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Posts posted by rbigred300

  1. Also got my denial....also eligible for everything according to the guidance. Sounds like everyone will get their denial if you have any UPT commitment and we can all agree that it's bullshit. However for the people talking about an IG complaint...this sounds very familiar to last time. I am wondering if anything actually changed or came out of the IG complaints last time around? Because it doesn't seem like it did anything. What is your goal for an IG complaint in this situation?

  2. VSP results are potentially late summer, with separation at end of Sep 14. Take a big check in FY14 after getting 9 months of salary. Hello 33% income tax bracket.

    RIF results are Aug 14, and 31 Jan 15 separation. Extra time, extra pay, "reduced severance" that is actually paid in the next year when you're taking a pay cut.

    ('03 would see $20K reduction before taxes, but also get paid $26K in base pay alone to languish for 4 months and then take the severance in FY15).

    I see what you are saying...but a vsp looks good if you don't think you would be selected for RIF. My understanding is the RIF is quality cuts based. While I don't think I am a superstar, if you have SOS, masters complete, and a series of good strats my guess is you could have a low shot of getting picked. And then if you bank on the RIF, miss it, and the Air Force subsequently over reacts and cuts too many people you could lose out on your only shot.

  3. Shot in the dark, but I imagine you need to complete actual credit hours that add up to the BAC+ threshold. Credits that schools offer for certain military training don't count towards anything but the overall school degree. If I'm wrong, I'll edit it out later.

    The University of Louisville has a bunch of totally online programs, and most degree programs offer a "senior paper" rather than a thesis that you need to defend. They reduce all courses to $250/ credit hour so you don't pay a dime in tuition if you spread out the courses. You won't get credit for any military training, but a good option outside of the AMU/TUI realm. I'm nine credits in and am enjoying my classes. http://louisville.ed...ee-program.html

    Nope, you can get the BAC+ just fine with the 12 credits for FTU of some sort and SOS in-res, plus an additional 1 class to total 15 credits. After you are done, you have to call up some office at AFIT which is responsible for updating your SURF to reflect BAC+. I think I had to send in a copy of my current transcript showing I had 15 credits. So, like others were saying, if you did something like Brandman where you automatically get 15 credits just for signing up, then you should get the BAC+ in the amount of time to apply for the college, get accepted, and for AFIT to correct your records. At least that has been my experience and the experience of a bunch of my friends...

  4. Safe to say that ERAU is the only one that'll give you creds for UPT?

    I am enrolled in ERAU right now with one course under my belt. I got no credit for UPT, and I am not aware of that option. You get 3 credits for SOS in-res (counts towards 1 of the 4 classes you need to take for an Aerospace emphasis for Aeronautical Sciences. I also got 9 credits for C-17 initial qualification (which all count towards the 9 elective credits you need for the degree. So, you wind up only needing to take 1 class to get the BAC+.

  5. University of Management and Technology is priced at TA for active duty military if you take two classes at once, AND free textbooks if you are Active Duty. Their website looks like it was made in 1997 on geocities, but it IS accredited and shit easy. But it is a totally 100% free to get Master's for the box-checker group with close to zero effort.

    I have done 1 class through ERAU and really not enjoying it. It seems worthless, and yet I had to spend a bunch more time on it than I thought I would...so whats the point. I would rather spend my time getting a legit degree; unfortunately I only have above 1 year and 8 months or so until I should really have this thing done for my Majors board, and that really isn't enough time to start a legit MBA program. So now, I want to just get the absolute easiest degree done (something I can do within a year or so) and then go back later and get a real masters.

    After reading this entire thread, I am considering the AU ALMP because it sounds pretty easy and has the benefit of ACSC partial completion.

    However, this UMT sounds easy as shit. Can anyone expand on this "close to zero effort" you speak of?

  6. You're right in that prior-E folks get hosed under this system. Yep, the difference in STRDs, even not having a number in the parenthesis, might be the discriminator between you or someone else getting a 365 to a shithole. Yep, the odds have never been higher that you'll get a 365 to a shithole if you decide to make the AF a career these days, especially if you sign the bonus. FAIPs and OCONUS PCS'd folks are especially nervous... it's only CONUS to OCONUS TDYs that change the STRD. Those exercises in Thailand or wherever for Yokota folks don't count as far as I know. Maybe that's changed.

    Thanks for the info everybody. They sure did not make it easy to get a short tour with these new changes...at least not in the C-17 community (unless of course you go on a 365).

  7. Have we gotten to the point where guys with a short tour are getting tagged for 365s or is 1 short still enough to keep you off the list? I know prior Es are vulnerable for the 365s because of their ancient STRDs (relative to their commissioning year group peers). What's the latest trend? Who tops the list?

    I have a couple of questions about this short tour subject, if anyone has some info. First, does anyone have an answer to the above question? Seems pretty applicable in my airframe.

    Secondly, I am wondering how important a short tour is at my current stage. I am an 06 Captain with DOR of 2010 and a C-17 driver at second C-17 assignment. I could be getting a 180 day CAOC tour and if I combine this with another 60 day deployment, then I might be able to squeeze out a short tour (also counting other OCONUS days TDY from other missions). In this scenario I would be using the 300 days in 18 month rule.

    Right now my STRD is some random date in 2007, which confuses me because I don't believe I should have a short tour at all...and so I figured your STRD would just be your date of commissioning.

    Regardless, if I can get my STRD to be sometime this year...could that be beneficial to me to avoid other shitty deals and possible iTDYs, etc in the future? I would imagine that most of my peers do not have a short tour as well, and so once we become Majors in 2 or 3 years, we will be looked at for all these random deployments and the guys with the most recent STRD will be the winners, correct?

  8. Does being AD qual'd make you any more likely to stay in the C-17? Only one of my IPs at UPT was AD qual'd (he went to AETC on request), the rest were just Air/Land.

    No, in my experience, being AD qual'd does not make you more likely to stay in the C-17...although I think 5-10 years ago it could have and so a lot of new guys might hear that from their UPT instructors. I would like to say that currently it has almost nothing to do with it at all. I just got to my second C-17 assignment, as an airland guy at Charleston and timing and ranking has everything to do with if you get a follow on C-17. For example, while I was there I saw countless guys that were not only airdrop but also SOLL II, get sent to a non C-17 assignment or to a non-air drop C-17 base...even real stand up guys. Out of my year group, myself, and two of my friends who were all just airland guys all got another C-17 assignment. Then, the next couple of assignment cycles after that there were at least 4 to 5 airdrop guys that all got sent to MC-12s or T6s/T1s. I would say that the only thing that airdrop does for you is makes you slightly more competitive for some opportunities and awards while you are at that base, which in turn could potentially give you a higher ranking and then get you that coveted only C-17 that might drop as a second assignment to your base/squadron. Also, as an airdrop guy, you could be more marketable for places like Hickam if they just so happen to only want a lead airdrop pilot or something. However, you will also spend a shit ton more time at Altus, and not go on as many trips as just airland guys...and just because you are airdrop does not guarantee you a higher ranking if you just happen to also be a douchebag. So in my mind, it was not really a risk at all to not go airdrop since I did not want to. Currently there are three situation that will happen: If you work your ass off and are a stand up person, and your commander loves you, you should get a C-17 as a second assignment; if you work kinda hard, and you have the right timing, you will also get a follow on; and lastly if the timing is just horrible, or you suck, there is nothing you can do about it, and you will most likely go AETC, MC-12s or UAVs. Of course, that could probably be applied to any assignment...

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  9. I seem to get different answers all the time on what the current palace chase rule is. The most recent I heard was that you could "apply" for the program when 8 out of your 10 years is done, or something along those lines, but before that I heard something completely different. Any documentation on this? Is it that the program just doesn't exist anymore...or that the air force is just not approving any right now. Policy on this type of thing just goes in waves right? I mean, I haven't been in the air force for more than 10 years, but there seems to be a trend of over-reacting to these situations...too many people in, kick too many people out, too many people out, get too many people back in...right? So if the trend continues that would imply that in 3 or 4 years, we should be kicking people out again? Care to speculate?

  10. I don't get this "blues on monday" sh*& at all...how is it that everyone on this site (obviously including all different ranks) can agree that this is a horrible idea and yet this is still a policy. Maybe someone of higher ranking than myself can answer this but at what stage in the rank game do people start making decisions like this??? And can ANYONE explain how blues on monday is a good idea? What could possibly have been a good reason for this??..or perhaps a reason at all...anyone? Also I hear rumors of fighter pilots / fighter pilot bases just saying f*#$ it and not wearing blues on mondays at all...is this true...because if it is I wonder why heavy bases can't jump on board.

  11. When people talk about "applying to the 89th", that isn't just air force one right? I looked it up and it looks like they fly like 5 different types of aircraft...so is there one of those that you have to start with? Are the requirements listed above just for entry into the squadron...or just for air force one? I was under the impression that you had to work in the 89th for a long long time before actually landing something like air force one. Regardless it seems to me like you would have to know a lot of people to get anywhere near it.

  12. I'm going C-17s to Charleston within the month...does anyone have any recent info on how often you'll be gone / how many trips you get a month (I'm going to the 15th, so I am missing my squadron's deployment right now)

    One of the reasons i ask is I am trying to rationalize the type of place I get to live in...aka, if I'm never going to be there I'm going to get a shittier place. I just don't want to be spending my entire BAH on a place if I'm never going to see it.

  13. I figured i would post this here since we're talking about headsets. I am about to go to C17 PIQ, and someday in the near future I am considering noise cancelling headsets. Anyone have experience with these and/or have recommendations not to? I don't even know if you can use them with the C17 actually...but I am worried that you won't be able to hear the engine and it will screw up your controls.

  14. T-1 side

    KC-135 - McConnell x2

    KC-10 - McGuire x2

    KC-135 - Fairchild

    C-5 - Travis

    C-17 - McChord x2 (1 reserve)

    C-17 - Charleston

    C-17 - McGuire

    C-17 - Hickam

    NSA - Cannon x2

    The T-1 side actually got 3 NSAs to cannon...and only 3 C17s. Not so hot of a drop honestly. I guess not having a Vance 0808 didn't help us much. I can't complain though since I got one of the C17s.

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