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Posts posted by ThreeHoler

  1. Jrobe, SOS is BDE. Therefore, if you are SOS and BDE complete, you can still enroll in the OLMP Joint Warfare Concentration. Of course you can't enroll in the Master's only Leadership Concentration if you already have the rank-appropriate PME and your AAD complete. That would be a waste of time as far as the point of the program.

    ACSC (or the sister-service or foreign equivalents) is IDE. If you have done any form of ACSC and you have a Master's degree you cannot enroll in the Operational Warfare Concentration.

    You keep missing the point of the On-Line MASTER'S Program.

    The program is designed to give you a Master's degree. It has the added benefit of providing either 1) partial ACSC credit (3 of 7 courses) to Captains who have complete SOS but not a Master's; or 2) full ACSC credit to Majors (and selects) who have not completed both IDE and their Master's.

    Why would any Captain, who already has a Master's degree, ever enroll in another Master's program just to get partial ACSC credit when they could do the correspondence program in about the amount of time it takes to do their first course?

    The ACSC OLMP is not about ACSC. It is the side benefit. You keep missing this point.

    The ACSC OLMP is about the Master's degree.

  2. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you have to be an O-4 select to get into this program? That would be the catch. If it were a free easy masters that could help you get promoted to Major, it would be a pretty sweet deal.

    This is absolutely incorrect.

    There are three programs under the OLMP.

    1) Leadership Concentration -- "open to eligible Captains."


    Military - Active Duty USAF O-3s who:

    • Have Total Active Federal Commission Service of 6 or more years
    • Completed SOS
    • Do not have a master’s degree

      2) Operational Warfare Concentration -- "open to eligible Captains."

      Military - Active Duty USAF O-3s who:

      • Have Total Active Federal Commission Service of 6 or more years
      • Completed SOS
      • Do not have a master’s degree

      "The operational warfare concentration, based upon the MOA between Air University, Air Education and Training Command, and the USAF Weapons School, Air Combat Command, is specifically designed to award 12 Graduate Credit Hours of concentration credit for graduates of the 23-week Weapons Instructor Course (WIC) program graduating after January 2009."

      3) Joint Warfare Concentration -- "open to Majors, Major-selects and civilian equivalents."


      Military - O-4 selects and 0-4s on active duty, non-extended active duty, Air Force Reserve or Air National Guard. Individuals with either a Master's Degree or who have completed IDE, to include ACSC, may apply. However, individuals that have completed both a Master's Degree and IDE are not eligible.

      Most of this information is available right at the source, http://www.au.af.mil/au/dlmasters.asp, which happens to have been linked by the OP in the first thread.

  3. It is not well known and there appears to be no catch. Initially they kept it quiet (something like only 100 students a year) because they didn't have the ability to support a lot of students. But, I think if we promote the program to our bros it will continue to grow...and many people will gain benefit from the degree and PME credit.

  4. I would estimate around 500+ pages of reading assigned a week. The workload is totally dependent upon your ability to process a large volume of reading and distill it into salient 150-300 word discussion board posts once a week with two responses to other students. Expect a mid-term of ~800-1600 words and a final of ~2000 words. There are two of eleven courses dedicated to your research paper.0

    Instructors are willing to work around TDY and other issues, but you have to talk to them before it becomes an issue. I have been able to turn in mid-terms late without penalty during my PCS as I pre-coordinated with the instructor. Most instructors are retired O-6 types.

    AU is shooting themselves in the foot by not better promoting the benefits of their Master's degree program. Right now, the majority of my classmates in the Warfare Concentration (Majors/full ACSC credit) are civilians. In my experience, I have seen only a handful of officers, and even then only a sprinkling of operators. While some people have interesting perspectives, a lot of times the discussion points are addressed from the REMF perspective.

    If you have any sort of pride in your ability to create a coherent argument and support it with well-written prose, then you will likely want to murder your classmates half-way through your first course. Many of us take to drinking during our posts to numb the absolute stupidity of some posts that are filled with "LOLs" and other web speak bullshit.

    The material is interesting if you are willing to critically analyze it. I have offered supportable contrary views many times in past classes...and as long as you're not an idiot about it, you can still do very well even with challenging the establishment. Most my previous instructors encouraged opposing viewpoints and debates rather than the "Nice post, Joe. I especially liked...[fill in e-dick sucking here]."

  5. My most sincere apologies to all of those out there who slaved for weeks to get a Trident University Masters... I have often been forced to throw punches with folks who dared to speak ill of the prestigious Embry Riddle Worldwide University from where I will forver hold my undying loyalty!!!

    I am fairly sure he was referring to the real bricks and mortar Toro College in New York.

  6. three holer....thanks for continuing to give me Capt eligible stuff....once again this is not what I'm getting at...Your way off target here...I like your gusto however

    Yeah...thats what I was thinking...

    How am I way off base?

    Five seconds with Google and the four letters OLMP would have taken you to this informative page: http://www.au.af.mil/au/dlmasters.asp

    It would have answered your questions without you looking like a fucking idiot.

    Oh, and another pro tip: if you had bothered to tell people in your first post that you were done with your Master's degree instead of relying on us using The Force to determine your specific situation...you might have received a better answer.

    Regardless of your situation, there are situations where the OLMP is a great deal. The problem is that no one is finding out about it until it is of no use to them. Your dismissive posts do nothing to help other dudes.

  7. Yes, I am doing it right now. Iit is a much better time investment than TUI or any of the other crappy for profit degrees.

    Is it worth it for you? No. Because you have a Master's degree, you are intelligible for either concentration. You must take the normal ACSC course once you are a Maj(s).

    Is it worth it for everyone else out there who haven't started their Master's degree? Yes, for the aforementioned points.

    1) It can provide both ACSC and a Master's degree for a Maj/Maj(s).

    2) It can provide 3/7 of ACSC and a Master's degree for a Capt.

    Also, if you are a recent WIC grad, you get 12 credits and only have to complete the 7 core classes.

    It is 33 credit hours and in either of the three incarnations provides more benefit than the standard Master's degrees most flyers get.

  8. You can start it as a Capt with 6 years TAFSC. If you are not finished with it when you become a Maj(s) you can change from the Capt program to the Maj program. If you do finish the Capt program you'll have credit for 3 of 7 ACSC correspondence courses. You get a Master's degree. It doesn't require TA. It is ridiculously easy to get an A in each course.

    First three 8 week terms = 1 course only.

    Next four 8 week terms = you can register for 2 courses/term.

    You can be complete in 56 weeks of class if you double up courses once you're able.

    It is a win all the way around.

  9. This is actually a good thing, in my opinion. 250/credit hr or whatever they pay, simply reinforces behavior to get a cheap, worthless, for profit degree. $250*30 credits for a masters=$7,500. What quality degree costs only $7500? None is the answer. I got my masters from a state school and it still costed $1000 per credit hr. It will be interesting to see if they will mandate degrees if there is no financial support from the gov. It's kinda jacked up that people essentially have to pay for promotion.

    You can get a master's degree right now for no cost and never have to visit your base education office. http://www.au.af.mil/au/dlmasters.asp

    You even get partial (Captain) and full (Major and Major(s)) ACSC credit.

    (Edit to fix crappy formatting and attach the credit matrix)


  10. I guess this qualifies for the mile-high club. Do you have to finish above 6000A to count? Post the link if you can find the uncensored version, my google-fu is weak...



    Third link down: "Couple Has Sex While Skydiving (Very NSFW)". Your google-fu is extremely weak.

    While they may have jumped out sans clothes, I doubt there was any actual sex going on, either in the plane or on the dive. My money is on viral advertising campaign for the skydive operation.

  11. Heard earlier today that the NGA FLIP filesize is ridiculously large, especially compared to Jepps (the figure quoted today was over 6GB just for the NGA FLIP for the AOR), and is a big roadblock in the approval process.

    Jepp Mobile FD sits at ~600mb installed with around another ~600mb for the downloaded content (worldwide terminal and enroute charts).

    Some days I wonder what it would cost the DoD just to have Jeppesen handle the [e-]publishing of all our terminal charts so that they were all in one standard format.

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