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Posts posted by VFR800

  1. I've had a couple...this here is my latest, a 2006 Honda VFR. Already have 8000 miles on it :thumbsup:

    Do you think it's hard to keep up with a motorcycle while AD? Between having a place to store it and having to move it between stations, it seems like it'd be a lot of trouble. Will the AF pay to move your MC?...are any of you afraid that it'll get fvcked up in the process?

    I just applied for the last OTS board, and I'd be pretty mortified to sell my bike....maybe investing in a truck is the answer.


  2. I have my FC1 in 1 week. Last week, I had my wisdom teeth pulled and was prescribed Vicodin for pain and Amoxicilin for antibiotics. I was under general anesthesia, so I was also given Valium and some IV sedatives (Demerol, Midazolam) on the morning of the surgery.

    I know that Vicodin is a narcotic...will this cause a problem on the drug-screen? I don't know much about drugs...what about the other drugs like the Valium or Midazolam?

    I stopped taking Vicodin the morning after the surgery b/c Advil worked better. It'll be 2 weeks exactly between my last dose of Vicodin and the morning of my FC1. I have a letter from my dentist that explains the procedure and lists all of the medications and dosages administered....I'm worried about this being a big PITA. Should I be worried? Should I do anything else besides bring this letter with me?

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