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Posts posted by slackline

  1. 25 minutes ago, Swizzle said:

    2 pickup locations are determined by previous authorizations/orders and/or used allowance/entitlement.

    For example: I did 2 pickups within the same city no problem last PCS. Just listed it in pickup request and reflected it would be below max FGO allowance. Easy. Many people do this from storage and domicile/house within 50 mile radius. 

    But if you were to do 2 pickup from different cities/"areas", were your dependents authorized to stay? Were they not authorized to go to new place (similar but different question)? If not, have you used your Home of record (HOR) move? Want to? Did you not use 100% of previous PCS HHG allowance moved?

    It sounds like your orders should be (confirm?) unaccompanied PCS orders in which you took/used minimal PCS HHG entitlement to D.C. In which case you will use for TMO a combo of your unaccompanied and previous accompanied PCS orders with your new accompanied OCONUS orders to get it all to the same, new, OCONUS place. If it's not this case, TMO will probably give you trouble. G'luck. 

    You might be able to consolidate it at your family's departure point and get days to do that. As in, geo-bach stuff moved to family and then whole of family's stuff to OCONUS. That'll take some working, but should he do-able. 

    You want to reference the JTR and AIR FORCE INSTRUCTION 24-602 
    VOLUME 4
    15 OCTOBER 2020


    Great info, thanks!


  2. Okay, done some searching, but I haven’t found anything.  I don’t think my search function is working properly because every time I put in geobachelor/geo-bachelor/or any other possible way to spell it, I get zero results back every time.

    Here’s my situation: had to do the geobachelor thing for a PCS that was supposed to only work out to about 10 months of training and my son is a senior in HS doing one of those programs where he’ll graduate with a couple of associates degrees, and moving the family would have messed that up.  We’re doing an OCONUS move, and I spoke with TMO before I went to DC when they told me it shouldn’t be a problem to get movers at my location in DC and the family’s location, as long as my family’s address on my orders was listed as the separate location.  

    Anyone done anything like this in the past, or know someone that has?  Anyone familiar with the regs on this?  I am coming up on the move time in the next couple of months, and I just want to be prepared with some SA before I walk into TMO and the guy at this office says something different than the guy in the other office.  With covid, and the other craziness going on with the move, I didn’t ask for anything in writing.  I have it in emails, but I want something more firm.  

    Thanks in advance!

  3. 1 hour ago, Lord Ratner said:

    Lots of words, some good, some not so much.

    You make some pretty good points in here, but I think you still easily dismiss the hard evidence that goes counter to your narrative.  Affirmative action, I don’t have a good answer for you there.  I think we’re on similar ground on that one.

    I think where I take issue is that you’ve narrowed it down to “fixing their problem”, basically putting it 100% on them.  “Well, if they’d stop stepping out on their women and maintain a nuclear family, they wouldn’t be in this mess...” That ignores the massive amounts of policies that have existed in the US to make it more difficult for them to take out loans, buy houses, biases (since you guys all have a fear of the word racism) that prevented them from getting jobs, treated as hostile suspects, I could go on, and it’s all been laid out here a million times.  

    Even Trump didn’t hide it back when he was heavy into the apartment game.  Trump instructed them to label applications from black people so they knew who to deny.  I’ll even give him the benefit of the doubt and say it was due more to bias than racist beliefs.  

    Socioeconomic factors that have been created by decades of wrongheaded policies based off fear and/or ignorance have created the situation we’re in today.

    1 hour ago, filthy_liar said:

    Slackline feels guilty for being white.  He has bought the "white man bad" rhetoric hook line and sinker.  That is an unbelievably weak state of mind.  I think there are probably more and more like him in the military today, and unfortunately the military seems to be encouraging that line of thinking. 

    The Army regulations are knee-jerking hard left on this notion of white privilege, systemic racism, and wokeness...some of it is hard to read.  I'm not sure if the AF regs are going in the same direction but I certainly wouldn't be surprised if they are headed that way.

     Couldn’t be further from the truth.  I can’t control the family I was born into, just like I couldn’t control the country I was born into.  I lucked out on both accounts!  Very greatful for it.  Does that mean that if I see something we could fix I shouldn’t say anything?  I should just sit there with my mouth shut to make others feel more comfortable?  Acknowledging that something like having priviledges others don’t have simply because of the skin color I happened to be born with doesn’t mean anyone is racist.  It means we still have work to do to overcome decades of overtly racist beliefs that led to covert ways to keep others in check, given different names or justifications to make those around them feel comfortable.  

    I realize, I’m not convincing any of you with anything I say.  I‘m not saying it for you.  I don’t think you’re racist either.  Just so easily offended by the notion that there are still problems in the system that benefit one skin color more than another.  I’m opening myself up to the dreaded criticism from the internet for those that are just lurking, maybe aren’t sure one way or another, and actually consider reasoned, logical arguments.  What a bunch of people on an internet forum say about my online profile won’t keep me up at night...

    • Upvote 1
  4. 11 minutes ago, ViperMan said:

    I'm curious. What exactly is "social equality"? What does it look like? I like equality.

    I grew up as a white kid in the American southwest. Middle class parents taught me how to interact with the police. Be polite. Don't argue. Don't resist arrest. Don't grab cops' tazer/gun/other weapons. Don't make a cop fear for his life. Just the basics, you know?

    In regards to high-profile deaths of black people, in almost all cases (with the exception of Freddie Gray), they have been misrepresented, misconstrued, or otherwise shaped/framed in order to produce talking points and support the narrative that says blacks are systematically mistreated in the US. That is a fiction.

    What data? Data showing that different racial groups produce crime at different rates? The riots this summer were because of COVID. They would not have happened without a global pandemic that gave people nothing but time to think of something to be angry about. Cue the media and some sweet, sweet, narrative to push an agenda.

    Black crime affects the USA disproportionately. I agree that default police interaction and policing methods could broadly be made better in this country, but the notion that there is a disproportionate amount of policing affecting blacks in this country is unattached to reality.



    Looking at pure data, in 2017 blacks committed more absolute murders than whites (5,660 > 5,070). If the proportion of the two races was about equal, that would make sense. So, if we're going for "equity", which of those black murders should we let go in order to bring it into balance with the white murder rate? Or, which white people should be charged with murders they didn't commit in order to bring it into balance? I don't see an alternative outcome given the left's current position.

    The fact that a much smaller minority is able to account for a disproportionate amount of violent crime in this country does say something - trouble is, it doesn't say there is systematic police discrimination. What it says, in actuality, is that blacks are committing murder at about 7x the rate of whites.

    Now, given that, what is the solution to the appearance of over-policing? I don't know, but I'm open to novel solutions.

    The amount of demographic and social evidence that has been presented just here over the last year that you conveniently ignore when you present your "nothing is wrong here" picture is laughable.  

    But if you keep ignoring it, you can feel comfortable.  

    • Upvote 1
  5. Agreed

    1 minute ago, busdriver said:

    Expelling an elected congressman for things said /believed before their election (aka known to voters) would be counter productive, anti-democratic, and just plain creepy.  Dumb fuck or not, she was elected.  Just like the open socialists, pandering assholes, and the rest.


  6. 22 minutes ago, lloyd christmas said:

    You have to be the biggest condescending asshole on here dude.  For fucks sake, please stop.  

    I'm curious why you'd feel that way.  Plenty of people are way worse than me, but I don't tow your party line, so I'm condescending?  These are legitimate topics and concerns and if you don't feel like participating, feel free to hold your peace. 

    Also, if there hadn't been so much defending of racist actions in here I wouldn't even waste time posting it.  Not calling you racist at all, just saying there's a ton of apologist action made by many people posting in here.

  7. So, I’m absolutely torn on this because I absolutely can’t stand Greene, and as McConnell said, she’s a cancer on the Republican party, but I fear the Dems don’t understand the Pandora’s box they’ll open if they remove a GOP member in the minority straight down the party line. They’ll really regret it once/if the Republicans ever take the majority back...  Greene sucks and McCarthy should have censured her, held a vote to internally handle her dumpster fire in the making, but the Dems are making a mistake if they remove her.  

  8. 36 minutes ago, Seadogs said:

    Are you black? 

    Dude, Seadogs, you made bail after the riot?!  That was crazy man, crazy...

    In what way does anything I’m saying hinge on my skin color?  If I’m black it’s legit, if I’m not I should stop talking?

    • Haha 2
  9. 2 hours ago, Lord Ratner said:

    Actually, they are both bullshit, that's exactly what I'm saying. You have a neat way of selectively picking which talking points "represent" a particular side, while conveniently ignoring the others. The fact of the matter is that overwhelmingly what was claimed during the race riots was bullshit. It's not even worth the time to pull up the nearly endless list of prominent leftists making claims as to the fatal nature of black people interacting with the police. But never numbers. When your cause can't be quantified in any way without discrediting the cause then the problem is the cause itself.


    These riots weren't about getting pulled over more, or getting side eye from a convenience store owner, or gang violence, hell they weren't even about the very real issues of incarceration impacting the ability of black communities to dig out of a very deep hole. Overwhelmingly they were about police brutality towards black people. And the most prominent cases, used as evidence of a systemic attack on black bodies, were misrepresented in ways that discredit the entire argument. And it was merely a continuation of the same lie, with different names and different cases fed into the narrative. Michael brown, trayvon martin, and now George Floyd. 


    The bad old days of overt American racism are over. They have been for a while. The Civil Rights movement never required the mental gymnastics we see today to justify their protests, and yes, riots. It was plain to see for everyone, and because of such they were triumphant. The difficulties with race in 2021, and specifically within the black community, are much more difficult to address. There is no boogeyman, no villain to unify against. Not whiteness, not the police, not the system.


    But if I were to apply your logic to it then in fact the capital riots weren't about Trump or election theft, they were very legitimate protests against widespread yet nearly impossible to document election fraud, and just because a few crazies went a little too far, that shouldn't get in the way of the very legitimate and well-documented cause that they are supporting.


    There is no mortal threat to the black population in the United States from any element of the government, least of all the police. Minimize that claim all you like, but the rest of us don't need to be moralized over taking an argument at face value. One that was made over and over and over for a few years now. There was also no stolen election. Trump lost because Trump is a fucking moron, that's it. Yeah there are plenty of videos unequivocally proving voter fraud, but they are hundreds of votes out of over a hundred million. Neither statistic justifies the response, thus making the riots, on both sides, bullshit.


    It's completely chicken shit to tell everybody who disagrees with your narrative that they're just defending whiteness. I'm a fucking cuban jew, for Christ's sakes. You think I have a lot of cred in the white supremacist community? You can call out a lie for what it is without having an affinity for your own skin color.

    Sure thing...  Black people should not be afraid of the police. Copy.  They have nothing to worry about.  Parents should stop having "the talk" with their kids. Oh, sorry, I meant black parents because white parents don't do that.  

    Nobody is cherry picking anything. The unending amount of supporting data showing that the protests (a small handful devolved into riots which are bad in any quantity) over the summer were anything but BS. You and others saying they're BS won't make it so.

    Maybe I should have been more clear. I wasn't calling you out for down voting things you disagree with.  You've never, tht I've seen, done that.  

  10. 20 minutes ago, Lord Ratner said:

    Quite the contrary, I'm saying that Biden represents anti conservativism. If you must add Trump to the equation, he is certainly more conservative than Biden, while not being particularly conservative.


    But that doesn't change the fact that Biden is the opposite of conservatism. Which is why I pointed out other voting possibilities consistent with conservatism. But voting for the politician and party that is anti-conservative is not one of them.



    You gave other options, and I’ve written in names in past elections.  This was an election where, potentially, every single vote could have made a difference. I feel like writing in some other name would have been akin to throwing it away.  I wanted to ensure Trump didn’t make it in because I didn’t do my part.  With McCain (American hero, no slight on him there), I didn’t like his politics, but I sure as heck wasn’t voting for Obama.  McCain had no hope of winning anyway, so my write-in didn’t hurt him.

    9 minutes ago, Lord Ratner said:

    So we can at least agree that the BLM race riots started in May were based on a lie and fueled by lies, and directly in conflict with the reality of society in 2020. 


    Just like the Capitol riots were based on a lie and fueled by lies, and directly in conflict with the reality of the 2020 election.


    So why is it then, when it's the best time to be alive, including if you're a black man or woman in America, do people on both sides of the political spectrum feel like the situation is so dire that they must literally set fire to the streets?


    I suspect it's because of the people we are meant to rely on to tell us the truth, politicians, scientists, media figures, and intellectuals, have decided that winning is more important than honesty. It used to be that Republicans were always on their back foot in this game, because there was a line they didn't seem willing to cross. The Trump era has put an end to that. It seems like the only differentiation between Republicans and Democrats anymore is which lies they fight over.

    You comparing the Capitol riots to riots (not excusing them or calling them good) based on demonstrable and verifiable social inequalities is laughable.  You’re way above this too man.  You’ve put out so many intelligent points over time, that it is weird you’d drop that out there expecting it to land.  Riots=bad.  We all agree.  Capitol Riot was nowhere close to the same thing as the legitimate unrest caused by decades of mistreatment.  

    Go ahead, staunch defenders of the white faith, give me your downvotes.  You have very intelligent, die-hard conservatives in here echoing my exact points on what is happening with race relations in this country.  I haven’t seen you downvoting Clearedhot when he disagrees with your view that all is right in the land of social equality...  

    • Like 1
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  11. 31 minutes ago, Lord Ratner said:

    Not great at reading what others write? Where am saying otherwise?


    You aren't conservative if you vote for the opposite of conservatism. 


    Also, I meant to say Jo Jorgenson, not MJ Hagar. My bad. 

    Are you saying Trump represents conservatism?  Let's not mince words because that is the implication made here by your statement.  

    Considering him a vehicle for conservative policies, I could see that.  

    Calling Trump conservative is a stretch. He clearly flipped sides to where he thought he'd get the most mileage. There's a difference between showing a career politician who's positions have evolved a flip-flopper, and a man who one second espoused views 180 out from the next second. Trump, for those keeping score falls into the latter category.

    • Upvote 1
  12. 11 minutes ago, Bender said:


    The disconnect here arises from the notion that a statement/post must either defend or attack a position. Sometimes it’s just a fact, sometimes an opinion, which by nature doesn’t need to always advance or retreat to have value.

    The fact that a seemingly large majority of people believe that it does, is part of the problem with political discourse.

    We were, in my opinion, a little sideways before...now, oh my, we’re riding down the track backwards. Exciting anyways...


    Sent from my iPad using Baseops Network mobile app


    Pretty sure his response was not simply stating a "fact". But YMMV.

  13. 1 minute ago, MyCS said:

    This was discussed yesterday. Guys, let's set the record straight. Just because you vaccinate military, first responders, and educators don't mean bars and clubs will open any sooner. Your bases may remain in Charlie just because what is happening outside the gates. Not to mention, the different strains they have discovered. 

    The goal is for herd immunity to kick in around 80% of the US being inoculated. We're talking about 240M people if my math is correct.

    Please state intentions...  What point are you trying to make, or what drove you to trying to be the adult in the room here?

  14. 4 minutes ago, Lord Ratner said:

    I didn't say that. I said if you voted for Biden, you aren't conservative. Voting for no one, or MJ Hagar, or writing in an honest candidate, all that is consistent with conservatism. Voting for Biden because you can't stand Trump is not. 

    That is an absurd statement.  Period, dot.


    And Hagar?  Knowing her personally, I'll just go ahead and agree to disagree...

    • Downvote 1
  15. 2 minutes ago, MCO said:

    There is a reason why it can still be an unknown going into an election the polls are calling one way. Just because it’s theoretically a representative sample size doesn’t mean it is actually representative, even if you do everything right. Too many unknowns in an actual population. Based on my Facebook feed though some of those numbers wouldn’t surprise me even if my gut tells me they are high.

    I agree that conspiracy theories and peoples unbelievable ability to believe in them though is for the most part not good for anyone. Present real facts to a conspiracy theory and it’s chalked up to being part of the conspiracy. People have way to much faith in other people’s ability to keep a secret.

    Can you reword that please?  I'm not sure which side, if any, you're trying to defend/attack.

  16. 19 minutes ago, ViperMan said:


    Remember guys, getting the vaccine does protect others. Cutting people in line who need it more is not great, but there is still benefit. It's not a zero sum game.

    True, and I think nsplayr is right. If you're offered it, turning it down on some principle that your "more in need parents, sister, whoever" hasn't gotten it yet won't magically put that dose in the arm of your loved one.

    Don't actively seek to cut in front of a group more in need, but don't turn it down if offered...

    • Upvote 1
  17. 42 minutes ago, Lord Ratner said:

    I've never heard anyone say they wished they had an 80 year old involved in their project, yet somehow they are running the country.

    That’s ageism, and I'm triggered. How dare you!?


    Ok, I heartily agree with you!

    • Like 1
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  18. 5 minutes ago, HAWDINGL said:

    Where in the 75 Million do we draw the line on who is ignorant, and who is not? 40/35? 70/5? 65/10? just curious... I’d also like to see the same analysis done on the “more educated” Liberal voters. There are ignorant people on both sides of the aisle (reference any of the numerous man on the street quizzes).

    The Republican Party needs to figure it out though, because the numbers no matter what coalition they come up with: Trump/NeverTrump/Moderate etc might still not be enough to win a national election unless there is a severe decline in voter participation and 2020 was an anomaly.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Obviously not all 75m are ignorant. That goes without saying.

  19. 5 hours ago, ClearedHot said:

    Amen brother. 

    As a commander I tried to stay old school, there is no substitute for a good old fashion ass chewing...yell, throw in some profanity to get the point across.  Perhaps not professional but I saw no need to electrocute every Airman for a simple mistake....a mistake I probably made at one point and was lucky not to get caught doing.  If we truly believe people are our greatest asset, then invest in them, not only when they do good, but also when they do bad.

    Made a lot of LTs cry behind a closed door, then seen them totally turn things around.  Rarely yelled btw, the old disappointed dad routine works miracles.  

    I've also had it not work, sometimes you can't fix stupid.  

    I love this last sentence. We have to invest in them at all times, until they've proven that it just isn't worth it anymore. There's a chasm between that and career ending paperwork though.  

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  20. Problem is now people like Greene and Gaetz.  They truly do not care they're destroying any vestige of what was the GOP. You watch, they will burn this mf'r down not realizing the damage they will do to the country. 

    Romney, Cheney, Kinzinger, et al are eating poo sandwiches because people are still pandering to the whipped up base of ignorant voters Trump duped. 

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