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Posts posted by usaf36031

  1. Lockjaw, could you please cite where you read that there was a CSAR replacement study coming out in September. I'm sure I'm not the only one on this forum who would be interested in following that up.


  2. A buddy of mine was getting away with being a backup linebacker for the Miami hurricanes for a few hours while bar hopping in Austin a few years back...until we ran into the REAL University of Texas Defense in a bar and a chick asked if them if we knew each other. We left that bar quickly.

    But remember, if you're ever backed into a corner, "SpecOps fighter pilot" always gets the job done.

  3. So how do you guys interpret Gates' comments about a "joint" solution. Do you think that he is hoping to strip the AF of it's CSAR capabilities or rather to find an airframe that all the services can use, like the F-35? It is sounding a bit to me like he wants to give all SAR missions to the Army.

    Also, what is the story with the HH-60M? Is this a viable replacement for the G models assuming that we're allowed to keep the rescue mission?

  4. That's a shame. Dustoff is a pretty noble mission. While it's not the CSAR mission that you guys train for, getting the opportunity to take wounded men off the battlefield to safety is nothing to complain about.

    Maybe some of your co-workers should have read about Mike Novosel.

    This quote stuck out to me. A true example of service above self. :flag_waving:

    In 1963, Novosel was working as a commercial airline pilot when a deep sense of patriotism called him to return to active military duty. By then, he was 42 and the Air Force did not have space for any more officers in the upper ranks. It was then that Novosel made the decision to give up his rank of lieutenant colonel in the Air Force to join the Army and fly helicopters as a chief warrant officer with the elite Special Forces Aviation Section. He served his first tour in Vietnam flying medevac helicopters (Dustoff) with the 283rd Medical Detachment. His second tour in Vietnam was with the 82nd Medical Detachment. During that war, Novosel flew 2,543 missions and extracted 5,589 wounded personnel

  5. Funniest thing I heard while on Center.

    "Birmingham Approach, Aggie XX, FL 210, request ILS approach to Tuscaloosa RWY 04"

    "Aggie XX, I see you are coming from College Station. Are you here to take our coach?"

    This was the "recruiting" flight Texas A&M (located in College Station, Texas) used to pick up Coach Franchione for a visit to the campus.

    Yeah, probably shouldn't have let them land in retrospect.

  6. I have a theory that just about everybody flying for the AF has thought that they wanted fighters at one point or another. Phase 2 does a great job of making up your mind one way or the other. I personally was very gung ho fighters for YEARS, but now that i'm a few weeks away from track I want to fly herks. Funny how that happens. The story is the same for most of my class. Those that still want fighters have always wanted them, those that don't probably did at one point along the way.

    Granted there are a few that will tell you that they're heavy dudes through and through and that they've never wanted to fly anything pointy, but in my limited experience they're somewhat rare.

    Just do your best, keep your options open and don't decide anything until after formation solo.

    Good luck.

  7. B.) I ask myself this question regularly. I honest to God don't know, but about 1 month ago, I got stopped by my superintendent and counseled for a good 15 minutes because I didn't have the SVS occupational badge on my uniform (last time I checked this was optional). He proceeded to firmly tell me that his generation fought hard to earn the right to have an occupational badge, when the Air Force didn't authorize a badge to be worn and I should be considered lucky to wear it. That my give some inside to the general rationale of the senior leadership in SVS. Again, maybe it has to do with battling an inferiority complex, hell I don't know.

    Actually...It has to do with the desire to EXPRESS yourself. You DO want to express yourself don't you?

    Brian over there, has on THIRTY SEVEN pieces of flare, and a great smile to boot....


  8. I just read the wikipedia article on "AFGSC". Sounds like they will control all Buffs and B-2's.

    I didn't see it explained how these assets would be tasked for conventional sorties (seem much more likely). It also didn't mention the Bone. How does it fit into all of this?

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