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Everything posted by drewpey

  1. Maybe the senate will investigate and publish a 966 page report detailing the significant, coordinated and widespread connections Trump's team democrats had with Russians election fraud. Or maybe not. Anywho...'tis the season for pardons...where my "law and order" peeps at? What are your thoughts on the president's pardon power and should it be limited? Should he be able to pardon those who may testify against him? Should he be able to pardon himself? Do you think this was the intent the founding fathers had in mind when they were writing the constitution?
  2. What clown show are you from where dudes don't correct dudes who get too big for their britches...regardless of rank? Someone needs a ticket for improper lane usage.
  3. Repeal the AUMF. Sitting on the Senate's stack of bills awaiting the turtle guy.
  4. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election-2020/trump-iran-strike-nuclear-site-attack-b1723987.html Here is the article. It would seem that if true it isn't really associated with Afghanistan at all, but retaliatory for not adhering to the Obama era program he threw away and didn't replace. I get that "obama bad" and all, but hypothetically speaking...wouldnt a shitty agreement that minimizes their nuclear stockhold be better than no agreement which removes those restrictions and opens to door for more conflict. I was hoping he and or his Sec state would have come up with something better since he is a self reported deal master.
  5. I get that there is a legal road the Trump party is going to pursue, but ultimately we've seen a number of these avenues slowly dry up. A quick daily scan of POTUS twitter doesn't seem to paint a realistic grasp of his situation, and his resolve seems to strengthen each day and his vocabulary grows more desperate as he paints himself the victim of a grand conspiracy and the real winner. Do you trump supporters think that, hypothetically if his legal avenues don't pan out and the electoral college votes Biden in he will simply change his tune and respect the process then or do you think he will fight until the 21st? Also of note is a headline that Trump asked for military options vs Iran last week. Veracity of the claims aside...how would that make you feel if it were true?
  6. that's certainly inconvenient to the agenda
  7. Don't disagree with most of what Maher said. Before the election I felt we were ready for a bigger swing to the left, but the election results say otherwise. The democrats need to focus on tangible results for the working class American to continue to win. There are purists that want the sky when it comes to progressive ideas, but I think the best we can do right now is hold the line and fight to keep regressives out of office. I still think healthcare is the key. It literally affects everyone, and political affiliation doesn't really matter when you are dyeing because you are broke. Trump teased a healthcare plan for his entire presidency because the idea polls well across the board, but the concept is anathema to the republican ideals, so they couldn't come up with anything.
  8. Republicans will hate the electoral college well enough when Texas goes blue in a few elections.
  9. KVON: "I'm not a conspiracy theorist....but (insert conspiracy)" I'm disappointed I gave him a view. I hope he doesn't start showing up in my YouTube feed now.
  10. Doesn't sound fishy to me. They found an error, fixed the error. There will always be a handful of these stories when you are counting 161 million ballots. Random findings of human error doesn't equate to a grand conspiracy. Somehow democrats are powerful enough to rig a presidential election, but incompetent enough to forget to steal the senate as well.
  11. Michigan and Wisconsin won't be recounted, because Trump would have to pay upfront for the cost, and he is too cheap and broke to do so. He will probably just keep the recount money he is begging from his supporters for his campaign debts. Georgia recount costs go to the taxpayers so that will happen, and in PA you would need actual proof of voting fraud or irregularities, which his lawyers haven't been able to produce yet...so no recount yet. I'm all for investigating fraud, but there hasn't been any proof beyond "this doesn't look right". Regardless of proof ask yourself what agency would you truly trust to investigate these claims? Any institution you will claim deep state or that we lib-rulz have infiltrated the deepest sanctums of law enforcement despite our natural distrust for law enforcement. At this point you probably wouldn't trust any government agency and would only trust Project Veritas or Tim Fitton to investigate. Plus a lot of you have forgotten 2016...it wasn't Hillary claiming voter fraud...it was....::drumroll::.....TRUMP! Yep! He was so bent out of shape he lost the popular vote, not only did he rant for years about the necessity electoral college (despite previously calling it "a disaster for democracy") and carry around printouts of the districts he won...he claimed the popular vote loss was due to millions of fraudulent voters and created a commission to investigate it and find all these instances of dead people voting, fraudulent votes, etc....remember Kris Kobach? Kobach already fixed our election system...remember? https://www.whitehouse.gov/articles/presidential-advisory-commission-election-integrity/ If our system is so rigged and fraud is so rampant, why didn't Kobach find anything? Why didn't we fix it then? Why is it so hard to drum up evidence of voter fraud this time around when both democrats and republicans were counting votes, working the polls?
  12. Also...it turns out campaigning across the US telling your followers mail in ballots are a fraud and to not use them...results in fewer mail in ballots for your side. Imagine that! The impeachment was really just getting all the Republicans on record to defend all Trump's actions. It will be politically useful in the upcoming years when all of them claim to have been against him despite carrying his water for 4 years. Republicans eat their own, and it's only a matter of time before Trump is on the plate. Just look at McCain, Romney, Bush Jr to some extent, and pretty much any office holder that isn't gushingly supportive of Trump. My bet is in 10-15 years you won't be able to find anyone who admits to voting for Trump.
  13. You guys ever have a bad sortie where a lot of folks died, and in debrief you looked back on the plan and said "welp...not much else we could have done. we pretty much nailed it."? Yeah me neither. It's amazing to see some of the best tactical minds I've met suddenly go blind when it comes to identifying DFPs, root causes, contributing factors and coming up with instructional fixes when it comes to politics.
  14. He downplayed it and doubled down on his base. It's literally what he always does. The far right thought it was a hoax, the far left was terrified and wanted to shut everything down, and most folks in the middle wanted a tempered response with a dash of human in it. Instead he stoked conspiracies for months, created drama with his highly popular NIAID director, and tried to change the subject away from a global pandemic killing more citizens each day. It didn't work, and across the country everyone to the left of "tin foil hat" on the political spectrum got to watch the spectacle of trumpies losing their shit in public because they had to put on a mask while everyone else is just trying to survive and pay bills. It was embarassing to see the most powerful man in the world encouraging these people. The bar was super low...own up for not taking it seriously initially, act legitimately concerned, plead with folks to chip in and wear a mask, set a good example. It's fucking leadership 101. Trump was determined to win on "hard-mode" and he repeatedly watched softball pitches fly by. Thank god.
  15. This is something I haven't heard before. Up until now most republicans I spoke with are diametrically opposed to your statement. They love his policies and what he has done, but claim to not like the man himself. What Trump policies do you think will be discarded by the GOP in his absence?
  16. What in your opinion were Obama's most divisive actions? Do you feel like Trump was "payback" for the division you felt under Obama?
  17. I know this is terrifying times for many of you, but you shouldn't be that worried about the "far left agenda". In reality across the US there were several very progressive candidates on the ballot and most of them lost by a wide margin. Even Biden as a fairly bland centrist democrat barely squeaked out a win against Trump, which I think shocked many on the left who were hoping for a bit of a blue wave. The democratic party won largely due in part to the moderate middle, so enacting "far left" policies is only going to guarantee a loss in 2022, and 2024. If history is any indicator the democratic party will play it safe by offering relatively centrist policies that have wide public support, and the senate will blockade any progress and blame the white house until you get another authoritarian in office to abdicate power to. As an added bonus we can go back to pretending to care about the defecit (yay for actual fiscal conservatism!). If by some freak of nature we take a tie in the senate, anything that gets signed into law will likely be struck down in courts, so again...nothing much to worry about. If Trump had lost in a landslide and we swept the senate, then I might agree that we are in for some progressive policy changes, but ultimately it's not likely to happen and the party isn't going to blow their political capital slamming their heads against a wall for the next several years. I'm a bit shocked the race was so close. Honestly goes to show how lucky we are Trump always doubles down on stupid and refuses to appeal to anyone not in his hardcore base. Seriously he could have walked out of walter reed and pretended to care about Covid for a month and probably swept Biden and then resumed business as usual. I just hope out of this mess we can have both sides meet and agree on an election security and voter rights law. Both of which are needed for us to have faith in our democratic process. If any of you have your doubts in the election process and the likelihood of voter fraud, I encourage you to get involved and volunteer to work the polls in the next election to see it for yourself first hand, and not just random twitter videos of people pretending to uncover rampant fraud. Educate yourself. Be part of the solution.
  18. Exhibit 1 on why we will never get away from hours and hours of annual SAPR training. Yikes thats a hot take. Also who raised you that preferring to be a gentleman with couth was a sign of a feminine man?
  19. imagine writing all this, but unironically
  20. What do you think should be done about it?
  21. Tucker Carlson isn't news my friend. He even argued in court that you should approach everything he says with a reasonable amount of skepticism and he doesn't actually state facts in his show, yet somehow he remains a news source for many. Giuliani should release the actual emails and let the journalists investigate themselves...if there is anything there they will find it, but I think it's pretty telling that he is hiding something because how little effort it would require and he doesn't do it. Don't know, don't care...I've already voted. Is Biden crooked? Perhaps...but even if he stole his entire net worth from the taxpayer, it's still peanuts compared to how much the Trump family has enriched themselves over the last 4 years. Lesser of two evils sort of thing. Yes reddit can be a hive mind, but a place for good discussion as well. There is no shortage of conservative subs and opinions, that's for sure. Just because conservative opinions aren't voted to the top doesn't mean they aren't there, it just means they suck and are unpopular. You could almost say it's close to what your conservatives love...a free market of ideas? Honest question...what is your main source of news? Do you view any news sources that publish non-flattering information of Trump to be "real news"?
  22. Trump attacking states that allow mail in ballots to be counted after election day, per state rules. He is also suing three other states trying to stop them from counting ballots they deem valid. Doesn't seem very states-rightsey to me. States run the elections and send their hopefully faithful electors to vote. Despite being unable to produce evidence of widespread voter fraud, I think he is trying to foment enough discord in these states to excuse himself into getting the state legislators to disregard the results and send their own electors. All legal within the constitution, but still fucked up and at this point I wouldn't put it past him.
  23. Stolen from reddit REF the laptop: Honestly I wasn't expecting the Tucker Carlson twist. A+ writing boys! How about we get some hot takes on the federal government trying to tell states how to run their election processes? Where are all my "states rights" homies right now? Should valid votes be counted or not? Orange man says no. Such a controversial topic evidently.
  24. Please tell me...do you masturbate while looking at ol stars and stripes? You seem to have an interesting view on how everyone else besides you lives. Where did the suburbs touch you? Gotta go...have to catch up on the liberal bullshit of the day!
  25. I was issued a stack of the XGO flame retardant shirts, and they are amazing. Super lightweight and dry quickly.
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