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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/17/2016 in Posts

  1. Plenty of dudes who tracked t-1s could have done just fine in -38s. I'd say most of the top T-1 guys would do good, it's the bottom of the T-1 class that doubtfully would have made it but you never know. There is a certain truthfulness when you say it's completely realistic for a person who washed from -38s to do fine in T-1s, but not vice versa. Some commanders tried to argue this, it didn't go over but I think we lose some potential pilots who would be just fine in a crew jet. Give me a dude with a killer drive and attitude to fly fighters over the reluctant top stick T-6 student anyday though. UPT performance is not always a great indicator. I had some T-38 students who we thought were lucky to get a fighter back in the day, now they are patch wearers, community leaders etc. Likewise some of the DG's were sh-t in their fighter.
    1 point
  2. Numbers look good for a RPA slot. Rumor mill is the guard/reserve is having some trouble recruiting. Far as the UPT vs URT it depends on the unit. I would expect URT but some units send dudes to UPT. (I know Syrucuse does UPT for most guys) And yes you could switch if your unit lets you go. If you go to UPT you could have the option down the road of going back to a manned asset.
    1 point
  3. I don't have any of the stats but keep in mind, based on some post-board comments from past board members and AFRS, that there are at least 15 scored sub-categories, bunched fairly equally into 3 major categories (Education/Aptitude, Experience, and Potential/Adaptability), that are part of the board scoring process. Of those 15 or so, only a couple involve actual hard numbers (GPA, AFOQT, PCSM) while the rest are somewhat subjective evaluation of things like experience, education type/class content, LOR comments, previous job experience, interviewer comments, communication skills, etc.). Drawing conclusions based simply on numbers may reveal information about only 15-20% or so of the boards scoring (if there are roughly 15 sub-categories, then each would only be about 7% of the total, although on any given board the actual weight may shift slightly based on needs). I've seen applicants with very high AFOQT and PCSM scores be non-selects, and others with scores below 20 get selected. Don't get fixated on the numbers.
    1 point
  4. The new process for Reserves, per the 340th, is that you'll PCS to UPT directly after OTS (with 6 days of leave in between). Then you'll be at your UPT base until your class starts. That's the best/most recent info I've been given to date.
    1 point
  5. I have used the software defined 360 controller, literally torn out of the package. The FLIR controller is a 360 on steroids, had something like a dozen or more buttons and knobs. I'm a big fan of the one hand use, as SO is one of the many jobs you do simultaneously. Cooter
    1 point
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