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AOPA Aviation Summit 11-7-09

This past weekend I attended the AOPA Summit in Tampa. I saw the list of forum topics and had eyed a few that I wanted to attend - however, in the end I spent all of my time in the exhibit hall. The summit was nicely put together and the Tampa Convention Center was a great (upscale) venue to hold this event. The exhibit hall was gigantic and had the usual booths such as Sportys, Pilot Mall, Garmin, Jepp, ERAU, etc. Additionally, the FAA was well represented - I spoke at length with the f



Updates and State of the Baseops Nation

Just wanted to shoot out a quick update to keep you all informed as to the latest warp-speed changes going on here at the Baseops Network. If you are a frequenter of these forums, you probably noticed we upgraded/changed our forums software. We now are running the latest (and greatest?) version of Invision Power Board. There were a few growing pains / glitches in the transition. Unfotunately, it was bad timing when I chose the same few days to upgrade the forums as well as stand up the



7April Russian Spammer

Well, as most of the board members know, the forums were compromised yesterday by a piece of filth spammer. This individual, after signing up for an account, proceded to send out well over one hundred Private Messages (PMs) to members. His PMs contained links to "bad neighborhoods" on the web including adultfriendfinder and malware sites. First, I do apologize to any and all that followed the illicit links and hopefully nobody's PC is permanently jacked. I unfortunately, did not delete the s



New Baseops Home Page (sort of)

All, I just finished a complete re-write of the Baseops.Net home page. To the casual observer, it may look nearly identical to the old home page. Upon further review it is a bit less cluttered, and a little better organized (based on the sheer volume of content presented). What I did was write the page from the ground up -- this time completely in notepad just for the heck of it -- and I used .CSS for my formatting. This did several things: a.) reduced the page size by at least 67%, b.)



New Wiki Pages Added

All, I have recently added two new Wiki sections to go along with the TDY Gouge Wiki. These Wiki pages use the same software as Wikipedia (MediaWiki engine) and are fully editable by any registered member of these forums. Please continue the spirit of these forums by adding to and upholding the accuracy of these wikis for all to benefit. If you have any ideas for future wiki topics, please comment on this blog and I will add those sections. New Wiki sections: FTU Wiki -- for details



UPT Blogs Banned by AETC Leadership

I have seen a disturbing trend recently. Less and less UPT Journals (a.k.a. blogs) are making it to the "blogosphere" - and the few that are out there are being rapidly purged from the internet. Kind of smells like Mao's Cultural Revolution... Then the www.baseops.net site started receiving emails asking for links to certain UPT blogs be removed. The requests were coming from the authors of those blogs and they were citing negative feedback (and even strong intimidation) from their UPT Squ



Way Ahead for Baseops.net

Fellow Baseops.netters, I feel like I have been neglecting you all when I installed the blog software months ago and had yet to post anything. So here is my first post. I would like to mention a few of the things that we (the baseops.net team) will be working on in the near future. As always, this site is a collaborative effort and if you can help out or can think of a better way to do things, please contact us. In order to help out the newbies and to separate the golden threads from



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