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Posts posted by Jaded

  1. 11 minutes ago, HuggyU2 said:

    Who is "we"?  Is there a need to protect which Ops Group Commander this is? 

    If more posts like this would put a commander's name to the incident, it might be helpful.

    I think the anonymity is for the poster, not the OG. If you give out a name, it reveals what base that person is at, and post histories can be used to find out who that person is. Cue reprisal from said OG. 

  2. I don't think you guys understand. There is no negotiation required when you can just order people back. You'll get your AD paycheck, and you'll give up any retirement you'd been drawing. Why would they possibly give you anything else?

    It's just a backdoor draft, and anybody who gets recalled is going to get the shittiest job for the least pay possible. 

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  3. 14 minutes ago, BFM this said:

    This is not VRRAD, if I'm reading correctly.  I did not catch the word "voluntary" anywhere in the article.  This is a "recall", with specific omission of the word "voluntary".  

    Still think it's noise and posturing.  I think this would be a bigger grenade to throw than stop-loss, and we haven't heard that bandied about.  ...too much.  ...yet.

    From a good source: "First blush from A1 is this just let's us open VRRAAD from 25 pilots for 12 months to up to 1000 pilots for 3 years...but still VOLUNTARY!!! I'll get you more info on Monday.”

  4. If you've been living in your home financed by a VA loan, and you decide to move but keep the old property as a rental, is there a requirement to refinance?

    My understanding was that the primary residence requirement was for the application only, and is not restrictive if you want to move out and rent later.

  5. brick,

    I understand your anger, and I get your post, but ONLY in the context of why you voted for Trump. I was in the "wait and see" camp when Trump got elected, and was excited to see what he and the GOP would do with a unified house, senate, white house, and supreme court. I've been horrified by the last six months. I understand that you are a true believer, and that nothing I say (and nothing Trump does) is going to change your mind. Just please understand that there are people like me, who consider themselves conservative (think WSJ, not Breitbart), who believe that Trump's contempt for things like the rule of law concern me as much as anything that happened during the Obama era. He seems to believe that he is the King of America, and his consistently erratic behavior is not something I value in the person who controls our nuclear arsenal.

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  6. 2 hours ago, brickhistory said:

    Since Trump gets blamed for, literally, everything in the world, I thought I'd throw this little bit of good news in:


    (Dow Jones Global Indexes:INDU)
    Delayed Data
    As of 4:40pm ET
    arrowUp.gif +52.32 / +0.24%


    Now he may not be responsible for the number, but if he's gonna get the blame for everything, how about a little of the credit as well?

    Yeah, this is great. The stock market is up what, 20% since the election?


    Just a quick question though - if the stock market were to fall 25%, would you consider that Trump's fault (or does he only get credit when it's a positive thing)?

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  7. The Army is not a social laboratory; to be effective, it must be organized and trained according to the principles which will insure success.

    Experiments, to meet the wishes and demands of the champions of each person for the solution of their problems are a danger to efficiency, discipline, and morale.

  8. https://www.mccain.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/press-releases?ID=80124D36-EF8B-4CBD-A75A-9C6C697CA235

    From John McCain:

    Washington, D.C. ­– U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ), Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, released the following statement today on President Trump’s tweet regarding transgender Americans in the military:

    “The President’s tweet this morning regarding transgender Americans in the military is yet another example of why major policy announcements should not be made via Twitter.

    “The statement was unclear. The Department of Defense has already decided to allow currently-serving transgender individuals to stay in the military, and many are serving honorably today. Any American who meets current medical and readiness standards should be allowed to continue serving. There is no reason to force service members who are able to fight, train, and deploy to leave the military—regardless of their gender identity. We should all be guided by the principle that any American who wants to serve our country and is able to meet the standards should have the opportunity to do so—and should be treated as the patriots they are.

    “The Department of Defense is currently conducting a study on the medical obligations it would incur, the impact on military readiness, and related questions associated with the accession of transgender individuals who are not currently serving in uniform and wish to join the military. I do not believe that any new policy decision is appropriate until that study is complete and thoroughly reviewed by the Secretary of Defense, our military leadership, and the Congress.

    “The Senate Armed Services Committee will continue to follow closely and conduct oversight on the issue of transgender individuals serving in the military.”

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  9. 2 hours ago, rbigred300 said:

    I would love to hear some advice for a situation where ADSC commitment is expiring in March 2018. End goal is to go to the airlines (resume should provide for very competitive airline application). Was going to try and get a reserve job and palace chase to get out 1 January 2018. Now there is an option to take a 1 year $30,000 bonus where new ADSC would be July 2018. So if the palace chase didn't go through we are only talking roughly a 3 month extension.

    Have you guys heard of horror stories where signing a 1 year bonus like this has screwed guys? Probably not deployable until this November...so that should take out the risk of getting a 1 year drop down deployment. Can the Air Force give out a deployment that goes past commitment date and then not allow the member to set a date of separation? Also is there a minimum number of days prior to your separation date that you can be deployed until? Of course there is always risk that every additional month you are in the Air Force there is risk for a future stop loss of some sort.

    Any additional considerations? What about just the thought that every month you put off getting into the airline costs you seniority numbers?

    Thanks for any advice...because I know a lot of guys on here have been in similar situations.

    Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums

    There's a guy in my reserve unit that is one seniority number from being able to bid to live in domicile. He's been stuck there for almost a year.

    $30,000 is one month's worth of captain's pay. 

    It's hard to understand what even just a little bit of seniority means in this business. If you want to fly for the airlines for the rest of your working life, get out as soon as you can. 

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  10. 54 minutes ago, ihtfp06 said:

    For the younger guys, who have no intention of doing 20, it is a no brainer. For those who are unsure, it's probably a better choice. For those that have a magic 8-ball that know they will make it to 20, it might be a still be a better choice than the old retirement system.

    How many people know they aren't going to do 20 years at the beginning of their career? Maybe guys figure it out 5 years in, but at that point they've given up 5 years of matching and compound interest.

    How many guys that get out at 12 eek out a reserve retirement through the guard and reserve?

    The total benefit for 10 years of 5% match is what, $35k? $40k?

    For an officer who has a 4 year ADSC, it may be a no brainer. For an officer with a 10 year ADSC, it is not.

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  11. 9 hours ago, mcbush said:

    You still get a pension with it, just at a reduced rate compared to the legacy system. There's also the promise of (additional) mid-career bonuses. A lot of the spreadsheets I've seen have come out surprisingly close depending on the input variables.

    WRT the question above, for dudes who plan to bail in a year or two and are sure they're going cold turkey, it's a no-brainer as something > nothing. 

    You do people a disservice by referring to this decision as a no brainer, regardless of situation (and especially for pilots.) 

  12. 18 minutes ago, HuggyU2 said:

    The T-X jet is a long way from selection. Many, many years  

    It would not surprise me, however, if it became the next Thunderbird jet. 

    BTW, if any of you are at the Dayton show, let us know how the T-50 demo looks. I'm very intrigued. 

    I've seen it before - lots of similarities to an f-16 demo. No crazy AOA stuff. 

    Love the jet though. 

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