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Posts posted by spaceman

  1. Try to keep Biggie from shitting in the planters on base.

    heh, he would never! It's his favorite chair!

    His name's actually Sputnik; biggie is my junk/spam account that I've had forever. But anyway...

    I have to agree with this... I know spouses who absolutely hate pitts, and if your dog even remotely looks like a pitt, they'll call housing.

    Good Luck to you. We own a Rottie, and with an impending overseas move and a possible on-base mandate... we might be rehoming our amazing Rottie :-(

    That sucks. I guess I'll just make sure the paperwork is as legit as possible and hope no one has a problem!

    • Upvote 1
  2. If being a pilot is all you want to do with your life and aren't giving any consideration to actually using your degree down the road: Do what ever you think you'll get a higher GPA in.

    That seems like a pretty risky approach. What if something comes up that prevents you from being a pilot (medical problems, injury, whatever)? Then all you have to fall back on is a bullshit degree that you only picked based on difficulty. I'd think you'd be much better off picking something that actually interests you. You can get a good GPA in any major if it's engaging enough to keep you interested and trying your best.

    I bet if I had picked something easy that I didn't actually care about, I probably would've ended up doing worse than I did in mechanical engineering because I would most likely just skip class every day and drink beer and go bowling. Then I'd be fat AND have a worthless degree. Think about it.

  3. I thought you had to do your job for like 3 years before you can apply to switch jobs? Maybe that's for non rated officers applying to go rated, I'm not sure.

    But if that is the case, I would agree with Rainman and say just take the most bad ass thing you can get now and make the best of it. If you really don't think you'll be satisfied sitting in the back of a frickin strike eagle dropping bombs on shit, I think you're just being greedy bro :rock:

  4. I read it as a 100% pitbull. He's not, so you're fine...unless he is aggressive and therefore someone could claim he falls under the "individual dogs that demonstrate..." sentence. Just say he's a boxer if anyone asks and don't make a big deal out of it...I think you'll be fine. And just remember, you may not always have a choice of whether you can live off base or not.

    Yeah, our dog is pretty chill so I can't really imagine someone having a problem with him. He's good around little kids, other dogs, etc. so I'm not too worried about his behavior causing any problems.

    Secondly, what a ######ing stupid policy...I know tons of people with every type of breed in that list and the dogs are great and not aggressive at all. It's jackass owners who have forced bad rep on these breeds.

    Same here. I think it's pretty ignorant. I guess some entire cities have policies like this. Totally stupid!

    You don't have to show the housing office your dog, just the paperwork. If the paperwork says "boxer", then as far as the housing office knows, you have a boxer. End of story.

    That's pretty much what I was hoping would be the case. Luckily I think the rescue groups around here are clever enough that when they pick up dogs like this they seem to try and register them as anything but "pit bull," in order to get the dogs out of situations like this in the future.

    You can always go the "lab-mix" route, saw this pups twin on base yesterday...pretty sure no one from housing saw the actual dog! Not really sure how no one has freaked out yet.

    Holy crap! Yeah that dog is a lot more obviously a pit bull than my little guy. If they can get away with that then I guess I should be good. My dog is far from intimidating in my opinion:


    I don't see Boerboels listed.

    That's a big ass dog! I like this part of the article:

    bored boerboels are destructive boerboels and a 150 lbs, lion-fighting dog can do a lot of damage.

    No shit!!!!!!

    Well thanks for the input guys. I was actually pretty worried about this but it seems like it's not too likely to be a big deal. I really doubt my wife would be as willing to be dragged around the country if we couldn't bring our dog with!

  5. I tried searching but I haven't really found much about this. I think the regs are fairly new too (last fall) so maybe it just hasn't been discussed yet. I also put this is the spouse section because it seems like the place for family/housing questions, so if it would be more appropriate somewhere else please go ahead and move it!

    Anyway, I heard that the AF and Army both introduced some restrictions on what breeds of dogs you're allowed to have if you live on base. So I looked up the latest AFI, here:


    At the bottom of the first page, it says:

    a. Residents may not board dogs of any breed (including a mixed breed) that are deemed "aggressive or potentially aggressive," unless the dog is a certified military working dog that is being boarded by its handler/trainer or approval is obtained by the Installation Commander in writing. For purposes of this policy, aggressive or potentially aggressive breeds of dogs are defined as a Pit Bull (American Staffordshire Bull Terrier or English Staffordshire Bull Terrier), Rottweiler, Doberman Pinscher, Chow and wolf hybrids. Prohibition also extends to other breeds of dogs or individual dogs that demonstrate or are known to demonstrate a propensity for dominant or aggressive behavior as indicated by any of the following type of behaviors

    Now, I don't know if I really ever want to live on base if I can help it. But I'll be at UPT next year if everything goes as planned, and from what I've heard it's usually advisable to live on base during UPT for the sake of convenience.

    My concern is our dog is a boxer mix, and it's fairly apparent from looking at him that he's part pit bull. If I'm interpreting the above paragraph right, they're saying that any dog that's even partially one of the listed breeds would not be allowed. Is that correct?

    Also, I'm pretty sure all our registration paperwork for him says that his breed is straight up "Boxer." Would that be enough evidence to have him cleared to live on base?

    I just don't want to be in a situation some day where we're walking the dog on base or something and someone freaks out because they think they see an "illegal animal!"

    I guess worst case we'll just always live off base while we have him, but I'd like to keep the option of living on base open if I can, especially for UPT.

    Has anyone had any experience with this kind of situation that can weigh in with some advice?

    Thanks! :beer:

  6. Going the opposite direction from Act of Valor, wifey and I went and saw "The Artist" last night, just because I guess it won so many awards. All I had heard about it going in was that it was a "French silent film," so I kind of expected some stuffy European art crap. But it ended up being pretty entertaining! The interesting thing I realized afterwards was that I don't think it would have been any better even with dialogue. I guess that was probably the point.

  7. I forwarded the email to some of y'all documenting the latest in the

    36-2903 jihad; the wearing of 550 cord bracelets. Apparently, these are

    considered uber verboten due to them not being 'conservative'

    (conservative defined as gold or silver). Fun side note, an army field

    manual actually describes 550 cord bracelets thusly: "A paracord

    bracelet provides an easy way to carry a large amount of cord for an

    emergency, whether in combat, as an outdoor survival tool, or merely

    when a piece of equipment needs securing."

    People in the AF really have a problem with those things? I can vouch that they're very fashionable in the Army lately; I see them all over the place. And they actually can come in handy if you happen to have something that needs tying up!

  8. Saw this on Blu-Ray the other night. Wow. Best 80s movie of 2011.

    I was able to check that one out at the local "budget" theater for $2! Not bad, and I agree it was a pretty good 80's movie. It's no Bullitt, but pretty good!

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