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Posts posted by MooseAg03

    Notice not much is/has been made of the IT scandal within many of the Democrat congressional delegations.  Guy (Pakistani national) accessed terrabytes of Congressional info, was picked up by the FBI with large dollars in his pocket at Dulles, his wife did manage to get out, his employer Debbie Wasserman-Shultz was frantic to keep her laptop and this issue out of the hands of law enforcement, etc, etc, etc.
    Guy pled guilty yesterday to one count of loan application falsification.

    Another win for the non-biased completely apolitical FBI...
  2. Franken won his Senate seat by 225 votes, so don’t tell me any number of fraudulent votes is insignificant. Also see Florida in 2000.

    As for voting systems, I think electronic ballots are ridiculous. If we’re going to have them, they should be secured along the lines of high side machines in the DOD. Keep them separate, unplugged and isolated to prevent malware. I would much prefer a return to paper ballots where I receive a carbon copy showing how my vote was counted. But in today’s world where everyone wants instant results, I’m not sure that will happen.

    I also recall a post just a few before this one where someone else argued for paper ballots as well. There you go with the generalizations that an entire political party doesn’t care about a particular topic. It gets nauseating.

  3. Maybe you’re special because even with the wait at the DMV it took me a total of about 15 minutes (with a mil ID without SSN) to get my Texas DL.

    Same with me. I think I waited about half an hour because of the line that formed prior to opening. My old license was about 2 years expired and I was in the middle of a PCS. I was even able to put my parents’ address on my ID because I was homeless at the time.

    DMVs are a great example of government services and their level of customer service. Maybe we should allow vetted private businesses to offer driver’s license services to those who want to pay for convenience. Then this could free up DMV offices to give out free IDs to satisfy your mythical citizens who roam through life with no ID.
  4. The voting amendments only state you can’t discriminate against voters because of race, age, sex, etc. It does not mean there can be no regulation placed on voting. I’ve been unable to vote because Texas requires me to re-register every year to vote absentee and sometimes I don’t get it done in time. That’s on me. Constitutional rights are not absolute such as limits placed on the 1st Amendment (can’t yell fire in a theater) and as you alluded to - regulation on the 2nd Amendment even though the text states “shall not be infringed.” Texas offers free IDs through the Department of Public safety to use for voting, just like I have to make an effort to register in order to vote, those on the fringes of society who somehow go through life without an ID can go through the trouble to get one in order to vote.

    Texas has been prosecuting voter fraud left and right since the 2016 election, so I don’t think the fraud is as rare as you claim. Hell, in addition to ID, I think we should stain everyone’s thumbs purple like they do in Afghanistan. That keeps people from walking up and claiming a name on the voter rolls in order to vote multiple times.

  5. The problem lies with the order of implementation. You have to secure the border first, before allowing any sort of talk about any path to citizenship for illegal immigrants. We see the mess we’re in now after the amnesty of the 1980s. Locking down the border not only secures our country, but it helps protect the people struggling to cross desolate landscapes using help from illegal traffickers. How many times have we seen truck loads of these people abandoned in summer heat in TX because the POS trafficking in humans abandoned them because he was afraid of getting caught?

    The caveat I would put on a pathway to citizenship would be only post wall completion, and actual illegal crossings would have to be virtually stopped both according to CBP/ICE and border state law enforcement (to prevent number fudging). I’d also put a time limit of 15-20 years of productive membership in society before applying for citizenship. Anyone caught trying to cross after implementation should be immediately deported no questions asked. We have to eliminate the incentive to cross illegally which I believe is the main problem with a pathway to citizenship in the first place.

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  6. Would you agree nsplayr that anyone who came here illegally that is allowed to stay should never be allowed to vote? I think people should not be rewarded for breaking the law, and if they want to become full citizens, then they should go back to where they came from and immigrate legally. If they don’t want to do that, then fine - give them a permanent foreign worker status but they do not get to vote.

  7. How are 99% of us immigrants? It bugs me when people say that we are a nation of immigrants. Actually the vast majority of us were born here and so were a lot of our ancestors. Those ancestors BUILT this nation into what it is today, we didn’t just wander up the shores of the east coast and find the greatest country on earth.

    My last relative who came to the US was my great grandfather on my mom’s side in the 1890s. My oldest immigrant relatives settled in Texas in the 1780s. I agree that we should continue a certain level of legal immigration, but what do you have left when those immigrants plant roots and have families here? Americans. Not immigrants. My family assimilated as fast as they could, some were simple farmers just trying to make a living and others ran businesses that helped shape the oil industry in the 20th century. After that first generation that stepped off the boat dies, their family are no longer immigrants.

  8. Oh and they aren’t anti-immigration, as they say on their website: they support immigration policies to protect all Americans, whether they were born in our country or not. We’re all in the same boat, they just think the numbers should be lower.


    Numbers USA was founded in 1996 after Democrat Barbara Jordan and her US Commission on Immigration Reform suggested cutting immigration levels to around 550k per year for sustainment. Also President Clinton’s Task Force on Population and Consumption suggested even deeper cuts to annual immigration to avoid adding hundreds of millions to our population by 2100.


    I miss old William Jefferson, his positions in the 1990s are far more Conservative than most Republicans today on immigration. Remember when there were sensible Democrats who didn’t all call for open borders and violent opposition to their political opponents?



  9. Forgive me if I don’t trust numbers given to us by the government that can’t even accurately report unemployment. Apologies, the projection for 600 million was for 2100. The video was from 2010, so maybe birth rates have slowed because they forecast about 30 million more than the census bureau for 2060.

    If you think cramming people into our country is only about space you’re pretty naive. How many of us grow food? What about water usage in the western half of the country? Look at the drought issues in California and Lake Meade. If we need a certain level of legal immigration for population sustainment, fine. But we should pay attention to the growth, because if growth doesn’t taper off eventually all of our cities will look like Shanghai.

  10. Just saying they are flooding our country because of our broken immigration system is a joke. Watch a few of the Numbers USA videos about our population growth just due to the LEGAL immigration numbers of around 1 million per year. It is unsustainable growth and our population will balloon to over 600 million in just a few decades. I’m sorry, but we cannot let in every person who just wants a better life.

    We’re better served helping them increase the standard of living in their own countries. What good does it do anyone to bring our economy down over the long term? Our unfunded liabilities due to social programs alone is going to bankrupt our country, we can’t keep adding thousands to those programs each year and have any hope of staying afloat.

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  11. They can as long as you arent being prejudiced against a  protected class...it's called the rule of law...aren't republicans supposed to be the party of law and order? Only pay attention to the laws you like.

    I guess you missed the 7-2 SCOTUS ruling supporting the Christian baker and his right to refuse service on religious grounds. This baker chose to stand up for his right not to participate in a practice that he believes is morally wrong and goes against the true design of Biblical marriage. I guess that trumps your protected class argument.

    Political affiliation is not a protected class, but choosing to refuse service to someone you disagree with politically is not helpful to where we find ourselves today. Can’t we get back to being normal where we don’t make the simplest things like eating at a restaurant about politics? It’s all so exhausting.
  12. On a tangent...lots of snowflakes melting down online about Sarah Huckster-Sanders being booted from a restaurant.  Lots of twitter rage, and completely nuking any review website for the restaurant...very comical.  Seems like you regressives have a bit of cognitive dissonance problem with what powers private businesses should be allowed to do.

    But bankrupting small business owners because they have a religious objection to baking a cake for a gay wedding is ok?

    Private businesses either can refuse service or they can’t, which is it?
  13. If they bought the jets they’d still have no pilots to fly them. The contractors utilize ex-military pilots which frees up the smaller number of AF guys to train and focus on their tactical proficiency.

    If they did try to purchase jets, you’d be talking an even larger burden on UPT to grow the 11F ranks in order to fill cockpits. We’re already seeing the strain and cuts to UPT in order to boost production just to man the jets we already have.

    • Upvote 3
  14. It violated rules because supposedly the individual mandate penalties were a “tax” which means it should have originated in the House. But then the Obama admin argued it was a “fine” and then switched to insisting the penalty was a “tax” in order to skirt being declared unconstitutional by SCOTUS.


    If it is between my parents not being able to afford their mortgage and my mom having health insurance, yes I’m fine with it. They make their own decisions and when she tells me her premiums were almost equal to their mortgage payment each month, that’s ridiculous and I don’t blame her for foregoing coverage. I don’t think they should be penalized for choosing not to go broke buying something the government forces down their throats.


    Since you say it’s more popular than the President, I’d love to see the sample from whom that poll was taken. My guess is it’s a majority of democrats and/or people receiving subsidies to make it more affordable. Unfortunately my dad actually works hard and is making a fairly decent living and doesn’t qualify for subsidies.


    If you don’t think we have a good healthcare system, why do people travel here from all over the world to seek treatment? Our medicine is excellent, it’s the bureaucracy both in the government and insurance companies that drive up costs. If I had the solution, I’d be making tons of money as a consultant but I believe it lies in free market principles. When five different patients are charged five different amounts for the same treatment based on their insurance plan or how much the provider can inflate charges to maximize reimbursement amounts, there’s an issue. Why not walk in and see an actual list of prices for services?


  15. It was built through compromise with who, themselves? From what I recall they violated rules to get it passed with no bipartisan support.

    And if my family members who couldn’t afford the ridiculous premiums before the mandate repeal now don’t have to be taxed by the IRS for it, I’m fine with that. Most premiums for working people were already unaffordable, it was always an income redistribution ruse and I’m glad my parents won’t be penalized for not paying 1/3 of their income for premiums.

  16. “We believe this previously unscheduled session time can be put to good use to finally help Americans secure the affordable health care the President and Congressional Republicans have thus far failed to deliver,” - Chuck Schumer

    Wait a sec Chuck, didn’t your party pass a little 3,000 page piece of legislation a few years ago literally titled the “Affordable Care Act”?

    Mitch McConnell Just Tossed a Grenade into the 2018 Midterm Race - Vanity Fairhttps://apple.news/AmoQ3GdFAREOKqFE2ZNt1zw

  17. Im really trying to go after a C-17 unit, that is my preference but can deal with a C-130 unit as a last resort...

    First piece of advice, beggars can’t be choosers. There is also an RPA unit in Nashville that would require no travel.

    Someone in your situation with the age limit should be open to any and all possibilities to get your foot in the door.
  18. According to Wikipedia, the good ol’ Super Hornet was first operational in 1999. I would hope that this movie is not set in present day (Not sure how he could be an 0-6 at 30+ years with DOPMA, unless he’s some crusty reservist). My guess is it’ll be like all other unoriginal Hollywood movies and recycle the same plot. Maverick will be working at Fallon teaching some hotshot new rule breaker strike tactics in the Super Hornet. Shit hits the fan and miraculously, they are on the boat in the gulf pushing in to strike the Taliban with the first wave of OEF in Oct ‘01. The end will make it seem like they won the war, but we all know the reality is that we’re still trying to figure out how to do that 17 years later.


  19. Geez drewpey, you must have missed all the links to news articles. Like brick says, if all this is just nonsense then you’ll have no trouble during the 2020 campaign when the intel apparatus is used to spy on the democrat nominee.

    It’s interesting to me that former high level intel folks are now at mainstream media outlets where they can shape the coverage of their misdeeds. The whole thing stinks and if you don’t think it does I’ve got a bridge I’d like to sell you.

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