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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/07/2015 in Posts

  1. It's pretty unnerving reading this thread. I'm very relieved that I went guard when I made the switch to the AF. Army flight school was stressful, and I managed to come out on top and get what I want, but at least I didn't have to worry about stuff like this! The Army doesn't do very many things right with regards to aviation, but one of the things it nailed is the way it handles its UAS (RPA) program. The program always was, is, and always will be completely separate from regular flight school, and the operators are enlisted. That's not to say they let any old joe fly a Grey Eagle, they have high standards for applicants. Here's the reality: For an enlisted guy, flying a drone is cool, something to be proud of. If they get to do it, they feel accomplished and will likely continue to serve. No one goes to the Academy or puts all their life's time, money, and energy into getting into flight school to go RPA. This is a life commitment, we grew up our whole lives dreaming about flying and working hard to earn a career in the field. Say what you will about patriotic duty this, and just happy to serve your country's needs that; it's not ok to take someone who devoted their life to being able to fly, send them to flight school, and then pull the carpet out from underneath them and give them RPAs, even if it's only a temporary assignment. Guinneapig fury, I agree with making the guard/reserve units that are already flying drones more active in order to fill gaps but if you are suggesting that more guard units be converted then of course I think you're wrong. We're basically a Total Force now and one of the only ways that the AF has been able to stop some of its best pilots from leaving is by letting them palace chase to guard units. The guard is more active than ever, and the AF cannot meet its mission requirements without the help. As far as to how even just temporary assignments affect retention, someone did an interesting survey on the subject. Note the timing; about two years prior to the huge 11F shortage and bonus offerings: EDIT: Grammar
    3 points
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