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Posts posted by pcola

  1. yeah, weird. .....who would have ever thought this thread would take a turn towards dick measuring.


    ....to the OP, take a look at this picture and ask yourself which one is more attractive to you. Then you'll have your answer.


    I guess that could be true, if you think of airplanes as a person to make you a sandwich or get you a beer.

    As for the OP: If you want to either a) deploy to some shithole for 4 months at a pop and fly to the same auxiliary shitholes every other day, or b) get used like TACC's little bitch with 17 hour ground times between 24 hour days for 10 days at a time, go fly the Barney.

    If you want to move more cargo, faster, and then get to enjoy your crew rest, without spending more than 2 days a month in Afcrapistan getting chiefed, fly Fred. And oh, BTW, you make more money broken in Rota, Ramstein, or Hickam than 3.50/day at any "undisclosed" location.

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  2. My airline used that Youtube video as a CRM case study example during a class last month. Complete with remarks from the civilians such as "I heard those pilots were asshole Colonels," "They don't get to fly much since they're C-5 guys," "They don't like listening to enlisted guys so that's why they never spoke up." I was slightly offended, but I really couldn't disagree.

    I don't know about these particular dudes, but not generally the case in the C-5 community. We fly a lot, and we always listen to a good engineer. Loads...meh.

    "Go Around" seems to work every time. Just sayin :nob:

    Wouldn't have worked in the C-5 crash.

  3. Wow. Looking back at it, that is a shit-ton of text. Sorry, but I thought there were some good points in there.

    For the record, my MBA is from a "bottom-tier," not a top-tier. But I do believe that writing skills are indeed important either way.

    There were. I was just giving you guys shit for a brevity fail. And they are important. I just don't like to do it all that much (which is why my degrees are engineering.)

  4. It seems to me like you're missing the point, so I'll spell it out a little clearer. Scheming a way to do ACSC as a Capt is about as perfect an example of shoe-clerk, CGOC, party planning, pepper grinding, jack assery as I've ever seen.

    This culture of "racing to check all the necessary boxes" is a cancer to our Officer corps. It needs to be stamped out. Yet you spend time thinking up a way to game the system and actually take it to another level. You should not have to be thinking about a Masters degree right now, but unfortunately the AF we live in requires it, so go ahead and knock it out. You do not need to be thinking about ACSC right now, so don't. The last thing any of us needs is some a-hole like you to further lower the bar with another idiotic idea to one-up your peers, so that all of your peers feel the need to do the same, so that the new unofficial standard is ACSC halfway complete prior to the Major's board.

    And don't even think about replying with a lame ass excuse about getting it all done early so you can have more time for your kids that you don't even have yet and that you weren't even thinking about how awesome you'll be when you have ACSC done before all your buddies. Nobody's buying it. Your plan sucks.

    • Upvote 4
  5. I'll soon be eligible to start the ACSC OLMP. I am already halfway through a masters program (AMU military studies) which I should finish in about a year and a half. I'm considering getting w/in one class of finishing my masters and then switching to the ACSC OLMP to get some of the ACSC courses knocked out. Once I've completed those ACSC courses then switch back, finish the masters before my first Majors board, and after I get picked up just complete the ACSC requirements. Wondering if anyone else has tried this or if completing my masters would dis-enroll me from ACSC OLMP? Can I switch from the OLMP to the regular ACSC once I'm eligible? Right now I'm married with no kids so if I want to get as much of this BS knocked out as early as possible.

    Sounds like a really solid plan. You should do that... :vomit:

  6. Anybody here gone through Ranger School? It's not just about meeting the standards. Most are washed out in the first week because they don't have the mental fortitude to gut through it. Yes the official answer with the fitness test is so many push ups/situps/pull ups; but it is also a test of the mind. Guys are typically knocking out 90+ push ups in that event because the grader will mess w/ them and not count push ups. A candidate will continue to knock them out until they have achieved the minimum number. The grader will mark down the 65 push ups required but as I said before they more than likely knocked out 90+. The same goes for the rest of the test with the exception of the 5 mile run in 40 min's. Ranger school is all about a gut check. A lot of guys who make it past the first week, who are at the top of their game physically, will not make it due to some form of leg/knee injury from all the rucking that they do. Then there is also peer evaluations. So how do you think a woman will make it through the peer evals (that will be out the door). Anybody ever watch any of the documentaries on Ranger School. To quote my wife, "women are already loopy from the start." Men are working on almost pure instinct by the point that it gets to where guys start hallucinating. I don't see a woman even making it through Infantry Training which I have been through. If we are looking at full equality. Then I would suggest that there is just one PT standard which males currently do, true equality since there is no real difference between a man and a woman. As a father of a daughter, I am completely against it especially since this will create a possibility that she has no choice but to enter military service. I do not believe in equality. Some are made stronger, faster and smarter and good on them. In the realm of ground battle, men have the obvious advantages that are necessary for winning battles as quickly and efficiently as possible. I can remember my Parachute Infantry Regiment Company Commander almost disowning me because I had purchased GI Jane. I thought it was a half entertaining movie. But I knew it was fiction and could never happen. I know it won't happen until they lower the standards for the sake of equality and giving in to the whining women that want leadership positions just for the sake of the title. It will be harder to operate and win quickly and efficiently w/ women in the combat units.

    Agree with your post. I think the problem most of us have with this policy is the inevitable problems that will arise upon injecting jaded females into these types of environments. What happens when a female gets half of her pushups or sit-ups counted? Yep, she was treated unfairly because she's a female and gets a pass. What happens when she fails because her peer evals suck? Yep, she was discriminated against by the majority for being a female trying to break into a male dominate career and gets a pass.

    We agree, it is extremely unlikely that women will pass these tests in significant enough numbers to make a difference either way -- so why introduce the problems? Why, yet again, do we have to bend the masses to pander to the extreme few? Why invite all of the problems that history tells us are certain to arise?

    I'm not opposed to progress, but I'm also a fan of the liberal application of common sense.

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  7. Go to your account settings, and there is an 'Ignore' Preferences setting. Type in 'nsplayr' in the 'Add a new user to your list,' check the appropriate containers (Ignore: [ ] Posts [ ] Signature [ ]Messages [ ] Chats) and select 'Save Changes.'

    If I get five bucks from everyone that does this to ignore nsplayr's posts, I'm taking the wife on a cruise!

    Cheers! M2

    THANK YOU! Worked like a charm and I can finally enjoy the forum again. PM me your address and I'll drop that crisp $5 in the mail! BTW, I was able to make it through all the remaining 9 pages of this thread in no time after cutting out pages of liberal drivel.

    • Upvote 1
  8. In the minority, I know, but I tend to agree with gravedigger here. What is so hard about passing the PT test? Its not like they are giving no-notice fit tests. And as a CC, how can you uphold the standard if you can't meet it? This should be a non-issue in an AF with so many actually fucked up policies.

  9. I heard this brought up today by some of the younger guys that DG from your commissioning source is looked at. Any veracity to that/what impact will that have?

    Probably minimal impact on its own, but can help show a trend if you have other DGs and incorporate them all into your PRF. Ie "3X DG! ROTC, UPT, SOS...excelled at every level......" You get the point.

  10. How about being part of a Battalion that was deployed for 15 months... home for 10... deployed for 12 months.... home for 16,,,, Finishing deployed for 10 months... planning to be home for 13.5.... and already on the patch chart to redeploy for 9 months (just short enough to not get R&R). 18 month dwell time? Bueller?

    Maybe I'm missing your point, or maybe my math is bad, but why would anybody stay in that Battalion for 7+ years? Pretty sure I would've punched during the "home for 16" part.

    I'm curious as to the legitimacy of Duck's claim that his tanker buddies have been gone >600 days in two years...but hey, their STRD ought to be pretty recent based on the 548/3 year rule.

    Mine says 8/21/12. I used 27 days of use/lose and I've been gone at least 45 days already since my short tour return. I don't even fly tankers.

  11. So, his stated goal in the original video was to take a little bit of money from chik fil a via his free water. Instead, the publicity caused by his stunt causes this:

    Ate there yesterday. The cashier told me they've been so busy since the incident that they ran out of food by 5 p.m. Thursday. Yesterday it was a 20 minute wait just to order (inside). Line for the drive-through was backed up through the El Con Mall parking lot to Broadway.

    And he gets fired. Epic Fail.

  12. but I'm in no way shocked because of the quality of pilot the Air Force puts out these days.

    And what is it that is leading to the deterioration of the pilot corps? They best and brightest are still being recruited. UPT still puts out a highly trained yet inexperienced product (imo.) The fault lies in the misplaced focus on career-oriented objectives. After UPT, qualities that do not involve flying are valued over those that do involve flying. This leads to a decline in the quality of aircraft commanders, instructors, evaluators, and flight leads. Which leads to indefensible mistakes.

    I don't think people are making excuses for the pilots' errors (assuming that was the cause.) People are asking the question of why do we have an environment where such errors are possible. Speculation aside, from what most of us have witnessed first hand, this is a valid question regardless of the ultimate cause of this particular incident.

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