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Posts posted by airline_guy

  1. Three reasons why I wanted out and applied for VSP:

    1) I've never wanted a career in the military. Since I was a kid, I've always wanted to fly. And an airline career has always been appealing to me. However, I never had the money to afford to go to an aviation school and pay for all the certificates and experience needed to reach the level of airline job quality. So, joining the Air Force to get the flying experience I needed was a stepping stone to help me in acquiring my dream job with the airlines.

    2) There is a massive movement of experienced pilots that has just begun and I believe will continue for the next 10 years or so. Most airlines are about to experience a mass exodus of experienced captains because of the new retirement age and I would love to catch the front end of this great hiring spree that is just now starting to gather momentum. The sooner I can get in front of this tidal wave, the quicker I can move through seniority. When the airlines just started hiring last year, I was worried that by the time my ADSC commitment was up I'd miss the hiring spree and never have the chance to achieve my dream of being an airline captain. The opportunity to VSP is perfect timing for me to get out of the Air Force before my 10 yr commitment is up right when the airlines are on an upswing.

    3) Queep. I hate it. Like I said before, I've never wanted a career in the Air Force. I just want to fly. And while I enjoyed my time in the air and didn't mind doing my time with deployments, I hated the fact that none of that mattered to Big Blue. What senior leadership cared most about on my OPR's were how many squadron parties I planned, or if the WG/CC thought I was the perfect paper pusher, or if I spent additional, precious free time that I did have with my family pursuing a masters degree that would never do me any good other than provide a good bullet. When I went to GRACC at Scott, the first thing some career advocating major told all of us was that my flying accomplishments didn't matter; in order to compete and stand above the rest, the Air Force was more interested in how much more queep I could accomplish than my peers. No thanks. That's not for me. I just want to get paid a lot of money to fly airplanes. No more, and no less.

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  2. Gents, this just in via email from my squadron commander:

    -----Original Message-----

    From: DOE, JOHN Lt Col USAF

    Sent: Friday, May 16, 2014 10:42 AM

    To: Commanders

    Subject: (FOUO) Final decisions on remaining VSP apps



    AFPC has again pushed the release date for the final batch of VSP decisions

    to the right. They are now looking at late next week for CMS messages to go

    out applicants and their commanders.

    I appreciate your continued patience with this process.


    JOHN DOE, Lt Col, USAF


  3. Guys, I think I've figured it all out. Apparently, 13-130 outlines the conditions for RIF eligible officers, which includes allowing them to apply for VSP, and 14-08 is a program that allows officers with more than 6 but less than 20 yrs of service who are not RIF eligible to apply for VSP to help the Air Force with its reduction quota. They're two separate programs. If an officer is not RIF eligible, then they fall under the 14-08 program if they wish to separate. 14-08 refers officers to 13-65, which states certain ADSC's are not waiverable. So if a pilot is not RIF eligible but they still wish to separate, they fall under 14-08 and 13-65. If an officer is RIF eligible, then they fall under 13-130 which allows them to apply for VSP and it does not refer to 13-65, meaning ADSC's are not restricted from being waived.

    Also, just a heads up, the VSP application only lists your TAFMS date, not your TAFCS date. This matters if you're prior enlisted. My WG/CC approved my application but wrote in the comments that my year group wasn't RIF eligible. He was basing this on my TAFMS date on the application, not my TAFCS date, which actually does put me in the eligible block. RIF eligible year groups are based on your TAFCS date.

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