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Didn't fly on Friday, but I'm on the schedule Tuesday. Studied a bunch during the day, sat in on some briefs and debriefs, watched others pre-flight the aircraft, and helped some people learn their radio calls.

The senior class had their solo party in the afternoon. They basically sat in their flight room drinking beer with their IPs and having funny stories told about them. Some of our class sat in on it (we were all invited, but most were busy, and we couldn't have any of their beer).

A bunch of us went out to Red Lobster then saw Pirates 3. Fantastic!! I thought it was great...

Then we came back and drank in our bar for a while before crashing. Slept in late this morning, very nice!! We have Monday off, so I'm relaxing for a few days...

If anyone is interested, I've posted some pictures on the gallery here


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