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Posts posted by Sneedro

  1. I take home a little over $12k each month after taxes.  I sit narrow body reserve at min hours every month since April (I think August is a higher hour month though) 


    April- 4 days

    May- 4 days

    June- 6 days

    July- 4 days so far. Tried to work a 3 day trip starting Monday but didn't get it so likely I will have the week off...not looking like I will work at all the rest of the month

    August- 13 days of vacation, built another 6 days off for a "mini vacation" at the end of the month as well so I will sit reserve 10 of the remaining days but not sure how much I will actually "work"


  2. 9 hours ago, uhhello said:

    Des Moines Airport TSA had about at least 50 signs posted showing a confiscated handgun and ammo displayed EVERYWHERE stating they had "found" this last week and they are here to protect us.  Such a joke.  


    Hilarious!!  I wonder how many they missed?  They love to celebrate their success... 🙄

  3. Airline pilots should be able to carry a bazooka through security if they want...why the F does it matter?  It's not like we don't immediately have access to a crash axe, ability to put everyone to sleep in flight, and the biggest weapon of all the airplane itself!  Yet the Smurfs get all excited when they catch you with a big bottle of water or nail clippers.  It's a bunch of barely functioning individuals who have been given the authority to be assholes all they want with no recourse, but watch out if you as much roll your eyes at them.  


    I have lost count how many times I have seen them giving some mom holding her small child or elderly individual in a wheelchair the full monty.  Meanwhile weapons (real weapons not nail clippers) still get through which I figure has something to do with them focusing on their social life with the other Smurfs as bags are going through the X-ray machine while they aren't even looking at the computer...

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  4. I was in ATL Tuesday when this happened...it was damn hot there!  This dude had to be rethinking his choice of clothing running around that pavement, climbing on the airplane, and eventually laying down.  Ouch!!

  5. Go get some flight experience...even if it's enough to solo or get your PPL which would be even better.  See if you like it and don't get airsick.  The units are going to spend a lot of money and time on you before you ever set foot in the sq as a useful member.  It can be frustrating for them to "waste" a spot on you if you struggle at UPT because you are sick all the time or decide it's not for you.  With a little time or better a PPL under your belt, you can at least show you like it and an ok chance you won't be throwing up every UPT flight.  The unit I was in, if you didn't have any flight time you probably would get passed over...  Just my 2 cents but I don't fly in the reserves anymore so my info could be out of date.


    Also I wouldn't suggest you lead with the C-130 being your last resort if needed...in any sq...your call though.

  6. 2 hours ago, BashiChuni said:

    False. Military ID gets you in front of first class. Average joe can’t top that. 

    And really think about it why should joe blow military dude flying to Vegas to party board first just cause he’s in the military? Seems absurd to me. 

    It’s a nice gesture that’s gone to the extreme and now it’s just tacky. 

    I get and completely understand your overall point.  The one thing I am having trouble caring too much about is a military member boarding ahead of first class passengers...  At Delta, the gate agent is going to have First Class 6ft behind those military individuals anyways (basically boarding at the same time), and they won't be allowed to use the First Class bins either so to me it doesn't much matter.  First Class will still have their wider seats, extra legroom, and drink served as soon as they sit down.  Honestly the only First Class pax that would even care they had to board second are the ones who are going to feel overly special they are sitting where they are.  The typical frequent flyer/business pax isn't going to bat an eye.  

    Overall I understand your point though, and do agree with it.  Yes it is ridiculous that some abuse the gesture...if you are traveling for work go for it if it's really that important to be the first to board, otherwise wait your turn. 

  7. 8 hours ago, HU&W said:

    Today, with a much healthier budget, I still like to say thank you by supporting the businesses that offer them.  At restaurants, specifically, I tip back the entirety of the discount to the waitstaff on top of normal tip.   

    I do the exact same thing.  First, I appreciate the business for the discount but A) I am not going to "punish" the server by tipping less because I saved some money and B) I went there to eat expecting to pay the full amount.  Assuming the server isn't a complete dirt bag, my gain instantly becomes the server's gain.  After all I am guessing they aren't making a ton of money and that extra 10% probably means more to them then it does me.

  8. 1 hour ago, HuggyU2 said:

    Just to be clear, there is no shortage in the US majors. Plenty of applicants still waiting for the call.

    And for the Regionals, there’s only a shortage of pilots willing to work for their salaries/benefits. 

    Agreed...much better said than I.

  9. To try and bring this thread back on track...


    This isn't surprising.  At some point buying every A380 or 777 aircraft you can to only fly it halfway across the world half empty while selling the actual sold seats at a LCC pricing isn't going to work out.  Either their governments are going to have to bail them out big time or theres going to be a lot of big airplanes for sale at flea market prices.  The A380 was a economic disaster from the start so at least they have that going for them...


    Now WTF did any of this have to do with thunderstorms or court martials?  Oh none...copy all.

  10. 4 hours ago, Buddy Spike said:

    While I agree with just about everything else you said, this is a hard no.  USERRA has no such requirement and no one should be expected to do this.  



    Let me clarify, if you can't theoretically look your chief pilot in the face and tell him/her what you are taking your MIL leave for and offer to call your CC, you probably shouldn't be taking the leave.  No, you should not actually do this...do only what is required by law.  Don't let them force anything more.  It isn't in your or any other reservist's best interest as nothing good can come from it only bad.

    • Like 1
  11. 12 minutes ago, Guardian said:

    If I was in an airline and went back on active orders? Yes to both.


    And again. No one is answering with hard statements, facts, or examples. Just feelings. No dead horse here. Haven’t received an answer yet.

    Not exactly sure what your question is then I guess...sorry

    There is ZERO issues going back on active orders with your reserve squadron while at an airline.  I have known guys to go on orders for years at a time.  You get orders, send them into your airline, and you will have your MIL leave on your schedule.  What guys are saying is, don't drop MIL leave (you can drop a day, two days, week, month, year, years, or whatever the duration as needed) unless you have actual work to do.  Abusing the system will make yours and all the others still serving life harder at the airlines.  I personally show up, fly my trip, and then go home.  Outside of that I do my monthly bids, any training, and that's it.  I really don't want any more hassle because some people prefer to abuse the system for their own gain.

    Hard fact/statement:  At my airline there have been circumstances with the company demanding points summaries from dudes/dudettes who have dropped MIL leave over busy seasons and/or holidays during the year all of a sudden.  The problem isn't so much their request, it has been that they want a points summary going back 36 months in some cases.  While they can't do that per the law, hence the union getting involved, they are trying to find abusers because it has gotten worse in regards to the amount of MIL leave being used.  Granted there's an overall AF and airline pilot shortage so the airlines need more productivity and the reserves need more help so it's kind of a problem that just compounds itself...

  12. 8 minutes ago, Guardian said:

    Thanks for the response. Take away the mil leave to not work Holidays, birthdays, special occasions part. Just focus on someone being on mil leave while also employed at an airline. Does is really screw over your buddy? Are people really not getting hired for that very reason? Is there proof? Or is it just someone’s guess as to why they didn’t hired. Not at all trying to upset anyone. Just seriously asking how it screws over people to serve in the military as well as have an airline job during a national pilot shortage at both the airlines and military. 5 years ago I might agree. Right now it doesn’t seem like it’s the case. If someone isn’t getting a job right now I have to imagine it’s because they don’t fit what the company wants. Not because someone before that person went back to the military for a time to serve their country in the countries time of need voluntarily and legally. Just really having a hard time wrapping my head around the logic. Any and all answers welcome.

    Can't specifically say there's direct proof people aren't being hired because they are serving in the reserves because I don't necessarily think it is happening.  I have buddies at the regionals with FAR more part 121 time and experience than any AF buddy I know.  My AF buddies are getting hired in front of my regional buddies about 75% of the time (personal experience).  I'd love more of the dudes still serving I know to feel comfortable at their chances approaching their departure from AD that they can get the call from a major vs having to spend time at the regionals.  So it may not be an issue now...but we should as a group work to keep it that way.  Lets not create a problem where one doesn't necessarily exist.

    Don't get me wrong, there is absolutely no problem using MIL leave.  I use it when I need too, and if my mil duty cx for whatever reason, I go through the process to have it removed from my schedule and I got back on reserve or try and pick up the original trip or another one (not everyone does that but to each their own).  The issue comes in when people conveniently drop any and all trips that ever touch a holiday.  The airlines are accommodating but they aren't stupid.  They know people abuse the program.  I think the best "proof" the airlines, well my airline, is clamping down is that there are more and more circumstances of the company demanding some sort of proof that you did in fact have MIL leave when you said.  They have tried to stretch the limits in how they do this so the union has stepped in to help protect guys as much as they can.  However, if you lie and get caught then you deserve what you get.  

    Champ said it best I think, if you can't face to face tell your airline's chief pilot what exactly you are dropping MLOA for and then allow him/her to call your reserve CC to confirm, don't do it.  They have your CC's number so they can call anytime they want with or without your knowledge. 

    Bottom line:  If you have MIL duty, no matter when it is, take MIL leave.  If you don't, then don't.  

  13. If you aren't on MIL duty...DON'T be on MIL leave from the airlines, simple as that.  If your mindset is you will "weather the storm" during those years of low seniority where you can't control your schedule like you'd like by using MIL leave to get birthdays, holidays, or whatever off...find a different profession.  How would you like not getting a job offer because dudes before you gamed the system for themselves and the airlines got sick of it?  I'd bet you'd be pissed so why even consider pulling that shit on those hoping to follow in your footsteps?  Every single military dude/dudette who uses MIL leave to their advantage screws over the rest and makes everyone's life harder.  If you have legit work, by all means take the leave over whatever days you need.  Don't F your buddy!  It's really not that difficult yet even when I went through INDOC you'd hear guys talking about how they won't miss holidays because of their ability to use MIL leave...it's disgusting.

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  14. We are talking about AETC right?  Training safety standards and risk acceptance is FAR FAR different than when you are talking ops world combat sorties.  


    Again just my opinion...then again I'm removed from AF flying for greener pastures, more money, less bullshit, and more time off doing my best "pilot PA voice".  Now, get off my lawn! :jd:

  15. 1 hour ago, Standby said:

    There I was, in the shit, as a UPT student. End of story.

    I am just reading a lot of complaints about an issue that seems pretty minor. Plenty of other airplanes out there fly pressurized without the required wear of a mask for the purpose of supplemental oxygen. I hear plenty of stories about guys flying with their mask down in the T-6...why now is there an uproar? If you wear your mask for CFS protection and that’s the sole reason, there’s a fix for that. 

    There are a ton of risky things involved with aviation but breathing cockpit air with an emergency oxygen reserve just doesn’t seem to be one of those to me. 

    How many of those other planes that fly around unpressurized without supplemental O2 (the T-6 is actually pressurized) do so with a CFS system and/or ejection seats or do so at altitudes where O2 is required by the FARs?  Have you seen what someone looks like who had the CFS fire with them in the aircraft still?  I have and while I never really flew around with my mask down routinely, after seeing what it did to them, I never flew with it down again.   So aside from the O2 standpoint, it does provide protection for a CFS fire.  Also, I did then and still do think it's a bad idea to fly around with the mask down.  Some still do, but I personally feel like it's a big mistake should stuff go bad. 


    In addition, even though the T-6 is pressurized, flying around in the mid 20s xc or for whatever reason you end up that high (think high MOA blocks), what happens if you have to punch?  That pressurization environment  disappears very quickly and you are now in an unpressurized situation where those other unpressurized a/c aren't flying around without O2.  I personally think dudes would rather have their mask on with the immediate emergency oxygen vs a flailing mask hanging down (if it doesn't get ripped off) and no oxygen with limited time of consciousness. 


    After 1500+hrs in the T-6 as an IP, I can promise you I would not be flying around with a mask down breathing ambient air.  If this current "good idea fairy's" plan of a connection to allow the mask up and breathing ambient air takes hold and becomes the current norm while they work the OBOGS issue, I can see a high percentage chance that the AF will see more ejections or worse in the future.  Just reattach to the OBOGS...you may go hypoxic but whatever take the chance.  No thanks...then again I am out of AD and AF flying all together now and see a much bigger picture of life than I ever had when I was in.  I'd personally be much more apt these days to say, "ya not doing that" and walking away.


    So please explain what the fix is for wearing a mask for CFS protection alone?  There's more reasons for it than just that, but I'd be interested in what you think would fix that.

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  16. I can almost hear the Tweet's engines whistling overhead once again!! :drinking:


    This "fix" is gonna get someone killed IMO...sorry but "sacking up" doesn't really solve the issue.  Last I checked the dudes at airshows and such weren't having problems with their flight instruments being fly to fail and all of a sudden catching on fire for some unknown reason.  I'll take my supplemental oxygen that will hopefully get me on the ground before the acrid smoke gets too much into my system via my eyes and such.  Not to mention the ejection standpoint...

    **disclaimer-I have not flown the T-6 since 2012.   I also have only heard about the instruments catching on fire from current IPs still flying them with at least one occasion my buddy experiencing it who is still flying them at PIT**

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