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Posts posted by duece123

  1. Well not to disagree with UPT-hopeful, but it can be done with 0 face time. The guard unit I was selected for I had never been to visit. I am sure visiting will not hurt you by any means, but it is not always a necessity. Make sure when you do interview/visit to be confident when talking to the people you meet. Be respectful, but remember, they were in your shoes at one point. Not that I am some old wise man, Just my .02 on the matter.

    In answer to your?'s

    82 P

    72 N

    99 PCSM

    131.0 HRS

    I am only 22 so age was not a factor for me

  2. For my last class in college I had to give a 25 minute power point pres. in front of an auditorium of people. Nearly shat my self for two straight weeks before that project was due. Once I got into it, the fear went away. It is all the pregame hype that sucks, but that’s normal. Fear of public speaking is the #1 fear in people. More than dying, more than flying , more than heights. It is a proven fact. Just try to calm down the best you can and let er rip. If you know your sh!t it will pour outta you.

  3. hey wxpunk,

    "Rant switch on".....you get pissed off about stupid little things...."just my .02", ok im done ........."rant switch off".......now since its friday I am going to go"push it up"

    what do you think of that?

  4. I know this topic is a little off military aviation, but I am happy that it came up. I am about to graduate college and plan on going to OTS and UPT in the next few years (hopefully). I am in the market for a used car or possibly a leased new car. Any feedback on this subject is greatly appreciated. Also has out there anyone ever bought a car on EBAY?

  5. if you like SEC football and smoking hot chicks every 25feet look into AUBURN. Just updated their fleet,(no more carb heat) Out of state tutition is is B!TCH though. I dont know if you want to be that far away from home, but check out the main page www.auburn.edu and click on aviation management, prof. flight. check it out.

  6. thanks for the reply, I spoke with my recruiter today and he said you can meet consecutive boards. In reply to your reply??? I am not to picky I have about 3or4 units that I am shooting for. The problem is, they are not sponsoring UPT for the SEPT board (no suprise) but may for the march board. So if I did get picked up unsponsored I would be willing to wait until one of those units will take me and its smooth sailing from there. At least I hope so....I hate this waiting BS!!!!!

  7. I have done a search on “unsponsored slots” and have found a lot of useful info. However, I can’t find the answer to this Question: say I go to the AFRES HQ board unsponsored and get a slot. Do I have a time limit to find a unit to call “home” or can I take my sweet A$$ time and wait until the unit I want is look for UPT’s

  8. Has anyony gone to the AFRES national board un sponsored and been given a slot? I am on the sponsorship hunt and have been calling AFRES units all over the nation, with no success. I have a fully completed package that I am trying to get in the right hands of people and they just blow me off. I figure if I can get a slot through the national board, then at least units will return my phone calls and e-mails. It seems like a much selling point saying "yeah I already have a pilot slot all you have to do is let me hang out for a while, realize I am not a D-Bag, and sign the sponsorship papers" I know it is a slim chance but has anyone here done this.

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