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chim richalds

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Posts posted by chim richalds

  1. That's EXACTLY the right public response. Anything else makes senior folks, and all the folks around them, even more desirable as a target.

    Privately, the family should get a personal note and phone call from POTUS, and a significant dignitary at the funeral.

    Maybe John Kerry can be that dignitary and throw his purple hearts at the General's casket, like he did when he got back from 'Nam. These clowns don't give 2 shits about the military, why any of you think differently is beyond me. If the General was a professor at Berkely, then the whole crowd would be in tears.

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  2. I wouldn't worry about it. The VSP PDSM should trump everything. It will forgive all other time requirements, thats the whole point of it, everything is waived. Why don't you do a couple years in the guard or reserve to be safe if you're really worried? Welcome to the govt, nobody really knows anything.

  3. I'm about to get out and I've been sharpening my pencil, and I'm shocked how much money you can save by taking your insurance business elsewhere. I personally just saved $1300/year by switching to geico for homeowners/auto. Many others were cheaper than USAA though. I know we all like to think of USAA as unbeatable, but it's worth shopping around if you have a few minutes.

  4. whats your question? If you're wondering if tmo will move you where you want, then the 8 year mark is where i believe it changes from home of selection/record. Your separation orders will be marked which one they will do. If you want to move somewhere other than home of record, then you shell out the difference it costs the gov'ment. If you want info on TAMP, do a search.

  5. Has anyone heard of considerations to sim time credit for military? I would think that the training is comparable if not better. The only issue I can see is the required ATP certified instructor.

    I was/an unable to get my written done by the end of the month so I'm trying to see how painful the process is going to be if/when I need the written.

    theres still 5 more days left this month, you're not trying hard enough.

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  6. Be social, but don't be known as a drunk. Fly your ass off and never let people make you log "other" time. Excel in your job but dont act like a suck up. Realize your commander is a human being and not a deity, feel free to talk to them as much as you want, they can give you pro tips that are valuable. Realize that your assignment out of UPT is probably the most control you will ever have over an assignment, after that you are tribute to AFPC flesh peddling. Your career is a chess game, if you kick ass in your current spot and keep in mind your next 2 moves, you're in good shape. Good luck

  7. Beers on me if somebody asks the CSAF in the next town hall why we have a military for a country with no borders? Is an attack on Mexico/Guatemala now an attack on us? I know it's not his policy, I just want to see if anybody cares.

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