted by rtgators

  1. Ok...you can have your discussion post back. Let's not forgot that between the 90's and now that military compensation has increased every year and major airline hiring pay took a HUGE pay cut between '05 and '12. The civilian/military pay gap in the 90's was in the range of 15% and was all but eliminated by '09. Congress has been good to the military...BAH changes, new GI bill, etc. and this has changed some of the variables. Anyway, it seems like you have a hold on the situation and can continue to update everyone. I'll just reiterate the original reason I showed up. The bonus will not go up next year (it can't) and if your UFT ADSC expires next Oct thru Feb the early eligible option is a good deal as the next FY bonus can't be released until the NDAA is signed and we don't know what FY15 Force Management picture will look like yet... Peace out!
  2. I said the past few years...not this year. I agree that we are seeing an uptick in hiring and will continue to for the foreseeable future. The ARP is an annual program and will be adjusted as needed. It's not the end all to be all but it's better than not having any program at all. This link is pretty good and shows that major airline hiring has been pretty non-existent from 09 thru 13. http://fapa.aero/hiringhistory.asp
  3. I wrote the following up yesterday to someome that PM'd me and I think it may help. Bottom line is the program overall looks at total inventory vs required inventory (requirements) to meet the budgeted mission that is submitted to Congress.. The gap between the two is greatest when it comes to fighters. The program is dialed up (longer contract years, up-front money, uncommitted category, no TAFMS restriction, etc) when retention is low and or we have a large inventory/requirement gap. In the case of fighters it is not so much a retention problem but and absorption problem. The past few years airline hiring hasn't quite happened, retention has been ok, and the operational requirement (FY authorizations and budget) has lowered, and a majority of Rated personnel were allowed to participate in Voluntary Force Management programs. Since the program is changed yearly based on current conditions, some of those items I mentioned above like TAFMS, uncommitted category, etc would be utilized to try and retain folks. It pretty much comes down to: does the inventory match the budgeted requirement. Hope this helps some.
  4. The pilots at McConnell would have to tell you why only 3 show up. AFPC inputs the yearly program policy eligible and ineligible variables into a database and the system kicks out names of who is eligible. Typically that list includes approx 850 pilots. Maybe some are still on a UPT ADSC or exceed TAFMS limits or didn't commit last year, etc. I'll be here in Oct as long as the conversation is constructive. I'm close to the process and just want to let folks discuss and debate with the correct info...basically dispel rumors.
  5. TnkrToad, Why are you so angry? Majority of the 900+ folks are eligible based off of the expiration of their UFT commitment. Some others based off of their YAS. I'm not sure i have anything to do with what flavor of rated has expiring UFT ADSCs.
  6. Yup...all you are seeing is finalized applications not ones being worked or waiting to be worked. These WILL go up with each new update!
  7. Ok. Yup, I'm going to stay away from the opinion pieces on this thread. Since I'm currently in the policy shop, I want to make sure people can create opinions on factual data. I surely didn't understand it when I was flying the line.
  8. Feeling inadequate Gravedigger? Some people may actually want the inside scoop...
  9. Bonus will not go up next year. It takes a ULB and the requested increase didnt make it past the FY15 omnibus last year. No bait and switch on the early eligible. The Navy already does this and allows folks to be paid on time and not wait until the next program rolls out...which can't happen until the NDAA is finalized. Didnt realize their was that much distrust in the system so next year rated policy will try to include policy that lets only early eligible that have already signed renegotiate a contract if the bonus goes up.
  10. The X5s are test and eval. The website means nothing because it only shows finalized applications. AFPC has plenty of applications they are working and you will see a 'linear' rise in the stats as the 1 person deep shop can only finalize so many in one day.
  11. Yes, assuming everything stays the same. You will be an 'initial' eligible.
  12. No catch...just common sense policy. The Navy uses the early eligible concept. This enables folks to get paid as soon as their UFT ADSC expires and potentially prevents Airmen on the fence from separating. Good stuff for the Oct thru Jan ADSC folks. For those thinking next year's program may offer more money, this takes a Congressional action which was deferred outside of the AF's control last year. Congressional proposals are 1-2 years out (depending on the type) so the soonest anyone would see an increase is FY16. I hope this helps.
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