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Everything posted by andydtwnwa7

  1. Thanks for the advice, just what I was looking for and exactly why I posted here before deciding. No dog for me, time to focus on prepping for UPT.
  2. So I am heavily considering getting a dog from a local rescue. It is something I have wanted to do for sometime, and the exact dog I've been looking for was brought into a local shelter recently. I commission in August from AFROTC, and EAD sometime this fall to Vance AFB. However, I've been told I likely won't start UPT until next spring (some of my classmates who commissioned in April have a set date of UPT starting in Feb. Considering I don't commission until August, my NCO's are betting my training dates won't start until after theirs). My big question is: how feasible is it to have a pet while at UPT? I know they aren't allowed in the dorms. The dog is already almost 5 months old, so I likely won't be starting training until after the dog is a year old. I certainly have put a lot of thought into getting a dog, so the question of "if I'm ready" isn't necessary. More so I'm purely looking at how I'd be able to work it with UPT in my future. Any advice/experience would be appreciated.
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