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Posts posted by Homestar

  1. There are times where I think that there's no way that our country would find itself back in a place where brothers are killing brothers on a battle field.  But then I read threads here and am reminded that there are absolutely people here who wouldn't hesitate to shoot me dead if we ever get into a shooting war against ourselves.


  2. 4 hours ago, tac airlifter said:

    My MAJCOM A3 expressly forbid me from flying because I had "flown too much" during my career and "as an O6 select it's time to grow up."

    We have many great leaders, but also some terrible ones and folks should be wary of unpredictable outcomes once announcing intentions to leave.  An early CJO is valuable security.


    My MAJCOM A3 has no idea who I am. I assumed you were at the squadron level. 

  3. 7 hours ago, tac airlifter said:

     The AF has been known to fuck people getting out by taking them off the line. 

    That’s your DO’s fault. 

    If Delta had offered me a CJO two years ago I never would have applied anywhere else. That’s a lot of time and effort saved wasted on applying everywhere. 

  4. On 2/19/2023 at 2:24 PM, Vito said:


     It’s a bright new shiny toy, plus a perfect leadin for the airlines. Of course there is going to be a line to fly it. Same as there was a line to fly 135’s back in the late 50’s and even Buffs, when they were new.

    The weird thing is, from what I see, is that studs aren't putting it at the top. I see way more kids putting AFSOC stuff up there.

  5. 5 hours ago, Danger41 said:

    Thanks. T-6 changes?

    Seems like the T-6 2.5 syllabus has stabilized.

    FWIW Gen Miller mentioned the other day that they've managed to save some T-1s beyond 2026.

    XPW for T-1s will live on in some form, but your standard issue UPT stud will probably get the Redbird treatment before he/she goes to Altus.

  6. 14 hours ago, Danger41 said:

    Very interesting. How does the syllabus look for T-38 tracked students now? I’m so far out of the UPT loop so please pardon the ignorance.

    The T-38 track doesn’t change. T-1 will eventually be sim only. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. 17 minutes ago, B747CSO said:

    I am heading to Laughlin in March, and my orders say T-1 Sims only. I was under the impression that Laughlin would be the last UPT base to get rid of their T-1's and go sims only. Can anyone confirm or deny?

    Pretty sure Laughlin will be the first to lose T-1s with their legacy cockpits. But who really knows. 

  8. Thanks Jon. Working with you right now on a possible move to Utah.  Got to say, Jon is where you want to go if you’re an Air Force to Airline guy for sure! Great comms and he knows the ins and outs of airline life as a current airline pilot himself. 

  9. 6 hours ago, brabus said:

    Well the facts refute your emotional claim. Plenty of incentive combined with exceptionally great training programs and safety culture handed down is why we have a microscopic amount of accidental gun deaths. You clearly know almost nothing about firearms, the industry, or the related laws (thousands of them by the way), while simultaneously painting half of America as idiots who are  reckless, don’t care about safety, etc…based on emotional conjecture and wildly inaccurate assumptions. Good work.


    You mean the one where the govt has to approve you to buy a firearm and you have to beg them to allow you to defend yourself with a firearm? Yeah, zero support from me on that bullshit. Go back to my previous post on history repeatedly demonstrating why 2A is critical to our country’s survival. 

    I get it. You like guns and have a phd level knowledge of them. Sorry for having an opinion. 

  10. 2 hours ago, brabus said:

    Same comment as above. I know you can point to stories of jackasses with firearms, but it’s incredibly insignificant numbers. Less than 500 people die per year in the US due to accidental gun events. That number means nothing in the grand scheme of things, especially when we’re talking about constitutionally protected rights. 

    But you ignored my statement about supporting the Switzerland model of gun ownership. I have no problem with gun ownership. But in America we have no incentive to make it safe.

    • Haha 1
  11. 4 hours ago, FourFans130 said:

    By the way, they routinely drilled with their weapons, fully understood the concept of military hierarchy, came to duty when called, and were infinitely more disciplined (when needed) than we are today. 

    I've watched some videos about gun ownership in Switzerland.  I think the U.S. could really learn a lot from them.  Of course a lot of that is based in mandatory military service for everyone, but gun ownership is seen as a tremendous responsibility.  Lots of people are simply reckless with firearms.

    • Upvote 1
  12. 6 hours ago, HeloDude said:

    A Sandy Hook could have could have happened before 2012…and there were plenty of shootings before then as well, but yet you didn’t change your mind until after 2012?  Also how did the availability of guns change in the recent years before Sandy Hook?  Just curious how that all made you change your mind unless it was your emotions that caused you to form a different opinion.

    There hasn't been one event that has changed my mind.  I've slowly changed perspectives over the past decade.

  13. Just now, HeloDude said:

    That’s not what I would call then “extreme conviction”.  It’s not like the Second Amendment has changed in the last 10 years.

    But since you’ve mentioned it personally. How has your view on the 2A changed and why did you change?

    I come from a gun family, though we were just casual target shooters with dad. Sandy Hook made me change a lot of what I think about the availability of guns generally. I find myself more in line with the left on guns now. But I recognize guns are the law of the land and I don’t have the votes to change it. 

    • Upvote 2
  14. 7 hours ago, SurelySerious said:

    There are other people who crossed the party line to vote for impeachment that stated their reasons, and then quietly went about their business as legislators. Much more respectable than this.

    I’ll agree with you here. He definitely pulled the pin and dropped the grenade. 

  15. 7 hours ago, pawnman said:

    Self-immolation?  You mean being a darling of the party in power and levying that into a high six-figure job with CNN where he'll only have to work a couple days a week, for an hour at a time?

    God, I wish I could sabotage my own career that successfully.

    Doesn’t everyone here want to do the same thing? Except we call it airlines?

    • Haha 1
  16. 7 hours ago, HeloDude said:

    The same guy who once said he was a staunch supporter of the 2A suddenly now says he supports more gun control laws?  So much extreme conviction…

    I’ve changed my view on the 2A in n the last decade too. Nothing wrong with changing opinions. 

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