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Posts posted by gmwalk

  1. Time to get your "mouse" swagger on!

    “the most entertaining aspects of all this were things we didn’t anticipate,” Erdman says.

    First, the scientists noticed that the yogurt-eating mice were incredibly shiny. Using both traditional histology techniques and cosmetic rating scales, the researchers showed that these animals had 10 times the active follicle density of other mice, resulting in luxuriantly silky fur.

    Then the researchers spotted some­thing particular about the males: they projected their testes outward, which endowed them with a certain “mouse swagger,” Erdman says. On measuring the males, they found that the testicles of the yogurt consumers were about 5 percent heavier than those of mice fed typical diets alone and around 15 percent heavier than those of junk-eating males.


  2. This is ######ing disgusting. Where's Al Sharpton during this incident? He lost no time jumping to defend the Trayvon bullshit.

    Land of the double standard.

    He's barely got time to deal with the Trayvon issue. He's out trying to get justice and reparations for the Duke lacrosse players and continue to speak out against Marion Barry in DC.

  3. Part of me doesn't want to know how you found that.

    David Lynch is a weird guy though. Have you ever seen Twin Peaks? Interesting but a WTF tv series

    Yes, I watched some Twin Peaks. I wasn't a big fan. I found that during a slow day at work and read too much of "Wired" online.

  4. From the article:

    Mindful of its poor track record in developing bombers and still stinging from Gates’ public rebuke, the Air Force has vowed the Long-Range Strike Bomber will be different than previous models. “We are … cautious,” Air Force Secretary Michael Donley said. “Cautious not to repeat the painful experience of previous Air Force bomber programs.”


    But there are good reasons to be very, very skeptical of the Air Force’s assurances. For in addition to possessing traditional attributes such as long range and heavy payload, the flying branch wants the Long-Range Strike Bomber to include an optional robotic mode. With the flip of a switch, the new plane should be able to transform from a normal manned aircraft to one that can be flown remotely by crews on the ground.


  5. This is one that pisses me off. I am former Air Force, my daughter is an Army medic and I raise and donate money to send supplies care packages to troops; this guy needs to spend some time in some front line desert $hithole. Between the crap at Penn State and guys like this, what 7uck is happening in this country!


  6. This Penn State thing is getting worse. I was listening to the local sports-talk station this morning on my way to work and they were interviewing Mark Madden, who wrote a story about this 7 months ago that was also ignored, and he had this to say:

    "I can give you a rumor and I can give you something I think might happen," Madden said. "There's a rumor that there will be a more shocking development from the Second Mile Foundation -- and hold on, this is gross, I will use the only language I can -- that Jerry Sandusky and Second Mile were pimping out young boys to rich donors. That is being investigated by two prominent columnists even as I speak."


  7. A great man, warrior and leader. RIP. :salut:

    I like these quotes from the article:

    People who knew Winters during and after the war said he is exactly what he appears to be. He could lead without ever raising his voice or swearing. His friend Bob Hoffman, a Lebanon architect, said Winters’ eyes could “burn a hole right through you.”

    The men who served under him and people who only met him later in life call him a hero, no matter what he says.

    According to the book, one wounded member of Easy Company wrote Winters from a hospital bed in 1945, “I would follow you into hell.”

  8. If your are just looking for a backup get one of the Garmin units. I have a Garmin Aera 500 that works great. You can buy nav databases for anywhere in the world. Plus when you are on the ground it has automotive mode.

  9. Saw this on another website:

    Qantas A380 Was Heavily Damaged

    The Qantas crew whose A380 suffered an uncontained engine failure earlier this month had their hands full in getting the super jumbo back to Singapore. Shrapnel from the engine disabled one of two main hydraulic systems, hampered the fuel transfer system, punched a hole in the forward wing spar and caused a major fuel leak. The cascading nature of such failures meant the pilots couldn't dump enough fuel to bring the aircraft down to its maximum landing weight and the fuel left in the airplane was unbalanced. Flaps, slats and spoilers couldn't be fully deployed and the gear had to be dropped manually. Once it was on the ground, the anti-lock brakes didn't work and, since the damaged engine was an inboard one, there was only one left for reverse thrust (the outboard engines of A380s don't have reversers because they often overhang the grass and might be FOD damaged). The heavy, significantly disabled aircraft needed virtually all of the 13,123 feet of available runway. The whole wing might have to be replaced and the aircraft is expected to be out of commission for months. Meanwhile, the cause of the engine problem has been determined and it's just adding to the PR problems facing manufacturer Rolls-Royce.

  10. During the fall of Saigon, one Vietnamese family in a helicopter, low on fuel, gets rescued by a US Navy ship, the USS Kirk. The Kirk goes on to rescue 20,000-30,000 (estimated) refugees. All of this was forgotten until recently.

    I can't imagine being so desperate that I would drop my children out of a flying helicopter.


  11. Not a pilot story but still a good one. Back when I was at Chanute (this will give you an idea of how long ago this is.) A friend of mine was a Master Sgt and was cross training to missiles at Chanute. The AF was also training Israelis, Saudis and Iraqis at Chanute. They had to be kept separate to keep them from killing each other. Good times. Separate dorms, classrooms, and meal times.

    Well the AF felt it was ok to mix theses guys in with US guys in the dorms. My buddy had an Iraqi dude as a roommate. My buddy was always complaining about the lack of showers and abundance of cologne his Iraqi roommate used. My friend complained directly to the guy about the smell and the reply was "that this is a good, manly smell."

    Anyway, my buddy decided that it would be good to take his roommate out on the town one night. We were planning on going over to Champagne and hit some college bars over there. The Iraqi dude jumps in the front seat and off we go. My buddy turns on his CB radio and starts asking about speed traps on the way. Iraqi dude starts looking nervous. So I ask him if he is ok? The guy replies "In my country only secret police have radios in private cars." My buddy with missing a beat and completely straight faced "Yeah its the same here too."

    I thought the Iraqi dude was going to mess himself right then and there. Next day, Iraqi dude moves out. Word was no other FN would move in with him.

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